Monday, May 9, 2011

can i get a retainer in another state?

i have lost my bottom retainer for the second time. it's only been 1 or 2 weeks, and i am going out of state this weekend. i was wondering if i could just go to the local orthodontist where i'm visiting and present them with my dental insurance card if i'll be able to get a new retainer if they do impressions also. i don't want to comment this to my mother, who will not be going out of state with me, so i was wondering if i could use this opportunity. thanks.
This can be done, but you must remember that there are limitations to how many plates can be done on your insurance, if there are no limitations, then it should not be a problem. Your mum will find out about this as she does get statements of treatment done on the insurance.

Can you answer this insurance question?

I have dental coverage but no adult orthodontic coverage. I need braces and am hoping that my husband's employer will add this for us. Has anyone ever done this? If so, did you have to pay anything for the additional coverage? Was there a waiting period? Any other info is appreciated.Thanks!
yeah you will be covered by your husband...youre Married so i dont see why not

I have a crossbite, how long will I have to wear braces?

Hi, I have a slight crossbite, my middle teeth on the top and bottom don't allign. The rest of my teeth are pretty much straight, except for one molar that got turned around as it grew in, but everything else in my mouth is okay. Sometimes my crossbite causes slight discomfort in my jaw, and the dentist said that could lead to serious problems as I become older. I went to an orthodontist two years ago for a consultation, but we didn't do anything then, because my parents didn't have dental insurance at the time. I am in 8th grade, and I was wondering if anyone knew how long I would have to wear braces, and what else I would have to have done with my mouth, such as headgear, retainers, rubberbands, etc. (you can barely see any problem with my teeth unless you get really close to my mouth, but I have to get it fixed because it can couse tmj and all that stuff) thanx!!!
It will take approx. 2 years. You'll have to wear rubber bands, which aren't bad. Most dentists don't do head gears anymore. You will definitely have a retainer that you will have to wear after you get your braces off. Your teeth will move if you don't wear them, but most orthodontists can now do a bonded retainer that you don't have to take on and off. It'll be fun!

Which insurance plan is best for me?

Im 23, my son is 2. My wife is pregnant, and she and the new baby will join my insurance in september. I am looking at Unicare. I have had good experince with them in the past. What deductable would be a good idea? I am health, my child is healthy, I know bad things can happen, I can not afford any of the deductables. Office vistits, and pharmacy, and dental is what I am looking for more so. The lowest deductable I can afford starts at 1000, and even that is a bit pricey. I am having to go through individual insurance because my current work chagres 1k a month for insurance. I cannot afford this either. I am just confused as to where I should go. Please help. thanks, Justin
Not all insurance plans are available in all states. Speak with Blue Cross, and United HealthCare. Maybe Aetna. See who has a plan available... You might reconsider teh plan through your employer. Its hard to find private plans without deductibles; much less, with a small one... Good luck

welding jobs in or around Auburn?

im planning to move to auburn the only problem is my husbands current job is good he works at a shipyard in mobile al and he gets as much overtime as he wants steady raises health and dental insurance and is making around $20/hr..i was wondering if there are any similar jobs/companies in the area ..we need to stay near his current salary and the insurance and he does not want to work away for long periods...any thoughts?
Bri Weld Industries 55 Gold Ledge Avenue Auburn, NH 03032 (603) 622-9480 Welding

What should I do about this job offer ?

I have a job offer at a big corporation nationwide and on the other hand I have the same offer with a close friend of mine, the big corporation has all the benefits medical ,dental , 401k and life insurance the hole 9 yards , and my friend is giving me the medical and vacation , and sick time only but is a 2 minute drive from my house , and the other job is like 1 hour drive , which would you pick the big corporation job is a stable job ,my friend I really don't know and I have waited about 6 month for the position . which would you choose ?
Working for a friend means an end to the friendship. You have a tough decision to make. I would probably choose the corporate job if the friendship was really important.

Which is the best health insurance for an indian visitor,67,in USA?

which will pay me for any dental or health problem treatment?
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

How many types of job benefits can you think of?

this is for a database where you can select the types of job benefits offered for different jobs. How many can you think of? I came up with 401K, company car, free daycare, dental, full benefits package, housing, life insurance, limited benefits, medical, paid vacation, profit sharing, and no benefits. I need more to list. Can you help?
I've seen companies that have offered product discounts of their own products and from their suppliers. Professional certification courses such as a CPA, Foreign language training, MBA or other university courses. Annual events such a office parties, sales junkets, etc. Per Diem stipends for travel, cell phone, extended maternity or paternity leave, adoption leave and benefits. Free massages, excercise classes, speakers, etc on the corporate campus, free or subsidized meals.

Does Anyone Live In Albuquerque, NM. That Has Had Wisdom Teeth Removal, for a low cost?

