I don't have much money to be paying for out of pocket dental expenses, and the tooth ache is kind of minor as to where I can take a couple of Tylenol and it goes away for almost the whole day. It's been this way for about a week... how long would you wait? Or is there something I can tell the dental office where they won't charge me to look at it? I had about $2,000 worth of work done about four months ago, and it's one of the teeth they worked on that is hurting now. Advice?
It could be high.The filling sometimes is high,even a hair makes a difference.Just try to close your mouth slowly and see if everything touches at the same time.Feel if your bite is even.If the tooth hurting touches before the others,that means they need to adjust the filling.Defenately give them a call and let them know about it.Sometimes the tooth needs a month or more to calm down.It depends.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
1199 Dental Insurance?
I'm under my mom and I lost my insurance several months ago because I took the semester off from college. I just got reinstated few weeks ago. Anyways, a few months ago I lost several of my fillings--in succession. Because of this when I accidentally bit down on a steak bone I lost two of my right back teeth (not right away) and one of them is only half gone, some is still embedded on the bottom. On my left, my top back teeth has a big hole and my tooth is throbbing! Directly below it is another that lost a huge chunk of the filling. I'm so embarassed going to the dentist. I couldn't do anything about it during the time I had no insurance. I have an appointment this friday but I don't think they cover bridges, crowns or whatever they do to replace my missing teeth. What should I do?
Don't be embarrassed!Dentists have seen worse teeth than yours. At least you are starting to get them fixed.
Don't be embarrassed!Dentists have seen worse teeth than yours. At least you are starting to get them fixed.
Dental question?
My teeth on top in back started feeling numb. And than started hurting, and when I look in the mirror my gums are swollen. I haven't had a cavity in over 25 years. And I have never had a toothache, I have one now.. I don't ever want another one. :) I don't have dental insurance, so I dont want to go to a dentis if I don't have to. Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone have any idea what it could be? BTW I went to the dentist about 6 months ago, he took x-rays, the whole she bang and I was fine, no cavities or anything. Thank you
If you had a clean check up 6 months ago I seriously doubt it's decay. You have probably eaten popcorn or nuts with skins or some other food that's lodged under the tissue and gotten inflamed and swollen. Since you can pin point the area, take a piece of dental floss and tie a single knot in it, slip it in under the tissue as you normally would, then pull the floss allowing the knot to pass through the tissue and remove the debris. This usually works on the first try if it doesn't try a few more times. Switch your medication to Advil or Motrin 600-800 mg for the inflammation, swelling and pain. These work much better than Tylenol. Also use real warm salt water and swish vigorously. If you don't dislodge it, you'll have to call the dentist and let them get it out. Hope I've been of some help and that you're able to get it out. You're the 3rd person this week with this problem, and the floss always works. Good luck! Additional information: Sinus infections are known to cause people to think they are having a tooth ache. Are you having sinus trouble? The roots of the upper teeth rest just below the sinus cavity, if they are swollen and inflamed (from allergies or just an infection) this will cause the sinus to increase in size and push against the roots of the upper teeth causing you to have pain. So it could be your sinuses that are bothering your teeth. I'm hoping for something under the tissue but if this is a possibility take some Benadryl or Actifed (any antihistamine) and see if the tooth settles down. Good luck and I hope you are doing better today!
If you had a clean check up 6 months ago I seriously doubt it's decay. You have probably eaten popcorn or nuts with skins or some other food that's lodged under the tissue and gotten inflamed and swollen. Since you can pin point the area, take a piece of dental floss and tie a single knot in it, slip it in under the tissue as you normally would, then pull the floss allowing the knot to pass through the tissue and remove the debris. This usually works on the first try if it doesn't try a few more times. Switch your medication to Advil or Motrin 600-800 mg for the inflammation, swelling and pain. These work much better than Tylenol. Also use real warm salt water and swish vigorously. If you don't dislodge it, you'll have to call the dentist and let them get it out. Hope I've been of some help and that you're able to get it out. You're the 3rd person this week with this problem, and the floss always works. Good luck! Additional information: Sinus infections are known to cause people to think they are having a tooth ache. Are you having sinus trouble? The roots of the upper teeth rest just below the sinus cavity, if they are swollen and inflamed (from allergies or just an infection) this will cause the sinus to increase in size and push against the roots of the upper teeth causing you to have pain. So it could be your sinuses that are bothering your teeth. I'm hoping for something under the tissue but if this is a possibility take some Benadryl or Actifed (any antihistamine) and see if the tooth settles down. Good luck and I hope you are doing better today!
