I have several large cavities, broken and chipped teeth, and probably need a few roots canal. My insurance only covers about 1400 a year (cigna) what can I do? My bad teeth problem started with the military, using students to do dental work on soldiers for free, and thus shoddy quality.
I would do as much treatment that will maximize your insurance for this year. Then on January 1st of 2011, continue the treatment, you'll have a fresh $1400 to use up. Also, if you can't wait and need to do all the treatment right away, or goes beyond the insurance coverage and money you can pay out of pocket, you can look into www.carecredit.com which offers up to 18 months zero interest for dental work. After all your dental treatment, I suggest going in routinely for checks and cleanings, your hygienist is there to keep bacterial levels low in your mouth and will keep you informed of anything starting in your mouth. If he/she isn't vocal about the health of your mouth and tips to help you personally, don't hesitate to ask, they are there to prevent more dental treatment.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Do you know the difference between Health Care and Health Insurance?
The bill that past did nothing to provide or gaurantee heathcare as a right to everyone. What it did is mandate you buy health insurance. Everyone seems to think it was about health care, it was not. Here are the wiki definitions of each: Health care, or healthcare, is the treatment and management of illness, and the preservation of health through services offered by the medical, dental, complementary and alternative medicine, pharmaceutical, clinical sciences (in vitro diagnostics), nursing, and allied health professions Health insurance like other forms of insurance is a form of collectivism by means of which people collectively pool their risk, in this case the risk of incurring medical expenses. The collective is usually publicly owned or else is organized on a non-profit basis for the members of the pool, though in some countries health insurance pools may also be managed by for-profit companies
I do but every time I try to tell me that the bill didn't actually address health-care they seem surprised and often disagree.. The bill isn't about providing the poor with insurance. We already have medicaid and dozens of state programs to address this need. This was about the government telling me that I must, under the threat of civil penalty, buy health insurance. A power grab and payback to the insurance companies and nothing more..
I do but every time I try to tell me that the bill didn't actually address health-care they seem surprised and often disagree.. The bill isn't about providing the poor with insurance. We already have medicaid and dozens of state programs to address this need. This was about the government telling me that I must, under the threat of civil penalty, buy health insurance. A power grab and payback to the insurance companies and nothing more..
Where can I get good and afordable insurance?
My work used to have really good insurance benefits but now that we were bought by another company we are having to use their benefits plan starting in a couple months. It is a horrible plan. I will have about $100 coming out of my paycheck now for the premium plan and that is for just me. I don't have anyone else to cover. It's looking like the coverage is really bad too. I was wondering where a good place to go for health, vision, dental, life and 401K besides getting it from my work. Any ideas?
How much are you paying per month? If it is less than $300 you have a good deal for one person. Medical insurance does not include dental and vision but you can buy those plans separately. You should mention what state you are in.
How much are you paying per month? If it is less than $300 you have a good deal for one person. Medical insurance does not include dental and vision but you can buy those plans separately. You should mention what state you are in.
HELP! My daughter needs dental work and i dont have insurance.?
My daughter is now 15 and 5 years ago she had an accident on her bike and lost her front permanent teeth. I have been trying for 5 years now to get her mouth fixed but cannot come up with the money for the braces and partial that she needs. I have tried for 5 years to find a dentist that will take payments for the work she needs and no one is willing to help her. I need someplace to turn tht can offer help. I want my daughter to have the chance to be a normal teenager with teeth like everyone else. If anyone has anyplce for me to try i would be soooooo grateful and so will my daughter.
see if there is something like dr. dinosaur (free dental isurance for children under 18) in your area. Or you might qualify for medicade.
see if there is something like dr. dinosaur (free dental isurance for children under 18) in your area. Or you might qualify for medicade.
How much does dental care cost at Dental School Programs?
My husband hasn't been to a dentist since he was 12 or 13 and he is now 22. I would like to take him to the dentist to have his teeth checked and cleaned with the possibility of fillings and of course he'll need X-rays. I was wondering what the average cost of dental care is if you would go to a dental school program? We live in West Virginia and are looking to go to the WVU School of Dentistry. We also do not have any health insurance. Thanks for your help.
Alot of times its also based on your income too. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, exams...etc. Even my braces. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
Alot of times its also based on your income too. I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, exams...etc. Even my braces. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
Is it possible to work in a Dental Office before having an AS?
