My husband showers at work because he has a very dusty nasty job. He normally does not shower here at home daily. My biggest problem is that he doesn't brush his teeth regularly. I (like a parent) tell him to do so. I usually will not kiss him until he does brush his teeth. We had not had dental insurance until recently, but how do I get him to realize this is a problem? How can I not hurt his feelings but let him know? Tactfully please....Thank you!
Get him a dental appointment. Hopefully he'll have some issues and the dentist will break out the needles and drills. Talk about dental/gum health with him. Just in general, not accusatory. Find a website with pictures of nasty teeth and gums and show him what happens if you don't take care of your teeth. Get him a new toothbrush that he loves? This is his parents fault, not yours.My mother always stressed the importance of dental care when I was growing up, I don't think his did. I was in the same situation and after getting his first cavity (he was 32) he really perked up and starting taking better care of his teeth. I think this is more common than not, I've had girlfriends with the same problem. Guys..whats the deal here???? Good luck ;)
Friday, July 8, 2011
can someone help me find a reasonable dentist in St. Louis, MO?
I need bridges, caps, crowns and extracts I have been told that would cost me $17000. Yes that cost is right, I have dental insurance but to get one bridge is $1500. I need 6 bridges, about 7 or 8 caps and other things these where just major issues that cost the most.
Dr. Thomas Flavin, he is a great dentist with great prices and will work out a payment plan. His office staff is incredibly nice also. He is located on Watson right by Ted Drewes.
Dr. Thomas Flavin, he is a great dentist with great prices and will work out a payment plan. His office staff is incredibly nice also. He is located on Watson right by Ted Drewes.
Ok, my husband needs full DEEPcleaning on all his mouth.. top and bottom..two teeth extracted and a root canal
we have no dental insurance..... how much should that run? thank you
Check and see if there are any dental schools in your area. They need patients to perfect their skills. This is all done under the supervision of an instructor. My son did this when his girlfriend was testing for her dental hygenist program.
Check and see if there are any dental schools in your area. They need patients to perfect their skills. This is all done under the supervision of an instructor. My son did this when his girlfriend was testing for her dental hygenist program.
What can I do about broken teeth?....?
I was down for a week with a really bad case of the flu and decided I was well enough to get out last night. While standing in line at the bowling alley, I became hot and disoriented and then I proceeded to pass out. When I fell, I landed on my mouth, thus breaking four teeth on the upper row between my canines. I went to the emergency room where they ran some tests and told me that I passed out from being dehydrated. The doctor figures I lost a lot of fluids during the past week while I had been sick. Anyway, here I am with no medical/dental insurance and four broken teeth. I MUST repair them.. as long as they are broken, I'll never get a good job and I can say goodbye to ever having a date. I am a musician, so I depend on my voice to make a living.... now I don't even have that. The way my teeth are sitting currently, it's hard to sound normal when I sing.... Anyway, has anyone out there been through this before?... What can I do?... Please help, I could certainly use some good advic
You need a dental plan that will cover all dental work needed, right away. So, no waiting periods, no annual maximums. Also, the bigger the discount the better so you don't break the bank. I recommend the eHealthPlus membership. You can sign up online and get help on Monday. Good luck.
You need a dental plan that will cover all dental work needed, right away. So, no waiting periods, no annual maximums. Also, the bigger the discount the better so you don't break the bank. I recommend the eHealthPlus membership. You can sign up online and get help on Monday. Good luck.
Now that everyone has health care... can southern conservatives save their?
money to buy dental insurance they sure have bad teeth.
Well, the United Kingdom has enjoyed free health care for some time now, and there's not a nation in the world that envies British teeth. I suspect that yanks will soon find themselves flashing yellowish-green smiles. But don't worry. Barack Obama's teeth will still shine, since he's exempted himself from the care he believes you so richly deserve.
Well, the United Kingdom has enjoyed free health care for some time now, and there's not a nation in the world that envies British teeth. I suspect that yanks will soon find themselves flashing yellowish-green smiles. But don't worry. Barack Obama's teeth will still shine, since he's exempted himself from the care he believes you so richly deserve.
There is a white spot on my gums?