I really need my wisdom teeth out, I don't have dental insurance, and I don't have loads amount of money to be spending on my tooth. I Really Really, Need them out. very soon. Please if you can, tell me it cost you, for all 4 teeth removed. I would also like a reccomndation to that dentist. PLEASE...
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

My teeth are very sensitive to cold and hot foods and transparent at the edges, especially the front teeth....?

they also have large gaps between them and generally move when I try to move them with two fingers. Can I have an implant dentist completely remove them all and put in stronger and bigger implants since I can't bite on anything hard with these "baby teeth" either????? I do have dental insurance, so I assume it should should not be expensive.
You need to see a cosmetic dentist. You should brush with Sensodyne toothpaste to relieve the sensitivity. There are mouthwashes that can strengthen your enamel. Implants are too drastic. Bonding is probably the way to go.

oil of oregano cures tooth decay?

I don't have dental insurance & have to have a very pricey procedure due to tooth decay on one of my teeth. The decay is under one of my prior fillings. I have started putting oil of oregano on the area since i've heard it can almost cure the decay, can anyone help me out on what im actually doing by putting this on the tooth and does this really work?
It may help but it burns like the dickens. I have a colloidal silver machine and started making colloidal silver and swishing it in my mouth and also drinking it. I don't know how deep that oil will go under the filling though, if it is enough to actually kill the infection. I do know that I had a sore tooth and gums and since using the colloidal silver they are good now. You can also use colloidal silver for many other types of infections.

Has anyone ever had invisalign? How is it?

Does it work? Is it expensive? (I have good dental insurance, but I'm not sure they cover it.) How quickly does it work?
Invisalign works if you do what is required of you for compliance. If at any time during or right after invisalign if something needs tweaked Invisalign includes this in your cost. Prices range office to office. We charge 4200.00. An office 30 min away is 5200.00. Shop around. Most ins. will cover $1000.00 on ortho. Each case is different so you never know how long you will be in them until you go for your clin-check.

who should i try to ask for another opinion if i'm unhappy with the way a dental procedure was done?

i had my second root canal done last week by another dental group, due to insurance changes. my first one was done by a specialist, and to me, was done much better, and with more care and professionalism. the tooth that i went in for was a molar on the lower right side, which i was told was cracked in several places, with a large crack running to the gum line with a cavity at the end. i was given a "long" acting numbing shot on that first visit, along with rx's for penicillin 500mg and a pain med, and told i needed a root canal which would be done a week after being on the antibiotics. i had to call back the following monday because i was still having alot of discomfort, and the only change made was to the antiiotic, which then was cephalexin 500mg. this was done reluctantly, as i was told their office had a history of patients not showing up for procedures. initially, i accepted this reason, even though i had already given this office 2 post dated checks for the procedure. i was very anxious about the procedure, as i kind of am with any i've had in the past. i asked to pay for nitrous (gas) to be used during the procedure. (ins. won't cover that). i went for my procedure, (had been told by dentist he had someone that came to in to do these), had been given rx for anxiety, but i didn't take it as i figured the gas would be enough. something didn't feel right the moment i sat down and was examined with the tapping. i felt like he hadn't done many root canals at all, and this was even more so after 3 attempts with the gas, i didn't feel any gas at all. he said that something must have been wrong with the machine because he had turned it up as high as it would go, or my tolerance was extremely high. i don't know how true that is, because when i had my previous root canal, i had to ask the specialist to turn the gas down. twice i had to stop him during the procedure, the first because saliva was pooling in the back of my throat, and half way through, i felt a very sharp pain radiating into my ear. i was given another shot for this. i was told after it was over, i would need no medication other than ibuprofen for 2 days for soreness. i've had discomfort for a week now, am running a low grade temp and called them to talk about it, and was told the dentist i initially saw was uncomfortable doing anything about it without me being seen today. my followup was supposed to be thursday, but i do not want to go back. what could be causing the discomfort still, as i can't put pressure on the tooth. who else should i try calling? what can i do in the meantime? should i have been told if the person doing the root canal hadn't had much experience?
Ask another dentist.

I Live In Genesse County and have no health insurance and heard that they have a program to help?

I need help with my dental work
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs.

Why is unemployment less then welfare?

I live in the state of Michigan. I've worked 40+ hours a week for the past 13 years. Why does the person who's never worked a full week of work get more money then me, free health insurance, free dental, help with cost of housing and food stamps. My cost of living is just as high and most of the money I would be getting would be my own taxes that I paid. Shouldn't unemployment be the same amount and also give you the same benefits that someone can get on welfare?
Sorry to burst ms little's bubble, but in most cases if you are unemployed you do not qualify for the additional assistance that people on welfare get. The main difference is with unemployment your check is based on a percentage of what you earned. The question is correct though, why if unemployed, must you still PAY for insurance at the rate of the policy you had before you were laid off, pay out of pocket for dental care, plus your own house and food, unless your unemployment rate is below a specific level, which then even with additional assistance you would not be able to pay your mortgage or rent payments. I also live in Michigan, and even now, because I had other means to support myself would not be eligible for many of the services offered to those who never worked, but yet I paid into the system for 25 years, and now have no income as I have not been able to find a job and unemployment has run out. After all this, I still have not applied for anything from welfare, but will soon if the situation in this state does not change soon. So remind me why I would want the government to provide more free (taxpayer) care for people who are able to work and refuse?

