Can someone explain to me the importance of putting dental sealants on kids baby teeth. My kids' hygienist "strongly recommends" I get them for several of my kids' molars. I don't see the point when they are gonna fall out in a few years anyway. My kids have never had any cavities or other dental problems. My hesitation is because I'm a "working-poor" single mom with no insurance; so can someone convince me why this is a necessary expence?
I rarely if ever seal primary teeth. If there is a cavity, it gets treated though--unless I expect the tooth to be lost within a couple of months. It is particularly important to treat decay in the primary second molars (fifth or last baby tooth from the front) because premature loss (average is they're lost about age 12) can allow the permanent six year molar to drift forward and block out the developing second premolar. If the second primary molar is lost early, it is important to place a space maintainer to prevent movement of the permanent 6-year molar. I know this is more than you asked for, but you need to know the dangers of premature loss of at least SOME of the primary teeth. Steve Bornfeld, DDS
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Is their anyone out that works from home as a medical transcription or a medical biller?
I am taking classes in these fields (and medical and dental assistant) I am wanting to work from home..I have 2 toddlers at home and baby #3 on the way..I have a couple questions.. 1. if you work from home do you get insurance through your job? 2. Do you get benefits? 3. Is it hard to find a job working from home? Thank you!
I am not working from home yet but i hope to be soon..I think it depends on where you work if they offer insurance and benefits..
I am not working from home yet but i hope to be soon..I think it depends on where you work if they offer insurance and benefits..
Should I leave my good paying job for a lower paying one with benefits?
I work as a contractor making 17/hr. I don't get medical, dental, vision, sick leave or vacation benefits which really blows because I have been to the dentist four times in the past 14 months for root canals, crowns, cavities, etc and am due for several more root canals and crowns which cost a lot of $$. On top of this I drive 80-100 miles a day round trip to and from work on my own dime and with gas being so expensive, well. Not just that but the commute is long (2hours most days round trip) and wear and tear on my car sucks too. I could leave this job and make the same doing roof construction with full benefits and be miserable in the winters here in Western Washington OR I could take a low paying office or factory job and have benefits but barely be able to pay my bills. The lack of benefits sucks because i have to pay for everything out of pocket even with my private insurance. The wear and tear on my car, the gas, it all blows. What should I do?
What happens if you where to get injured...wouldn't you want coverage instead of paying out of pocket....An ambulance ride is $5,000 alone.
What happens if you where to get injured...wouldn't you want coverage instead of paying out of pocket....An ambulance ride is $5,000 alone.
should I get my wisdom teeth removed in mexico?
I need my wisdom teeth removed, badly, but have no money and no insurance. I live near the mexican border and have known many people who have gone to mexican for cheap dental care. I don't know anyone who's had their wisdom teeth removed in mexico, though, and I'd really like some recommendations of dentists or guidelines for finding a good oral surgeon in mexico or any other advice you can offer. Thanks!
You can go and ask the dentists there and find out about them and or you can go to a good oral surgeon in ur state and tell them ur situation and ask if they accept payment plans?
You can go and ask the dentists there and find out about them and or you can go to a good oral surgeon in ur state and tell them ur situation and ask if they accept payment plans?
Can I deduct my veneers off my taxes?
I had a lot of dental work last year. 10 veneers and 3 crowns. Can I deduct the veneers since it is considered cosmetic and insurance doesn't cover it?
If your veneers were to correct a defect, then they are deductible. Your dentist would be able to determine if they were to correct a defect. If they are only for cosmetic purposes, they are not deductible. The IRS does not follow the terms of your insurance coverage.
If your veneers were to correct a defect, then they are deductible. Your dentist would be able to determine if they were to correct a defect. If they are only for cosmetic purposes, they are not deductible. The IRS does not follow the terms of your insurance coverage.
Does anyone know of a dentist that takes the medical card in northwest suburbs, Illinois?
My employer does not offer dental or medical so I applied for my daughter and I to recieve the medical card. I have been approved and now Im having a hard time finding a dentist that takes this type of insurance. The one office I did find scared me to death. I dont want to be butchered, I just want a nice dentist!