It painful. It's been there for a week. Any idea what it could be? I currently don't have dental insurance so ... yeah. Picture:
The most common reason for white spots on gums is thrush, a fungal disease. It is not serious, but it should be treated if it doesn't go away on its own. Give it another week or two, and if it is still there or gets larger, then make an appointment with either your doctor or dentist. The second most common cause of white spots is leukoplakia, which actually means "white plaque." This is most likely to occur after irritation, such as from some whitening products or from smoking. Again, a visit to the doctor is called for if it doesn't resolve itself. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
The most common reason for white spots on gums is thrush, a fungal disease. It is not serious, but it should be treated if it doesn't go away on its own. Give it another week or two, and if it is still there or gets larger, then make an appointment with either your doctor or dentist. The second most common cause of white spots is leukoplakia, which actually means "white plaque." This is most likely to occur after irritation, such as from some whitening products or from smoking. Again, a visit to the doctor is called for if it doesn't resolve itself. Good luck, and I hope this helps.
I was told u can have your teeth fixed by a Dental Student at no cost for practice is this true?
I was once told that if I could find a Dental Student in practice I could have my teeth fixed a little or no cost, and it would provide practice to the student. I am willing to try anything to get my teeth fixed, I am a working mother and can not afford the insurance that is provided. It is embarrassing to even smile anymore. I brush my teeth more than twice a day and floss, it's not that I don't take care of my teeth I had a iron deficiency as a child and the liquid iron that I took tarnished and decayed my teeth. My 4yr old stares at my teeth and asks me whats wrong with them and I could almost cry. If anyone has any ideas of what I can do to fix this problem please let me know :(!
Most dental schools offer reduced cost services so the students can learn/practice. You need to find a dental school near you and call 'em up and ask! :) This URL should help you find school near you if you're in the US. There are some clinical trials that might work for you, too. You can find out more about them here:… You might also look here to see if there's a resource near you: Also, don't forget to call your state or local health department. They should be able to point you in the right direction, also. I hope this helps a little!
Most dental schools offer reduced cost services so the students can learn/practice. You need to find a dental school near you and call 'em up and ask! :) This URL should help you find school near you if you're in the US. There are some clinical trials that might work for you, too. You can find out more about them here:… You might also look here to see if there's a resource near you: Also, don't forget to call your state or local health department. They should be able to point you in the right direction, also. I hope this helps a little!
Haven't seen dentist in 10 yrs, 4 cavities, how are they taken care of?
I'm 22 and I just now have dental insurance so I will be going soon. Although, I am embarassed (havent seen a dentist since I was 12) plus I have several cavities. The thing is the cavities are at the root of the teeth (the part closest to my gums).. is that worse? How are these taken care of?
First of all, don't be embarassed. I'm positive the dentist has seen much worse cases. They will probably take care of your teeth by doing root canals since the cavities have reached the roots of your teeth. But only your dentist can tell you what they'll do. I'm not sure if they can all be done in one visit, but I'm sure the price wouldn't be different if you had them done in one visit, or four. But please, do not go to Mexico as the person aboved mentioned. Good luck to you.
First of all, don't be embarassed. I'm positive the dentist has seen much worse cases. They will probably take care of your teeth by doing root canals since the cavities have reached the roots of your teeth. But only your dentist can tell you what they'll do. I'm not sure if they can all be done in one visit, but I'm sure the price wouldn't be different if you had them done in one visit, or four. But please, do not go to Mexico as the person aboved mentioned. Good luck to you.
Am I getting tooth decay, or something else?
First, I have braces, been on for like a year now, and I've been cleaning my teeth at least twice a day. About two weeks ago, my middle front tooth on the top had like a little "dip" in it, or. . .a chip, in the center, like of the outer most layer, and then, the teeth next to it started doing the same thing but closer to the root. Today, its about 5 or 6 teeth, and when I brush, it tends to chip more pieces off. I use a soft brissel tooth brush and have been doing it as light as I can, I can't get this to stop. I don't have dental insurance so I would like to know what this would be called, so I can look up the best plan for me, and what it costs per tooth to fix.
That sounds serious. You should definitely get to a dentist or doctor ASAP. Are you taking any new medicine? I remember reading somewhere that certain medications can (sometimes) cause dental problems. Braces are not causing this problem. But if you are not using the special flossing loop to get underneath your braces, you may have tartar buildup. In time, that leads to tooth decay.
That sounds serious. You should definitely get to a dentist or doctor ASAP. Are you taking any new medicine? I remember reading somewhere that certain medications can (sometimes) cause dental problems. Braces are not causing this problem. But if you are not using the special flossing loop to get underneath your braces, you may have tartar buildup. In time, that leads to tooth decay.