Any ideas for a friend in need of sliding scale or free dental work? details below.?

My good friends teeth are rotting out of her head! She has no insurance, and very little resources. All dentists in our area want tons of money up front. There is no saving these teeth, she needs them all pulled and given a set of false teeth. I am worried because she keeps getting these horrible infections which can abscess and kill her! She is a wonderful person who is raising two children on her own and somehow doesn't qualify for ANY kind of aid! I wish I could pay for this, but that's not an option either. I was just wondering if anyone out there had some ideas of where to turn for help?
i agree with the dental shool but pick one that you know the trainees are not retarted at make sure they are not going to make her worse

Do you think they will pay me for training/shadowing?

I will be training (shadowing a worker) for a new job at a medical center which is located throughout the Mid-West. Do you think I will get paid for my training? They did not say, but if they are going to match what I put into my 401K, pay for my MBA 100%, and give my health insurance (including dental/vision) I'm guessing that they would pay me for my training. What do you think?
until they mention it dont conclude it .. they mi8 expect u too take up the burden until training is over .. solution is to call up and ask if its included or not

Where can a person get emergency medical treatment in USA?

I am new to USA so don't know all things. Suppose if a person is bleeding, NOT so severe but it requires immediate medical attention where can he get treatment If he doesn't have insurance? There are so many dental clinics around my area but haven't seen any medical hospital nearby. I have seen Kaiser hospital but I think it is closed on weekends.
Any hospital with an emergency room.

Is it a good idea to cancel my denplan while i go travelling?

I'm going travelling for 3-5 months in april this year and need to stop all my outgoings. i have a denplan agreement and was wondering if it's possible to stop it and then start paying it again when i come back from travelling as my travel insurance will cover me for dental problems anyway or if it's just best to carry on paying it while i'm away.
Denplan is crap,if you miss your appointments and return later then you will have to pay anyway so i would cancel it and restart later

I need health insurance and I cant get any cause I don't have kids and I'm not an immagrant Isn't that crazy ?

I work and I'm in college I have severe dental problems I signed up for health insur and they denied me cause I wasn't having babies @ 16 and I'm not a immagrant I would not dare vote for anything in this shitty country ..the same people they are giving free insurance to cant even vote for them cause they don't have social security numbers how funny is that??
Hello, I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up about 5 years ago when I was in college looking for affordable coverage. They have saved me thousands since. From cleanings, root canals, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Check them out, they helped me.

Why do dentist always insist on extra work to be done on your teeth?

I just wanna get my teeth cleaned & dentist's always try & tell me they wont clean my teeth unless i do other unnecessary work on my teeth. Is that what they teach them in dental school 101, to run up the dental office visits to charge the insurance companies/patients to put more money in their pockets? btw what if they just cleaned my teeth would they not make much money off of that?
Your question is hard to answer. I am a dentist and took my dental school 101 course and it told me do the right thing :) Some dentists don't. However if you have decay or other problems that are serious and you are one who keeps on just getting cleanings and skipping your other appts....then you are not a compliant patient and the dentist can tell you no to the cleaning...good news for you is that you can just switch dentists...bad news for you is that if you do indeed have problems the next dentist will end up doing the same. Now this all assumes there is something wrong which needs fixed and that you can pay for. There are unfortunately those out their who cheat just as there is in any profession. Watch out for those! Finally realize that pain or lack thereof is not a good indicator of need of work...I hear it all the time from patients. Decay doesn't always hurt and it requires most often just a filling....when a tooth really's too late and most often you will need more than a filling. Good Luck and yes most of us make enough off of cleanings to pay our staff and our hygienists and other office bills

Denist for low income individuals or no income?

My daughter is in her last year of College and she does not have dental insurance. Her wisdom tooth is Killing her and she has idea what to do. Can I get info on where I can tell her to go to get her pain at least manage. College cost a lot and we have both been financially drained and cannot afford insurance at this time. If it matter I am a single parent that does not make a lot of money. She goes to Lewis University in Romeoville IIL
go to

Approx. price to have remaining teeth pulled and get full set of false teeth?

A friend of mine lost most of his teeth many years ago and the rest (maybe half) are in terrible shape, on the verge of falling out. Needless to say, he doesn't have dental insurance and won't be getting any before he needs to have this taken care of. He wants to get the rest taken out and get a full set of false teeth... Any idea how much this might cost without insurance???
Try a dental school he will have the work done by students but it is usually 1/4 the price of a regular dentist and all the work is supervised by practicing dentists so if there are any concerns it will be taken over by a pro. Good luck!

Insurance At The Age Of 18?

Well I'm 17 gonna be 18 in a year from June 21 2010 and i have Endometriosis and I get alot of infections so im gonna need medical insurance when i move out what one is the best and i dont have much money also i need help paying for the pills, optometrist, dental, and chiropractor. plz? help
I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes so you can find the best option for you