The only place you can get cheap dental care that is constantly recommended is dental schools. UIC has a large dental school right off ashland from the Eisenhower. You should get a health savings account that would help with your medical and dental, and many other things.
The only place you can get cheap dental care that is constantly recommended is dental schools. UIC has a large dental school right off ashland from the Eisenhower. You should get a health savings account that would help with your medical and dental, and many other things.
Any idea how costly and what precautions to take to get your tonsils removed in Mexico?
My fiancee's tonsils swell on and off all the time, and he gets two-week-long strep throat sessions 2 or 3 times a year. When he was little, he got tonislitis 6 times in 6 months, and insurance required he get it 7 times in 6 months to qualify to get them taken out. We have no insurance right now, and they're at him again, it's driving him nuts! Is it possible to get them done in Mexico, and how expensive is it? My grandmother gets all her dental work done in Mexico, she rents a hotel room for a couple days and brings a ton of bottled water. Or anyone know how we can get it done cheap here in the states with no insurance?
As one who has family in Mexico i suggest you stay away from that may be way cheaper, but you better know the doctor you are gonna choose for that kind of surgery because if you don´t you might end up regretting it. Don´t just choose any hospital or doctor make sure that the doctor and hospital is reputable....preferably in a well known city. Dental work is not the same as surgery on a gland near a major artery, so try (i know it is hard, but try) to forget about the insurance for a while and measure your benefits for both sides. Not many associations recommend mexican hospitals, not all of them are bad but a majority of them aren´t very good....but with these warnings do what you think is best.
As one who has family in Mexico i suggest you stay away from that may be way cheaper, but you better know the doctor you are gonna choose for that kind of surgery because if you don´t you might end up regretting it. Don´t just choose any hospital or doctor make sure that the doctor and hospital is reputable....preferably in a well known city. Dental work is not the same as surgery on a gland near a major artery, so try (i know it is hard, but try) to forget about the insurance for a while and measure your benefits for both sides. Not many associations recommend mexican hospitals, not all of them are bad but a majority of them aren´t very good....but with these warnings do what you think is best.
HELP! Does any insurance cover invisalign??? I don't want braces!?
I go to Western Dental. I hate this dentist. I don't want braces so do you know if medical insurance will cover invisalign?
I think all insurance will cover for it................if you pay the higher premium to have it in your coverage **************UPDATE****************** My wife is a dental assistant and she confirmed to me that it depends on the insurance you have. If your premium covers it then yes it does.
I think all insurance will cover for it................if you pay the higher premium to have it in your coverage **************UPDATE****************** My wife is a dental assistant and she confirmed to me that it depends on the insurance you have. If your premium covers it then yes it does.
What sort of dental works would cost $7000?
There was a mysterious charge on a credit card from a dentist / orthodontist. It was paid for via credit card in two seprate $3,500 charges (about). The charges were on the same day. What in the hell sort of work could this be? Is it weird that it was on a credit card and not through insurance?
braces, implants & ceramic bridge could cost that much. Dont you discuss how much your treatment costs with your dentist?
braces, implants & ceramic bridge could cost that much. Dont you discuss how much your treatment costs with your dentist?
getting medical insurance through work.....??
I will be starting a new job at a Pharmaceutical company and I was told that medical insurance will run about 40.00 every 2 weeks which is 80.00 per month,. Is that too expensive?? what would be a good range of what we should pay for medical, dental..etc???
That sounds about right to me.
That sounds about right to me.
EMERGENCY dental care for UNINSURED in NYC?
I'm 23, I do not have any kind of insurance. I am in need of immediate dental care.... I am in A LOT of pain and need to find a very cheap or free way to get dental care anywhere in nyc.
1. You can go to a local community health care center for discounted fees. 2. You can also apply for medicaid and get the basic dental coverage.
1. You can go to a local community health care center for discounted fees. 2. You can also apply for medicaid and get the basic dental coverage.
How do you enforce court order for ex to pay medical bills on 4 kids dating from the year 2000?