I have an abcessed tooth, no money/insurance etc. Where can I get help in San Bernardino CA?
I have a badly decayed tooth that started to abcess this morning. I do not have insurance, I have a very low paying job and at the present time have no cash or credit cards. I know I need to start anti-boictics but don't have the cash for them either. I live in San Bernardino CA. Does anyone know where I can get the medicine and dental care that I can see today or tomorrow? Please help. Thanks
My friend goes to a local college for his dental work. It's students that work on him with an instructor watching over. I think he still pays but it would be much cheaper than an actual dentists office. Good luck!
My friend goes to a local college for his dental work. It's students that work on him with an instructor watching over. I think he still pays but it would be much cheaper than an actual dentists office. Good luck!
Why don't Americans without health insurance just marry Canadian or European women?
This is an easy solution to the healthcare crisis. For example, I am married to a Belgian woman. This gives me access to Belgium's socialized healthcare system. It's a good system; I fly there every year for a checkup and dental work and blood tests and all that kind of stuff. I had a shoulder operation that would have cost me a $5,000 copay on my American insurance for only $350 Euros in Belgium, and I went on a wine tour of southern Wallonia/Luxembourg afterwards, so it was also a vacation. Including airfare, all this only cost me $4,700, which means I actually came out $300 AHEAD compared to how the American healthcare system wanted to screw me. But anyway, this seems like an easy solution. If you need healthcare, just marry a European or a Canadian or someone from a country with national health coverage. In most cases, you can start getting benefits within a year of marriage. It's pretty awesome. Why don't more Americans do this, instead of whining so much and pushing for socialism? Just marry Europeans, dummies!
Actually, getting residency after marriage can still be a problem. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.
Actually, getting residency after marriage can still be a problem. FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should [1] FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet [2] FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare [3] FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage [4] FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change [5] FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing America [6] FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and Switzerland [7] Let me know if my facts are wrong, but please provide proof.
Questions about Medical insurance?
I'm 20 years old and I don't have a lot of money but I need health care. Does health care cover dental or are they two different things? What is a deductible? I'm certain that all I will need is standard check ups and maybe an emergency visit when I'm ill so why are the plans so expensive? Where should I be looking for plans that suit me?
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
A question for citizens of countries with single payor insurance?
would you give up your health care insurance program in your country for one like we have in the USA where a family of 5's health insurance coverage for some decent comprehensive coverage could cost them $1000 a month? or a 1.5 hour visit to a dentist for a root canal will cost you $900 if you have no dental coverage?
Uhm, America doesn't have a health care insurance program...your employer does...DUH!
Uhm, America doesn't have a health care insurance program...your employer does...DUH!
Can I claim my expenses for hernia operation through my Mediclame Insurance ?
I have Mediclame insurance for past 2 years it's of The New India Assurance Company, I wanted to know weather I am eligible for a Claim of my hernia operation which I will be undergoing next week, the problem is my agent told that you cannot claim for jaundice, hernia, dental disease for initial 3 years, I know that for dental disease its not applicable but am quite unsure weather for hernia its applicable or not if its not then my Mediclame is of no use to me, I want to know from you my friends weather you have ever claimed for the same or you know about it plz reply waiting for your response
Read your policy. If it says it won't pay for hernia operation for the first three years, and it hasn't been three years, then they won't pay the claim.
Read your policy. If it says it won't pay for hernia operation for the first three years, and it hasn't been three years, then they won't pay the claim.
Why are some things covered by insurance and not others?
"Pre-existing conditions" - I don't think that's right at all. They'll pay for someone getting an organ transplant, but they'll pay for nothing when it comes to the joint in your jaw. Oh no! It's not that serious. It doesn't hurt at all! My jaw has only been locked for 27 hours. It's no big deal. So what if I can't eat anything. Big deal. My jaw bone may erode over time, but that isn't serious. If I understand correctly, I'm 16 and I'm covered by my mother's insurance, so as soon as I turn 18 I'm screwed, right? They can't, sorry, won't pay for my hospital bills when I go to get a echocardiogram or when I get the hole in my heart covered. Or any dental work I might, and probably will need in the future. Seriously. What the **** is wrong with the health care system?