Dental Question...?
I think I have 3+ cavities in my mouth and I was wondering how much fillings cost. I already have white fillings are they more expensive than the silver ones? I do not have dental insurance but I have the $. I am just wondering so I can go in to the dentist's office knowing what to expect! Thanks!
first youll need xrays, and a check up before they do anything. and that can cost upwards of 200 bux or more. then a filling itself can cost 200.
first youll need xrays, and a check up before they do anything. and that can cost upwards of 200 bux or more. then a filling itself can cost 200.
Dental Bill for a visit?
I went to a dentist and was referred to another dentist because I had a cavity under my gum line. The second dentist was to do an examination to determine surgery to reduce the gum line in order to fill the cavity. Come to find out after the visit, the second dentist was not in my network for my dental insurance. The dental insurance paid the non-network provider $18 on the $136 bill. I also paid $13.60 on the bill on the day of the visit. I received a bill from non-network provider for $104.40. I understood that since it was a non-network provider that I had to pay this. Today I got an EOB from my medical insurance for the same visit for the $136. My dentist is a network provider for my medical insurance. The medical insurance's allowance for the procedures totaled $53.00 and the medical insurance paid $23.00 of that bill and stated that I own the provider $30.00. Does this mean that I own the dentist $30 minus the $18 from the dental insurance minus the $13.60 that I have already paid?
Dental insurance sucks. You should be happy it was that low.
Dental insurance sucks. You should be happy it was that low.
What is the average cost of dental crowns in georgia?
I need 4 crowns in my front teeth. How much can I expect to have to pay for these if my insurance covers 50%? This is in Georgia.
You can expect to pay after insurance about $500 a crown give or take.
You can expect to pay after insurance about $500 a crown give or take.
Dental pain?
Ok, so I have really bad TMJ as well as wisdom teeth that are coming in. The wisdom tooth in my upper left side of my mouth has already fully come in and I heard it's not supposed to. It has pushed my gum over to the side of my mouth and is hurting my jaw. Also, my TMJ is getting worse by the day and sometimes my jaw gets caught to one side and *it's very scary* i'm afraid i'm going to break my jaw by opening it when it's caught to one side. How does one correct these two problems. Especially the pain, which is nearly unbearable! Plus, we no dental insurance...please help!
Go see a dentist, periodontist or an oral surgean. You are gonna just have to set up some kind payment plan. What you are describing is a big issue that has to be taken care of asap.
Go see a dentist, periodontist or an oral surgean. You are gonna just have to set up some kind payment plan. What you are describing is a big issue that has to be taken care of asap.
Dental CAre?
Where can i find an affordable dental insurance that can help pay for braces if you are over 18 in New Jersey?
If its not offered through your employer, then don't bother. Most companies only have orthodontic coverage if the employer is over a certain number of employees (25?) So, finding true insurance for just one individual is near impossible. Also, don't be misled by discount plans (sold at Sam's or Costco), they are not the same. They give a discount to you when you go to their providers, watch out though, the doctors are usually not good. They sign up to be on the plan to gain referrals and have to compensate the discount by either having higher prices or have to have more patients. This makes the quality of care go down usually. Also, you may pay more for membership or premiums than you may get in benefits...best bet is to fork out the full fee for the braces.
If its not offered through your employer, then don't bother. Most companies only have orthodontic coverage if the employer is over a certain number of employees (25?) So, finding true insurance for just one individual is near impossible. Also, don't be misled by discount plans (sold at Sam's or Costco), they are not the same. They give a discount to you when you go to their providers, watch out though, the doctors are usually not good. They sign up to be on the plan to gain referrals and have to compensate the discount by either having higher prices or have to have more patients. This makes the quality of care go down usually. Also, you may pay more for membership or premiums than you may get in benefits...best bet is to fork out the full fee for the braces.
In need of dental Implants...?
I recently had 3 teeth extracted and would like to get dental implants. My dentist advised that at my age (23) these would be better than bridges. I know most dental insurance does not cover this procedure and the price for an implant is just not realistic for me at this point in my life. Is there any program or dentist that does these for a cheaper price? what are my options?