I am moving to WA from FL soon. I have done all my paper work and, but the college I applied to is requiring that I work at a Dental Office prior to applying for their Dental Hygiene program. I was wondering if that was possible and how can I go about accomplishing that? I have administrative experience, but have never worked with insurance.
You will most likely not be accepted to the program unless you have years of Dental Assisting experience. Unfortunately many Dental Assistants are now applying to be Hygienists, and those individuals will get the open school slots before you. This is because they will have a significant amount of knowledge about the dental field, and most of them will have an outstanding interview. You on the other hand probably know nothing about teeth, the mouth, etc..., so you won't be able to hold a "dental intelligent" conversation. I suggest you get some assisting experience before you even think of applying to Hygiene school.
You will most likely not be accepted to the program unless you have years of Dental Assisting experience. Unfortunately many Dental Assistants are now applying to be Hygienists, and those individuals will get the open school slots before you. This is because they will have a significant amount of knowledge about the dental field, and most of them will have an outstanding interview. You on the other hand probably know nothing about teeth, the mouth, etc..., so you won't be able to hold a "dental intelligent" conversation. I suggest you get some assisting experience before you even think of applying to Hygiene school.
im marrying a solider how does insurance work?
When my solider gets home from Basic training for the army we are planning on getting married. Im trying to get everything in order before he gets home so its just that much easier for us but i was thinking today im still on my parents insurance. I am also 19 and still in college so i need the insurance. I know that it says on the army website family gets medical and dental health care but i just didnt know what all medical intaled. Any information would be a great help! Thanks!
first, know that all the military do advise against the service member marrying on their first enlistment, now that said, Congrats, You can stay on the insurance of your parents as long as your in school, The minute you marry him then you will have to go to a military base, and then get your military ID card, that will makie you eligible for the insurance and medical care allowed for the families. You can not do anything until the wedding, so just holod tight, and dont get to that sort of things, You are 19 so you are healthy and coverd under mom and dad, so dont sweat the small stuff, that will only take a bit of time to fix, GOOD LUCK
first, know that all the military do advise against the service member marrying on their first enlistment, now that said, Congrats, You can stay on the insurance of your parents as long as your in school, The minute you marry him then you will have to go to a military base, and then get your military ID card, that will makie you eligible for the insurance and medical care allowed for the families. You can not do anything until the wedding, so just holod tight, and dont get to that sort of things, You are 19 so you are healthy and coverd under mom and dad, so dont sweat the small stuff, that will only take a bit of time to fix, GOOD LUCK
What is the best way to pay for a $5000 to $8000 total dental bill?
I have to get 5extractions, 10 cavities removed, root canal correction and a tooth implant. If I do not get the dental work done then I probably will not see the age of 40. (I am 25years old) My parents can afford to pay for it, but I cannot. I cannot afford the New Jersey, legal, minimum, health insurance of $244.50. People have told me to go to a university and have a dental student do the operation... I am a victim of the saying, "you get what you pay for." In otherwords, I want the dental work to be done 100% correctly. I make $769.95 everyother week. If I try to work more hours then I can make $900 or more. What is the best way to pay the total dental bill?
Well, health insurance doesn't pay for dental work, either, so that's not going to help you out at all. You have a couple options - you can forget the implant, root canal, and cavity replacements, and just have all the problem teeth extracted. That's the cheapest way, and you can do it all for WELL under $1,000. But if you want to keep the teeth, talk to a few local dentists. MOST have an arrangement with a dental financing company, so you can get a NO INTEREST loan, which you have to pay back usually within about 18 months, specifically for your dental work. That's what I've used before.
Well, health insurance doesn't pay for dental work, either, so that's not going to help you out at all. You have a couple options - you can forget the implant, root canal, and cavity replacements, and just have all the problem teeth extracted. That's the cheapest way, and you can do it all for WELL under $1,000. But if you want to keep the teeth, talk to a few local dentists. MOST have an arrangement with a dental financing company, so you can get a NO INTEREST loan, which you have to pay back usually within about 18 months, specifically for your dental work. That's what I've used before.
where can i find the least expensive/ but good health insurance?
I need to find good quality health insurance that wont cost me alot. Both for medical and dental for myself. Im 28 and work part time.
Call local hospitals, ask family and friends
Call local hospitals, ask family and friends
Does anyone know how to get free or reduced dental work?