My ex and I have been divorced since 2000. He is ordered by the court to either carry medical and dental insurance on our 4 children or pay 100% of their medical/dental bills. When he has the children covered by insurance he is required by the court to pay 50% of all out of pocket expenses. Since 2000, I have sent the bills via cert. mail and only 1 out of over 100 have been accepted. He lived out of state and then returned to Texas. For 4 years I was playing hit and miss with sending the mail to him because he moved so often. I have given him bills in person and had him sign for them. He has 10 days from the receipt to pay and refuses. In Oct.-Nov. the kids had over $2000 dental work done. He received the bills cert. mail 1 mth. ago. His wife says I was over charged and should take them to her dentist and that they will review the bill and decide on how and when to pay it. I told HIM I was willing to make a payment plan. He ignores me. Any suggestions, I live in Texas
if you had checked all medical bills need to be presented to the friend of the court, attorney general's office in texas. there is a time limit you have to submit the bills. this is why most women don't get reimbursed. read the fine work and remember only the courts can enforce payment
if you had checked all medical bills need to be presented to the friend of the court, attorney general's office in texas. there is a time limit you have to submit the bills. this is why most women don't get reimbursed. read the fine work and remember only the courts can enforce payment
free dental work in GA?
i need to have alot of dental work done but i have no insurance and i dont know anyone who can afford to pay it all in cash , i need two implants extractions and fillings does anyone know where i can go and make payment arrangments not based on credit history
MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY IN AUGUSTA. first come first serve on certain days of the week so call first and get there early.
MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY IN AUGUSTA. first come first serve on certain days of the week so call first and get there early.
Does medicare pay for eye problems? All of a sudden everything is blurry?
But the United Health Care Secure Horizons lady in our town told me that eyes are NOT covered. How can that be? How can I get another insurance (that I can trust covers everything?) Dental and Vision?
Things should not get blurry "all of a sudden". There's a chance you may have had a TIA mini-stroke. See your doctor before you worry about your vision.
Things should not get blurry "all of a sudden". There's a chance you may have had a TIA mini-stroke. See your doctor before you worry about your vision.
Health Insurance student?
i am 19 years old and live on my own right now im working a full time job to cover my health insurance but i hate it there and want to quit or atleats go part time so i can go back to school to better myself...but the 2 classes im looking at (EMT or dental asst.) both say i need health insurance to take the class...the job i have now and the ones i applyed for won't give me the days off to go to the class if i am full time if im not full time i lose the health insurance...if there any where i can go to get help just for the 3 or 4 months i will be those classes i really do not want to do the welfare thing at all im very against it....i still want to work atleast part time while im in school
Lots of constraints there from your college. A site I've used for quotes in the past ... Best of luck.
Lots of constraints there from your college. A site I've used for quotes in the past ... Best of luck.
Does anyone know an easy way to find a really good dentist?
I have dental anxiety and I've been trying to find a dentist in Warren County, Va who can deal with patients like me and take my insurance. My last dentist was less than satisfying and other places won't take my insurance. Does anyone know of any websites where I can find a dentist in my area?
I'm just like you. I even hate cleanings. My last cleaning I due into my hand so hard with my nails I drew blood. Try here - direct link to finding dentists -… Also search google - enter in sedition dentist (your city & state)
I'm just like you. I even hate cleanings. My last cleaning I due into my hand so hard with my nails I drew blood. Try here - direct link to finding dentists -… Also search google - enter in sedition dentist (your city & state)
Dental help needed?
I need do have major dental work done in Nebraska. I do not have any insurance and I cant seem to get financing. I am not disabled and I would probably not qualify for medicaid. I am sure that my teeth are the reason that I cant find a job since I am getting plenty of interviews. What other options are there?
University of Nebraska Medical Centre and Creighton University have dental schools. Contact these and have students do the work for you at much reduced pricing - the drawback is that it takes a lot of time because every step has to be checked by the instructors - you do end up with good work though.
University of Nebraska Medical Centre and Creighton University have dental schools. Contact these and have students do the work for you at much reduced pricing - the drawback is that it takes a lot of time because every step has to be checked by the instructors - you do end up with good work though.
what kaiser plan covers the dominion dental preventive plan....?