Check to see if there is a dental school in your area. They need practice and are quite reasonable
Check to see if there is a dental school in your area. They need practice and are quite reasonable
Braces or dental veneers?
Ok so I have brace i got my wire on today. The pain is so horrible!! And its effecting my singing so i can't make more youtube videos of me singing. It hurts to bad. Shud I deal with the painfor 2 years or try to get dental veneers?? Does dental insurance cover venneers..I'm 15 btw so let me know thanks and does anyone know how to ease the pain
Hello :) I had braces and you should really deal with the pain and not get the venneers, it isn't going to hurt 24/7 for the 2 years :P it will only hurt for a couple of days everytime you get them tightened. It's really not that hard to cope with because you get used to them very quickly and theres always pain killers! good luck :)
Hello :) I had braces and you should really deal with the pain and not get the venneers, it isn't going to hurt 24/7 for the 2 years :P it will only hurt for a couple of days everytime you get them tightened. It's really not that hard to cope with because you get used to them very quickly and theres always pain killers! good luck :)
is humana dental good?
http://www.humanaonedental.com/affordable-dental-care-details.aspx?productId=131 look at that for me and if you have time look at the procedures price link and tell me if this is a good dental insurance? i am 18
Its average, there are others that can do better, get 3 quotes and then decide
Its average, there are others that can do better, get 3 quotes and then decide
Western Dental Billing - Illegal Costs?
I went to Western dental for sudden wisdom teeth extractions. My dental insurance covers 80% of this procedure and the Dr. is in my network. Because they are in my insurance list of providers they are under contractual agreement to honor prices set by the insurance for the procedure. At the time of service I paid $90.00 as a first payment and they had estimated the price of the procedure and the insurance payment to the procedure. When I received my Explanation of Benefits from my insurance, they stated that my financial responsibility was only $98.50. After a huge run around with the Western Dental office and many claims they would speak to my insurance about the costs - they haven't and I sent a letter of complaint with the $8.50 I owed. They are still hounding me to pay the rest, but I have determined they are trying to make me pay the full cost even though my insurance entitles me to the contractual price. I have sent a complaint to the state attorney (CA), but is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Western Dental is threatening to send the account to collections (this has been ongoing for little over a month now), and I am worried about my credit. Is there any type of legal action I can take? Thanks!
Your insurance company should be handling this for you. Speak to them and ask them to have a representative come on the call with you to the dental office. If they have a dispute regarding the reimbursement rates, there are generally specific policies that are followed in each state. One note, you didn't say how much they were asking for, but it's possible the $98.50 was AFTER your $90, depending on how it was reported.
Your insurance company should be handling this for you. Speak to them and ask them to have a representative come on the call with you to the dental office. If they have a dispute regarding the reimbursement rates, there are generally specific policies that are followed in each state. One note, you didn't say how much they were asking for, but it's possible the $98.50 was AFTER your $90, depending on how it was reported.
Are dental implants "nice to have" when you have lost back teeth, or "need to have"?
Patient is 80 years old with no front teeth missing. They are, however, missing 2 upper left molars, 3 upper right molars, and 2 lower right molars. They are not in pain and can chew adequately. But now a dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry has recommended expensive partial dentures to replace the missing upper 5 molars. In that the patient has no dental insurance and is fixed income, the dentist suggests spreading the cost out over time by replacing the missing upper molars with partial dentures now, and the lower molars with partial dentures in 1 year. The question really becomes is whether the patient really needs to go broke paying for implants they may not really need. So do cosmetic and implant dentists sometimes recommend discretionary work? Or would these implants truly be necessary to prevent drifting of the remaining teeth or other deterioration? Are implants more cosmetic? Or structurally necessary? And versus spending hundreds more on X-rays with another dentist, what is an inexpensive way to get a second opinion in a small town with few dentists?