For someone who has a serious health condition and has no insurance. Husband is 44 and just had his second heart-attack. Along with the heart-attack they found out he has Aortic Stenosis. He has very poor dental health do to some prior cancer treatments, wich contribute to heart problems. They tell him now his dental health is a must for his heart, as the continuous infections can be deadly for him. Iam only one working right now and we have no insurance, any help getting more info would greatly be appreciated.
Hi...Ok, call the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental School..They will provide great dental services and the cost will be between Free and very Low depending on your financial status. The Denture Pro.
Hi...Ok, call the "Out Patient Clinic" of the nearest Dental School..They will provide great dental services and the cost will be between Free and very Low depending on your financial status. The Denture Pro.
Heallth insurance for the self employed?
I need dental and health insurance for an affordable price. I am unmarried.... what can I do? who offers it? how much will it cost?
As a self employed individual, you should do some reading on Health Savings Account qualified plans - I have posted an article I wrote earlier this year titled - The five reasons why the Nevada self-employed should look at HSA qualified plans in 2007 HSA Qualified Health Plans work by coupling a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan (Q-HDHP) with a Tax Advantaged Health Savings Account. The funds deposited to the HSA can be utilized to pay for Qualified Medical Expenses on a tax-free basis and balances roll over from year to year. The minimum Q-HDHP deductibles are $1,100 for single and $2,200 for family coverage. When coupled with 100% co-insurance plans they can significantly reduce the annual maximum out of pocket cash when compared with traditional Co-pay plans. This is especially true when discussing family plans where there may be deductibles for each family member. The Q-HDHP plans utilize family deductibles where one or multiple family members' medical costs go toward a single deductible. Reason One - Q-HDHP's can reduce the insured's total liability when it comes to maximum out of pocket expenses. One of the more popular $500 deductible Nevada plans has an annual maximum out of pocket of $3,500 - for a family on this plan; the maximum out of pocket is $7,500. In addition, once the maximum annual out of pocket is reached, the insured still pays co-pays for physician's office visits and prescription drugs. With a Q-HDHP, the more popular "single deductible" plans can offer maximum out of pockets as low as $1,100 for individuals and $2,200 for families. In addition, once the deductible is satisfied, all covered expenses are paid by the plan; including prescription drugs. Reason Two - For the self-employed; health insurance premiums are 100% tax deductible. However, in order to deduct your qualified medical expenses they have to exceed 7.5% of the insured is Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Because the funds deposited into the HSA are 100% tax deductible, the insured now gets first dollar tax deductibility of their qualified medical expenses. In addition to routine medical care, some examples of Qualified Medical Expenses are; Dental treatments, Eyeglasses, Fertility enhancement, Lodging, COBRA Payments and LASIK Eye Surgery to name a few. Reason Three - In 2006, the insured was required to have a Q-HDHP for a full year in order to fully fund an HSA. Thanks to the 109th Congress and President Bush, this is no longer a restriction. In 2007, a single person can now contribute up to $2,850 and a family can contribute up to $5,650, regardless of the deductible selected or when the insured obtains the Q-HDHP. Individuals who are 55 and older can make additional catch-up contributions of $800 to their HSA in 2007. Reason Four - Nevada has over 120,000 self-employed individuals. The first few years of being self-employed are the most difficult when it comes to cash flow. The IRS is now allowing a one time "penalty free" funding of Health Savings Accounts by rolling funds from an IRA into an HSA. In order to avoid penalties, this must be a trustee-to-trustee transaction. This can free up as much as $470 in monthly cash flow for a family in their mid forties with two teenage children. Reason Five - Many local banking institutions are now offering Health Savings Accounts. This makes it easier than ever for the self-employed to manage their Nevada Health Savings Account related finances. No longer does the insured have to use an HSA trustee that is located outside of the state of Nevada; making it painless to deposit and access funds that are necessary to pay for Qualified Medical Expenses.