It's like buying a lottery ticket - if you could wait until after you knew what the numbers were, you'd ONLY buy the winning numbers - so the cost of the ticket would have to go up, to cover the payouts. If you could buy car insurance AFTER stuff goes wrong, to cover the accident, and you have a $20,000 accident, your policy would HAVE to cost $20,000 to cover the costs. Same with health insurance. The only reason why you can buy health insurance for UNDER $500 a month (according to consumer reports, medical expenses are more than $7,000 per person, in the USA, on average) is because most people don't use that much in benefits. For every 100 people paying in, if they ALL have preexisting conditions, then they ALL have to share the medical costs. The money to PAY for the bills, comes from the other people buying the insurance. If 100 people want to pay $200 a month for insurance, then only ONE of those people can have a $10,000 claim. and most of the others, have to have NO claims. But if all 100 of them are going to file a $10,000 claim, well, where exactly do you think the insurance companies get the money from? And in many cases, they do NOT pay for organ transplant. Why didn't you buy health insurance BEFORE you needed it? That's when you have to buy it. AFTER the stuff goes wrong, it's too late. And what's wrong with the health care system, is that Americans are fat and lazy, and want the best of everything AND WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY FOR IT. They don't want to lose weight, they don't want to quit smoking, they refuse to practice chastity, they won't give up their fast food, and they won't walk/bike anywhere. But they want someone else to pay for the hospital bill for the baby, and the weight loss surgery, and the lung cancer - and the diabetes medicine. If you eliminated PREVENTABLE medical bills, for cancer, sex related issues like HIV and pregnancy, and obesity related issues like, oh, hypertension, insulin dependency, heart problems, it would cut medical costs more than half. So, if you can get people to agree to eliminate coverage for PREVENTABLE medical expenses, then maybe some preexisting conditions - NOT caused by preventable things, could be covered. Good luck on that. If you get a full time job, or two, when you turn 18, and work your a** off, you'll be able to have insurance to cover you. AND you'll be able to buy, out of pocket, whatever dental work you want.
It's like buying a lottery ticket - if you could wait until after you knew what the numbers were, you'd ONLY buy the winning numbers - so the cost of the ticket would have to go up, to cover the payouts. If you could buy car insurance AFTER stuff goes wrong, to cover the accident, and you have a $20,000 accident, your policy would HAVE to cost $20,000 to cover the costs. Same with health insurance. The only reason why you can buy health insurance for UNDER $500 a month (according to consumer reports, medical expenses are more than $7,000 per person, in the USA, on average) is because most people don't use that much in benefits. For every 100 people paying in, if they ALL have preexisting conditions, then they ALL have to share the medical costs. The money to PAY for the bills, comes from the other people buying the insurance. If 100 people want to pay $200 a month for insurance, then only ONE of those people can have a $10,000 claim. and most of the others, have to have NO claims. But if all 100 of them are going to file a $10,000 claim, well, where exactly do you think the insurance companies get the money from? And in many cases, they do NOT pay for organ transplant. Why didn't you buy health insurance BEFORE you needed it? That's when you have to buy it. AFTER the stuff goes wrong, it's too late. And what's wrong with the health care system, is that Americans are fat and lazy, and want the best of everything AND WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY FOR IT. They don't want to lose weight, they don't want to quit smoking, they refuse to practice chastity, they won't give up their fast food, and they won't walk/bike anywhere. But they want someone else to pay for the hospital bill for the baby, and the weight loss surgery, and the lung cancer - and the diabetes medicine. If you eliminated PREVENTABLE medical bills, for cancer, sex related issues like HIV and pregnancy, and obesity related issues like, oh, hypertension, insulin dependency, heart problems, it would cut medical costs more than half. So, if you can get people to agree to eliminate coverage for PREVENTABLE medical expenses, then maybe some preexisting conditions - NOT caused by preventable things, could be covered. Good luck on that. If you get a full time job, or two, when you turn 18, and work your a** off, you'll be able to have insurance to cover you. AND you'll be able to buy, out of pocket, whatever dental work you want.
Health Insurance coverage?
I'm now covered by the employer's health insurance (with dental) plan. After I quit/leave current job, how does this health insurance coverage work? Before I'm hired by other company, what options do I have on the health insurance?