In all honesty, if the patient is that old and it's just the back teeth, why bother getting them? The patient is not in pain, and does not have any problem chewing so their is no problem. Obviously, the dentist will recommend them, because they want your money. I would suggest not to get them, if you certainly don't need them of course. Good Luck! Anyone answer mine?: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…
In all honesty, if the patient is that old and it's just the back teeth, why bother getting them? The patient is not in pain, and does not have any problem chewing so their is no problem. Obviously, the dentist will recommend them, because they want your money. I would suggest not to get them, if you certainly don't need them of course. Good Luck! Anyone answer mine?: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…
What Dental Catagory Does This Fall Under?
uim lookin at dental insurance and my main concern is getting my "Bonding" and "Contouring and Restoration" for my teeth but I dont know which catagory bonding andf coutouring is under,... Primary Benefits Teeth CleaningsNo Charge (No waiting period) Restorative Dentistry/Fillings20% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (No waiting period) Oral Surgery50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Extractions50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) X-RaysNo Charge (No waiting period) CrownsStainless Steel Crown:50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible(6 month waiting period) Resin/Porcelain Crown:50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible(6 month waiting period) Root Canals50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Periodontics50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Dentures50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Topical FluorideNo Charge (No waiting period) SealantNo Charge (No waiting period) Bridges50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Endodontics50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period)
It comes under Restorative Dentistry. For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website http://www.identalhub.com/ArticleSubCate… You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist
It comes under Restorative Dentistry. For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website http://www.identalhub.com/ArticleSubCate… You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist
Pay for braces for child (child support) when supplemental insurance has not kicked in jet?
We pay child support for my husbands daughter and provide all medical and dental coverage. We also recently got supplemental insurance coverage which will cover her braces if needed. We told my husbands Ex that the supplemental dental insurance will not kick in till after a certain amount of time. We now just received a bill for his daughters braces. His Ex didn't wait till the insurance kicked in and got the braces done now. She wants us to pay for the whole sum. What amount exactly are we obligated to pay? We want his daughter to get her braces and have nice teeth but I'm a little upset that his Ex didn't wait till our insurance kicked in! Could we decline to pay since she didn't wait for the insurance?
Get a medical loan, pay it for the braces, and then take the loan to court regarding payments for your ex since it sounds like it should be a 50/50 deal. http://www.fhf.co.za/covered-medical-pro…
Get a medical loan, pay it for the braces, and then take the loan to court regarding payments for your ex since it sounds like it should be a 50/50 deal. http://www.fhf.co.za/covered-medical-pro…
free or low cost dental work at college or university.?
So I have no dental insurance like most young 22 year old college students living on their own with little money in their account. I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. I don't go to georgia tech but I live near by and I found out that they do have a dental program. I'm wondering if they take volunteers to do work on by the students for a low fee or maybe free. Where would I go to find out if they do take volunteers. Not just G tech but for any college in general. At this point I don't care if they are students so I don't mind that they are inexperienced. Plus they are always supervised by licensed instructors anyways so if something goes wrong or the student backs out they can take over. -So is their a good website to find out such information - Should I go to the college to find out, if so what part of the college should visit. - or should I just kick in the do waiving the fo-fo and demand action, lol.
I was in the same situation when I was in college also years ago. I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From exams, crowns, fillings, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. I hope this helps.
I was in the same situation when I was in college also years ago. I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From exams, crowns, fillings, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. I hope this helps.
why is it there is no emergency dental care available like there is for medical such as an er?
Over the years I have paid for plenty of dental work. Root canals that failed, extractions..when I had the money I paid for it myself. At this time I have no dental insurance and am unemployed. My dental issues are affecting my health so badly that some days I can barely function. I am beyond extractions and need an oral surgeon. The problem is that they all want a pay as you go plan. Really and how do I do that if I am unemployed?..There is no dental Medicaid for my age group. And though I am currently seeking employment I can honestly say that days have I missed from my previous job were due to my teeth causing me health issues. I have been trying to jump through hoops to get help with this and I feel like its all about money. Last year an er doctor even wrote in my follow up paperwork that I can and will die from the abscesses I have if I do not get into an oral surgeon. Do oral surgeons not follow the same guidelines as doctors when it comes to helping people?...I would think they would want to save people not stand at the door and slam it in your face if you don't have cash even if it is life threatening..I am going to die from heart disease oe something from this crap all because I am..poor. Also it is almost a year later and I still have infections in my mouth I am tired of going to er's and clinics for antibiotics and they are tired of seeing me. If I had a dime for every time they told me to get to an oral surgeon I would be rich and have dentures by now.
dental implants what to expect?
i have to have 3 teeth removed my doctor is already tellin me i will definitely need some implants but i dont know what to expect? will i have teeth extracted then that heals then i return for the implant discussion, how that is done i do have good dental insurance i already know my xrays and cleaning and fillings will be payed but the cosmetic part i will need to pay some deductable are maybe all of course my oral surgery will have some deductable as well but want to know whats the proceedure i feel bit nervous but not scared as my doctor said i will be alseep for both proceedures..