As a self employed individual, you should do some reading on Health Savings Account qualified plans - I have posted an article I wrote earlier this year titled - The five reasons why the Nevada self-employed should look at HSA qualified plans in 2007 HSA Qualified Health Plans work by coupling a Qualified High Deductible Health Plan (Q-HDHP) with a Tax Advantaged Health Savings Account. The funds deposited to the HSA can be utilized to pay for Qualified Medical Expenses on a tax-free basis and balances roll over from year to year. The minimum Q-HDHP deductibles are $1,100 for single and $2,200 for family coverage. When coupled with 100% co-insurance plans they can significantly reduce the annual maximum out of pocket cash when compared with traditional Co-pay plans. This is especially true when discussing family plans where there may be deductibles for each family member. The Q-HDHP plans utilize family deductibles where one or multiple family members' medical costs go toward a single deductible. Reason One - Q-HDHP's can reduce the insured's total liability when it comes to maximum out of pocket expenses. One of the more popular $500 deductible Nevada plans has an annual maximum out of pocket of $3,500 - for a family on this plan; the maximum out of pocket is $7,500. In addition, once the maximum annual out of pocket is reached, the insured still pays co-pays for physician's office visits and prescription drugs. With a Q-HDHP, the more popular "single deductible" plans can offer maximum out of pockets as low as $1,100 for individuals and $2,200 for families. In addition, once the deductible is satisfied, all covered expenses are paid by the plan; including prescription drugs. Reason Two - For the self-employed; health insurance premiums are 100% tax deductible. However, in order to deduct your qualified medical expenses they have to exceed 7.5% of the insured is Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Because the funds deposited into the HSA are 100% tax deductible, the insured now gets first dollar tax deductibility of their qualified medical expenses. In addition to routine medical care, some examples of Qualified Medical Expenses are; Dental treatments, Eyeglasses, Fertility enhancement, Lodging, COBRA Payments and LASIK Eye Surgery to name a few. Reason Three - In 2006, the insured was required to have a Q-HDHP for a full year in order to fully fund an HSA. Thanks to the 109th Congress and President Bush, this is no longer a restriction. In 2007, a single person can now contribute up to $2,850 and a family can contribute up to $5,650, regardless of the deductible selected or when the insured obtains the Q-HDHP. Individuals who are 55 and older can make additional catch-up contributions of $800 to their HSA in 2007. Reason Four - Nevada has over 120,000 self-employed individuals. The first few years of being self-employed are the most difficult when it comes to cash flow. The IRS is now allowing a one time "penalty free" funding of Health Savings Accounts by rolling funds from an IRA into an HSA. In order to avoid penalties, this must be a trustee-to-trustee transaction. This can free up as much as $470 in monthly cash flow for a family in their mid forties with two teenage children. Reason Five - Many local banking institutions are now offering Health Savings Accounts. This makes it easier than ever for the self-employed to manage their Nevada Health Savings Account related finances. No longer does the insured have to use an HSA trustee that is located outside of the state of Nevada; making it painless to deposit and access funds that are necessary to pay for Qualified Medical Expenses.
What is a good site to get short term health insurance?
I am looking for individual health insurance that would cover basic things such as a regular hospital visit, eye exam, dentist, etc in the short run for at least 6 months. As well as cover minor accidents like having a twisted ankle. I'm not really looking for something that would cover me if I had cancer or a major health problem. I'm looking for something with medical, vision, and dental. Pretty much preventive care and maintanence. I am looking to switch jobs since benefits are not offered where I work.
try ehealthinsurance.com, It can be confusing with all the different plans.
try ehealthinsurance.com, It can be confusing with all the different plans.
Cheap dental work in Missouri?
My friend has been struggling with bad teeth for a really long time...but, now they are causing too much pain to handle. He does not have dental insurance...this may be a longshot, but does anyone have suggestions for cheap dental work in Kansas City, MO and surrounding areas?
Either try to find a dental school that will give you a sliding scale if you qualify or I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From my wisdom teeth extractions to xrays, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps
Either try to find a dental school that will give you a sliding scale if you qualify or I would encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From my wisdom teeth extractions to xrays, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Hope this helps
I have a very very bad under-bite and it hurts a lot will insurance cover it?
I fanily get dental insurance in october.I been having a lot of issues with my teeth when i was little and the underbite does help please i feel ugly and i never ever ever smile with my teeth. I never have even once.Do you know if dental insurance will cover some of the surgey?
It depends on your level of cover. You will need to contact your insurance company and ask them if they will. Oftentimes, your dental insurance will only cover 'basic' issues and certain treatment methods. I'd suggest talking face to face with a insurance clerk.
It depends on your level of cover. You will need to contact your insurance company and ask them if they will. Oftentimes, your dental insurance will only cover 'basic' issues and certain treatment methods. I'd suggest talking face to face with a insurance clerk.
Is there any place were i can get free insurance for dental care????????????