As others have noted, you may have COBRA rights, which would allow you to continue your employers' coverage -- but you have to pay 100% of the premium PLUS an administrative fee of 2%. So if your employer has been subsidizing 80% of your $100 premium your cost to continue this coverage would be $102 -- an increase of $82. You should know, however, that COBRA applies only if there are 20 employees at your firm. If the company has less than 20 workers, there may be a state "mini-COBRA" available to you. I know there is in California, but not all states have it. Your other alternative, and it will probably be less expensive for you, is to buy an individual policy. If you're in California you can find good plans from Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and Health Net at Outside of California I hear good things about You can get to either of these sites from, too. By the way, while I'm sure Blondie means well, be careful of these kind of programs. They are NOT insurance. They are simply a discount program. There's no cap on what you'll have to spend. And, if you go this route, call your doctors and make sure they accept your particular discount program.
As others have noted, you may have COBRA rights, which would allow you to continue your employers' coverage -- but you have to pay 100% of the premium PLUS an administrative fee of 2%. So if your employer has been subsidizing 80% of your $100 premium your cost to continue this coverage would be $102 -- an increase of $82. You should know, however, that COBRA applies only if there are 20 employees at your firm. If the company has less than 20 workers, there may be a state "mini-COBRA" available to you. I know there is in California, but not all states have it. Your other alternative, and it will probably be less expensive for you, is to buy an individual policy. If you're in California you can find good plans from Blue Cross, Blue Shield, and Health Net at Outside of California I hear good things about You can get to either of these sites from, too. By the way, while I'm sure Blondie means well, be careful of these kind of programs. They are NOT insurance. They are simply a discount program. There's no cap on what you'll have to spend. And, if you go this route, call your doctors and make sure they accept your particular discount program.
How to pay for braces?
what is the average cost for braces? if i do not have any kind of medical or dental insurance how would i pay for them? do dentist let you pay monthly?
They do let you pay monthly! It is a good idea to have as large of a down payment as possible, because it will allow you to negotiate a lower monthly payment. You may also want to take a low max. credit card out. Typically, standard braces cost about $2500 total, and this includes all visits to the office, even orthodontic emergencies.
They do let you pay monthly! It is a good idea to have as large of a down payment as possible, because it will allow you to negotiate a lower monthly payment. You may also want to take a low max. credit card out. Typically, standard braces cost about $2500 total, and this includes all visits to the office, even orthodontic emergencies.
What percent of illegal immigrant children don't have health insurance?
If you know the percent who don't have health care in California that would be even better. California is proposing an initiative that would raise cigarette taxes to $3.47/pack in part to pay for health, dental and vision benefits for illegal immigrant children.
The current figure is 7.5% of all immigrants. I'm all for the tax increase. You, like everyone else, got bombarded with information at a young age about how smoking is bad. But you wanted to be cool, so you did anyway. You should have listened to your parents and school. I'd rather have you paying for this healthcare than me. Yes!!!
The current figure is 7.5% of all immigrants. I'm all for the tax increase. You, like everyone else, got bombarded with information at a young age about how smoking is bad. But you wanted to be cool, so you did anyway. You should have listened to your parents and school. I'd rather have you paying for this healthcare than me. Yes!!!
Why are my teeth breaking? and why are they black inside?
This afternoon I was eating a lifesaver and & I bit it and my tooth broke in half. It's on the right side behind my eye tooth. I mean like a huge chunk (like most of the tooth)just broke off and the piece that's left is black. Why's this happening? My 2 front teeth did the same thing in November. I haven't been to a dentist in a long time but I thought I was doin ok takin care of my teeth. Maybe not? So what now? I'm 14 and we don't have dental insurance.
Wander, wonder is right. Go to the public health clinic, they have programs that help children. Toothaches are not normal!!! It means there is something wrong. I am assuming it was your parents that told you toothaches are normal. They are ignorant. The fact that your mouth is a mess indicates that you are abused. Yes, NEGLECTING your child's needs is a form of child abuse!!! It is a situation that DISGUSTS all oral health professionals and there is no excuse for it. It doesn't necessarily happen to just poor families, wealthy parents can be guilty of neglecting their child's oral needs too. In my area, you can get free dental work funded by the public health unit if you are a child. Here is a link...…
Wander, wonder is right. Go to the public health clinic, they have programs that help children. Toothaches are not normal!!! It means there is something wrong. I am assuming it was your parents that told you toothaches are normal. They are ignorant. The fact that your mouth is a mess indicates that you are abused. Yes, NEGLECTING your child's needs is a form of child abuse!!! It is a situation that DISGUSTS all oral health professionals and there is no excuse for it. It doesn't necessarily happen to just poor families, wealthy parents can be guilty of neglecting their child's oral needs too. In my area, you can get free dental work funded by the public health unit if you are a child. Here is a link...…
Child support/Insurance reimbursement?