I recently had teeth removed and implants placed under general anaesthetic at the same time. Having done this way, you may need to have bone graft material placed around the implant to help stabilise, But I feel it's better because it will hopefully mean getting the final crowns on earlier as opposed to waiting for the extraction site to heal before placing implants--- I was swollen and a little bit sore for almost two weeks, but many people who have implants report no pain at all.
I recently had teeth removed and implants placed under general anaesthetic at the same time. Having done this way, you may need to have bone graft material placed around the implant to help stabilise, But I feel it's better because it will hopefully mean getting the final crowns on earlier as opposed to waiting for the extraction site to heal before placing implants--- I was swollen and a little bit sore for almost two weeks, but many people who have implants report no pain at all.
Hi guys, Do you think it is really worth it to have private health insurance in Australia?
I have one with MediBank and i have to pay a lot each month. I just wondered whether it is really worth it. Instaed I can pay all this if I need it. For example I heard it does not cover dental expenses as such, for example if you have a dental procedure for 5000$ then it just pays a small amount of it. I really think there is no point having it?
I too work in the health Insurance industry and I think what you are getting stuck with is a cover with little or no Gap benefits. If you can find a fund that participates in the "health fund alliance" you are more likely to find doctors that will participate in a no(or a little) out of pocket expenses. Big funds generally don't join the alliance because, basically they don't have to, but smaller funds join the alliance to help there members get better benefits. Also if you earn over $50k and are over 30 there are penalties that will occur when you have no (hospital) cover.
I too work in the health Insurance industry and I think what you are getting stuck with is a cover with little or no Gap benefits. If you can find a fund that participates in the "health fund alliance" you are more likely to find doctors that will participate in a no(or a little) out of pocket expenses. Big funds generally don't join the alliance because, basically they don't have to, but smaller funds join the alliance to help there members get better benefits. Also if you earn over $50k and are over 30 there are penalties that will occur when you have no (hospital) cover.
Dental surgery, what is it like?
I went to the dentist a while ago, they wanted to do a procedure where they dig under my gums and clean them out, I guess they had stuff up there. I want to, but im afraid of how much it will cost. I do have dental insurance, and also will it hurt? What else can i do to strengthen my teeth besides brushing, flaw sing and rinse? Also, i have some dark colored buildup behind my front bottom teeth (about 4 teeth). How can i get that off? * 15 hours ago * - 3 days left to answer. Additional Details 14 hours ago Ok, so I'll schedule an appt this week or so. Will I have have stitches in my mouth? Is it a one day process? How long does it take? Do I have to miss work?
I don't know how old you are but start early with good dental care or your going to be in a world of hurt when your older. These questions are best asked of your dentist and what he plans to do. Be strong and take good care of your teeth.
I don't know how old you are but start early with good dental care or your going to be in a world of hurt when your older. These questions are best asked of your dentist and what he plans to do. Be strong and take good care of your teeth.
Where can I find a good dental plan?
I need an individual insurance plan. All I can seem to find online is discount plans. Can anyone help me?
I only know of the Dental Discount Plans, You may want to go on googgle and search for Individual Dental Insurance Plans
I only know of the Dental Discount Plans, You may want to go on googgle and search for Individual Dental Insurance Plans
Can I wait six months to get dental fillings?
Last time I went to the dentist, they informed me that I needed to get two fillings. I made an appointment to get them done, but I don't think my insurance will cover any more dental work this year. I just got my wisdom teeth out and I think this maxed out my dental insurance for the year or nearly did (I get 2000 dollars of coverage a year). I am wondering if it would be okay to wait until January to have the fillings done. I looked online and and found that fillings cost around $250 a piece!
You can wait as long as you feel your health permits, however if you are concerned with the current price of fillings you should consider asking your dentist for a sealant and what the price is. NickyR: I'm suggesting a sealant because she is concerned about prices for fillings. Any good dentist is sensitive to finances.