Hi, im a dental professional and I know that they offer some free care at dental schools. There are many students that are looking for patients. Dental schools are great because you wll get the best care. I say that because the dental students grade are depending on their work. So they will give you the best treatment possible in order to achieve a good score. I believe there is a dental school at Ohio State. Im not sure if that is far for you but it might be worth the trip. You mouth is very vascular (lots of blood supply) so if you have an infection in your mouth it may be traveling through your body.
Hi, im a dental professional and I know that they offer some free care at dental schools. There are many students that are looking for patients. Dental schools are great because you wll get the best care. I say that because the dental students grade are depending on their work. So they will give you the best treatment possible in order to achieve a good score. I believe there is a dental school at Ohio State. Im not sure if that is far for you but it might be worth the trip. You mouth is very vascular (lots of blood supply) so if you have an infection in your mouth it may be traveling through your body.
I need dental work ie.bridge and cap no insurance anyone know of payment plan or discount with bad credit?
dental work is high and i need to finance but i dont have good credit
The only thing I could suggest is to try to apply for Care Credit. They are pretty lenient with approvals. Try that and if you're not approved maybe you could work out a payment plan with you dds. Good luck. http://www.carecredit.com/
The only thing I could suggest is to try to apply for Care Credit. They are pretty lenient with approvals. Try that and if you're not approved maybe you could work out a payment plan with you dds. Good luck. http://www.carecredit.com/
Im needing some major dental work done, no insurance, bad credit, any ideas?
dealing with this for about 6 years now and absoultely cant find a dentist anywhere.
Any suggestions on cool part-time jobs for college students who want braces? No dental jobs.?
I know weird request. I have a class 3 malaclusion, which means my bit is very terrible. My goal is to have straight teeth before I graduate in 3 years. Any suggestions, some of the dentists say that the cost due to a need of oral surgery can be around $15,000, however with Met life Dental, or possibly DELTA dental insurance I can have the cost significantly reduced. These insurances do not sell to individuals, only companies, and I have not found a company yet that either has them, or allows them for part time workers. Any suggestions on how to fix my grill? Thanks for taking the time.
I have a friend who washes windows, she has a small power washer and a blow dryer for speed, you could go low tech and still make good money. She charges $100.00 for a one storey house and includes the sliders.
I have a friend who washes windows, she has a small power washer and a blow dryer for speed, you could go low tech and still make good money. She charges $100.00 for a one storey house and includes the sliders.
Where should I go in a dental emergency?
I went to a dental clinic last week but they said my insurance do not cover dental treatment. So now what should I do? should I go to hospital or..can you give me some advice, please. thank you so much.
Alot of dentists will do payment plans. Also alot of dentists are not too expensive. I would say there are a ton of people without dental insurance out there and the dental industry recognizes that and tries to accomodate. My daughter had to have an exam and a tooth pulled before she had insurance and it was only 160 in CA. oh yeah if you look up dental schools such as Western they will do alot of dental procedures for free under the guidance of a professional dentist.
Alot of dentists will do payment plans. Also alot of dentists are not too expensive. I would say there are a ton of people without dental insurance out there and the dental industry recognizes that and tries to accomodate. My daughter had to have an exam and a tooth pulled before she had insurance and it was only 160 in CA. oh yeah if you look up dental schools such as Western they will do alot of dental procedures for free under the guidance of a professional dentist.
dental emergency, and no insurance?
I am 23 and I don't have health insurance. I been having an unbearable tooth pain and I don't know what to do. I am also unemployed. is there anything I could do
dental work with no insurance?
i NEED like 4fillings and one pulled. but i have no insurance..what will this cost me out of pocket??
That depends on the Dr and the area you live in. See if there is a dental school near by you can usually save over 1/2 by having a student do the work and they usually take payments as well as most credit cards. Good Luck!
That depends on the Dr and the area you live in. See if there is a dental school near by you can usually save over 1/2 by having a student do the work and they usually take payments as well as most credit cards. Good Luck!
Are there any dentists with reasonable dental rates in the Colorado Springs area?
Does anyone know of dentists that don't over charge for dental work for someone without dental insurance in southern Colorado?
I would suggest looking near where you live. Also, I used to do medical billing and coding and if you contact a dental office and explain that you would be a cash patient, they may discount your rates. They will most likely do this because 1) they don't need to verify benefits which takes a TON of time, 2) they won't need to be held to the contract they would ahve with an insurance provider to charge and write-off a certain amount (medical offices that are in-network with a certain provider are required to charge the amounts by the insurance company) and 3) they don't have to file a claim which saves them a ton of time! I loved Dr. Hickenlooper and he used to be on Briargate and Rangewood in the American National Bank building. He was always reasonable and willing to work with you.