Per child support order my son's father is to provide med/dental/vision insurance but doesn't. My son had an eye injury and had to have glasses and an eye exam that werent covered by his medical card. I had to pay with my credit card can I charge his father a part of the interest since my having to pay for all of the charges were due to his not following the court order? I am giving him 60 days to pay and then asking for interest of 10% after the due date basically in hopes that he will pay quicker.
You can probably charge him the entire amount with interest if he is in violation of the order by not providing the coverage, but he owes at least half, including the interest. The only problem is that if he refuses to pay, you'll have to take him back to court to get it out of him.
You can probably charge him the entire amount with interest if he is in violation of the order by not providing the coverage, but he owes at least half, including the interest. The only problem is that if he refuses to pay, you'll have to take him back to court to get it out of him.
Does anyone know of good eye insurance providers?
and possibly dental?
you havnt indicated the part of the world you are living in. add it to additional details and you should get an answer. personally, i dont know any
you havnt indicated the part of the world you are living in. add it to additional details and you should get an answer. personally, i dont know any
About how much will a dental implant cost?
Do health insurance cover it?
around 4000$ with the crown each, no its not cover, considered elective treatment (non necessary).Prices in canada.
around 4000$ with the crown each, no its not cover, considered elective treatment (non necessary).Prices in canada.
Anyone used dental discount cards/plans, are they a rip off? seems to have some decent plans... but I think they are the discount cards. Around $150 a year for family plans that seem to cover about the same percentages as my dental helth insurance. Example.. Insurance: 50$ a month. 80% copay after 6mo waiting period on most everything minor & 50%copay on major w/ an 18mo waiting period. Card: Pretty decent savings a filling is only 50$ (regular 120) & no waiting.. WWYD?
They are a dental discount card. Here is how it works. You as the patient will usually get a GREAT deal on having your teeth cleaned. The exam and X rays are how the office makes back the money they lost of the cleaning. The patient does get the advantage of knowing exactly how much each procedure will cost them. The dental offices sign up beause they get free advertisment, they get patients who most likely have bad teeth otherwise they wouldn't sign up for the program. Suggestion. If you have good/great teeth skip the plan all together and set aside money in a Health Savings account for down the road. Find out which offices are on the discount plan, and ask them if they would honor the rates posted from the discounter, 9/10 they will say sure even theough you don't belong because you asked for the discount.
They are a dental discount card. Here is how it works. You as the patient will usually get a GREAT deal on having your teeth cleaned. The exam and X rays are how the office makes back the money they lost of the cleaning. The patient does get the advantage of knowing exactly how much each procedure will cost them. The dental offices sign up beause they get free advertisment, they get patients who most likely have bad teeth otherwise they wouldn't sign up for the program. Suggestion. If you have good/great teeth skip the plan all together and set aside money in a Health Savings account for down the road. Find out which offices are on the discount plan, and ask them if they would honor the rates posted from the discounter, 9/10 they will say sure even theough you don't belong because you asked for the discount.
I have had intermittent toothache for the last four weeks this only started after I had a filling replaced?
The filling was found to need replacing on my 6 month check so I know there is nothing wrong with any of my teeth. I don't want to go back to my dentist if there is nothing wrong as it is £30 a time and my dental insurance was maxed out by the filling.
It is normal to have some discomfort after a filling due to the trauma to the tooth. The filling may be high and in need of an adjustment. There should not be a charge for a follow up visit to have the filling/bite adjusted because it is still part of the original procedure. However, I am in the states and am not sure about how it works in the UK. But call the dentist and tell them that you are having trouble and ask how much it would be to have the bite adjusted. Also, the new filling may have been deeper than the original one and that may be the cause of your pain. If that is the case, then I suggest you give it 2 to 6 weeks for the pain to go away. Hope this helps you
It is normal to have some discomfort after a filling due to the trauma to the tooth. The filling may be high and in need of an adjustment. There should not be a charge for a follow up visit to have the filling/bite adjusted because it is still part of the original procedure. However, I am in the states and am not sure about how it works in the UK. But call the dentist and tell them that you are having trouble and ask how much it would be to have the bite adjusted. Also, the new filling may have been deeper than the original one and that may be the cause of your pain. If that is the case, then I suggest you give it 2 to 6 weeks for the pain to go away. Hope this helps you
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