You can wait as long as you feel your health permits, however if you are concerned with the current price of fillings you should consider asking your dentist for a sealant and what the price is. NickyR: I'm suggesting a sealant because she is concerned about prices for fillings. Any good dentist is sensitive to finances.
Where can I get free or affordable dental work (long story)?
I am twenty years old and unfortunately, have never been to a dentist. My parents could not afford dental insurance and sadly, my teeth have suffered. I was never taught proper dental care (I didn't know you were supposed to floss daily) and only brushed once in the morning. My two front teeth have a cavity between them, so large that it has created a very ugly, uneven gap. The two lateral incisors have basically almost completely rotted away and there are cavities forming in the incisors next to those as well. Two molars in the back have completely rotted, leaving only large brown holes in my gums. The saddest part about this is that I was voted "Best Smile" in elementary school. : [ What's even worse is that my wisdom teeth are about to come in. I can feel it. I have done much research on the procedures that I will need done. For example, I know I will need extractions on my four front teeth, a root canal on two of my molars, fillings in probably 8 teeth, crowns on a few others, and I would like to get implants in the four teeth that are extracted. All of this, based on my research, would cost $20,000 or more. I did the calculations to be safe. I have CareSource but they do not cover more than two dentist appointments a year unless you have a certain condition and they stop covering cosmetic procedures after you turn 21 (I'm not sure as to why, it's all pretty messed up). Are there any places in Ohio that are offering smile makeover contests, free dental procedures at dental schools, or any other things of the sort? I really need this fixed before June 2010 as I am supposed to get married.
I would use one of those 2 yearly appointments and get to the dentist ASAP. At the very least you can get a thorough cleaning and even set up an appointment to take care of any manageable problems (which can quickly turn into big, expensive problems). You also can get recommendations on what your teeth need, which you can then turn into your insurance to see how much might be covered. There's no sense in trying to find other sources of dental work until you find out what your insurance and dentist can do for you.
I would use one of those 2 yearly appointments and get to the dentist ASAP. At the very least you can get a thorough cleaning and even set up an appointment to take care of any manageable problems (which can quickly turn into big, expensive problems). You also can get recommendations on what your teeth need, which you can then turn into your insurance to see how much might be covered. There's no sense in trying to find other sources of dental work until you find out what your insurance and dentist can do for you.
Dental Question???? Please help ASAP?
Hi, Okay so one of my front teeth had a little tiny chip in it, I ignored it and ignored it, now they chip has gotten bigger and the other night I went to look in the mirror and the chip is huge now and brown inside like it is rotting. So now I am freaking out because it looks so gross and I don;t have any dental insurance. I am waiting for benefits from work , which will be about a month or two, and then I can go get it fixed. I have been looking online for a cosmetic solution until then. I have been reading up on dentemp and other products from them, such as "refilit" or "recapit" does anyone have any experience with these products? or know of anything else I can use to try and hide this??
How Does a Dentist Treat a: Chipped tooth —If there is no pain and the chip is small, it's up to you to decide if, when and how the tooth should be repaired. Depending on the size of the chip, it can be smoothed or cosmetically corrected. Other options include veneers, crowns and fillings. Ask your dentist to explain these options. If a filling or artificial tooth becomes chipped, it should be replaced. Cracked or broken tooth —Cracked and broken teeth should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be necessary. If a crack affects the enamel and dentin of the tooth, a crown is frequently the best treatment. Keep in mind that cracks are not always visible, even on X-rays. Symptoms may involve pain while chewing and Sensitivity to cold and possibly hot foods and liquids, as well as air, which may over time become more pronounced.
How Does a Dentist Treat a: Chipped tooth —If there is no pain and the chip is small, it's up to you to decide if, when and how the tooth should be repaired. Depending on the size of the chip, it can be smoothed or cosmetically corrected. Other options include veneers, crowns and fillings. Ask your dentist to explain these options. If a filling or artificial tooth becomes chipped, it should be replaced. Cracked or broken tooth —Cracked and broken teeth should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Root canal therapy or tooth extraction may be necessary. If a crack affects the enamel and dentin of the tooth, a crown is frequently the best treatment. Keep in mind that cracks are not always visible, even on X-rays. Symptoms may involve pain while chewing and Sensitivity to cold and possibly hot foods and liquids, as well as air, which may over time become more pronounced.
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