I would suggest looking near where you live. Also, I used to do medical billing and coding and if you contact a dental office and explain that you would be a cash patient, they may discount your rates. They will most likely do this because 1) they don't need to verify benefits which takes a TON of time, 2) they won't need to be held to the contract they would ahve with an insurance provider to charge and write-off a certain amount (medical offices that are in-network with a certain provider are required to charge the amounts by the insurance company) and 3) they don't have to file a claim which saves them a ton of time! I loved Dr. Hickenlooper and he used to be on Briargate and Rangewood in the American National Bank building. He was always reasonable and willing to work with you.
Is there a federal law that children must be allowed to have dental services done in an outpatient facility?
Trying to find out if insurance carrier can deny dental services for a child in an outpatient hospital setting simply based on anxiety or fear. Does the child have to have a mental disorder/physical handicap etc? Is there an age limit? Does it have to be for oral surgery only or would simple cleanings or fillings be enough?
There's no federal law which mandates this service. Actually, there are very few ERISA laws that mandate specific benefits that must be included in policies offered via an employer. The good news is that, if your benefit plan is fully-insured, it's governed under state insurance law, not federal law. Call your state insurance commissioner's office for a definitive answer to your question (if you work in another state, call that state's insurance commission). Some states DO have laws mandating this type of service be covered; my state is one of them.
There's no federal law which mandates this service. Actually, there are very few ERISA laws that mandate specific benefits that must be included in policies offered via an employer. The good news is that, if your benefit plan is fully-insured, it's governed under state insurance law, not federal law. Call your state insurance commissioner's office for a definitive answer to your question (if you work in another state, call that state's insurance commission). Some states DO have laws mandating this type of service be covered; my state is one of them.
Serious Dental Issue / No insurance.?
Part of the roof of my mouth is swollen, raw, and painful. On top of that, my gums bleed when I brush my teeth (and sometimes they just bleed during the day.) Problem is, I don't have any insurance until the middle of June. I know that wasn't phrased as a question, but I'd love any advice or comments you guys might have.
When you don't have money to get the care you need, here are some free resources for you, read through them, and pick up the phone, and get your needed help. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… http://ask.hrsa.gov/pc/ http://www.omhrc.gov/templates/browse.as… http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm http://www.thefrugallife.com/medicalalte… http://www.google.com/search?q=Free+Low+… Free and low cost prescription medication: http://www.xubex.com/ https://www.pparx.org/Intro.php http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?section… http://www.themedicineprogram.com/links.… http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/facts… Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic. This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you! http://www.hrsa.gov/hillburton/default.h… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors. How to apply for Medicaid or medicare http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicaidEligibili… http://www.aarp.org/money/lowincomehelp/… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. http://www.ssa.gov/ For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at www.CMS.gov How To Pay for Mental Health Services http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publicati… http://depression.about.com/cs/findadoc/… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/53… http://www.raconline.org/info_guides/den… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC. http://dental-assistance.app-sl-1.aidpag… Need eyeglasses or eye care? http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/financiala… http://www.uniteforsight.org/freeclinics… Free Mammogram: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/ How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state: http://cancer.about.com/od/screeningandd… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
When you don't have money to get the care you need, here are some free resources for you, read through them, and pick up the phone, and get your needed help. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… http://ask.hrsa.gov/pc/ http://www.omhrc.gov/templates/browse.as… http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm http://www.thefrugallife.com/medicalalte… http://www.google.com/search?q=Free+Low+… Free and low cost prescription medication: http://www.xubex.com/ https://www.pparx.org/Intro.php http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?section… http://www.themedicineprogram.com/links.… http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/facts… Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic. This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you! http://www.hrsa.gov/hillburton/default.h… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors. How to apply for Medicaid or medicare http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicaidEligibili… http://www.aarp.org/money/lowincomehelp/… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. http://www.ssa.gov/ For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at www.CMS.gov How To Pay for Mental Health Services http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publicati… http://depression.about.com/cs/findadoc/… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/53… http://www.raconline.org/info_guides/den… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC. http://dental-assistance.app-sl-1.aidpag… Need eyeglasses or eye care? http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/financiala… http://www.uniteforsight.org/freeclinics… Free Mammogram: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/ How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state: http://cancer.about.com/od/screeningandd… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
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