I really need to know because i have an overbite and it is causing me trouble sleeping and breathing at night..also i dont have any health insurance and i really need this done....I heard that kaiser covered othognatic fix my sleeping problem. if any one knows any thing please reply...thanks
Speak to the advisor at the plan itself
Speak to the advisor at the plan itself
Dental care in Nashville area?
Here is my issue, I have an alright job but I have no insurance. I don't have enough to afford my own insurance either and budget is very tight. I need to find some very cheap dental care or a dentist who offers a good payment plan. If anyone knows of anything, please let me know. Thanks!
Why don't you go to the State dental school? You will get excellent work done very cheaply. Most dentists have payment plans. They still are a little hard on budgets.
Why don't you go to the State dental school? You will get excellent work done very cheaply. Most dentists have payment plans. They still are a little hard on budgets.
What to do with Insurance Premiums?
I was doing a tax problem and I got stuck at this part, I know I can deduct Daniel and Darcy 8600 of medical expenses on Line 1 of schedule A, but I don't understand what to do with the insurance premium "Daniel and Darcy and their children had $3,200 of medical expenses and $5,400 of dental expense that were not covered by insurance (The family's insurance is provided by Darcy's employer as a part of her fringe benefit package. The value of the insurance premiums for 2008 is $14,500)" just stuck with that to do with the 14,500 of insurance premiums, where do they go on the 1040 ?
Insurance premiums for medical care provided by your employer are not deductible on Schedule A as an itemized deduction. Also you cannot deduct insurance premiums paid with pretax dollars because the premiums are not included in your wages (Box 1 of your W2). Only premiums paid with after tax dollars can be deducted as itemized deductions. Remember that medical expenses must exceed 7.5% of AGI to be included in the Schedule A total. Sue from H&R Block This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided. Click on my profile to read more.
Insurance premiums for medical care provided by your employer are not deductible on Schedule A as an itemized deduction. Also you cannot deduct insurance premiums paid with pretax dollars because the premiums are not included in your wages (Box 1 of your W2). Only premiums paid with after tax dollars can be deducted as itemized deductions. Remember that medical expenses must exceed 7.5% of AGI to be included in the Schedule A total. Sue from H&R Block This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided. Click on my profile to read more.
$10,000 worth of dental work.... is it worth it?
My husband came home from the dentist to let me know he has to have $10,000 worth of dental work done and that is after insurance pays for what they will. My jaw dropped! He has bad teeth and didn't really go to the dentist as a teen (his mom never took him) and the last 4 years he has not had insurance. He is 22. They are wanting to put 8 crowns in, 2 root canals, and some resin stuff from what I remember the paper saying. My question is, Is it even worth it? Or should he just get dentures? His whole family has a history of bad teeth. From his grand parents down, they all have dentures on both sides of his family from poor teeth. His dad is the only one that has his real teeth.
Because he is so young, I think the 10,000 would be an investment. Root canals will save his those teeth. I understand your delima though, honey. 10 grand is a lot to wrap your head around . Maybe getting a second or third opinion would help, because some dentists will tell you there's problem that HAS to be fixed when there isn't even a problem at all. For example, I was told once I had 8 cavities, and the next dentist I went to only found 1. But because he's 22, I think the best choice is to get a few more professional opinions and then try to work on getting the problems corrected. and if its more cost effective, and he's okay with the idea, dentures could be the way to go. But dental health is far more important than people seem to realize (myself included) and if if these problems aren't corrected, it could potentially cause other health problems for him later on down the road. I say get a few more opinions, and see if the prices vary.
Because he is so young, I think the 10,000 would be an investment. Root canals will save his those teeth. I understand your delima though, honey. 10 grand is a lot to wrap your head around . Maybe getting a second or third opinion would help, because some dentists will tell you there's problem that HAS to be fixed when there isn't even a problem at all. For example, I was told once I had 8 cavities, and the next dentist I went to only found 1. But because he's 22, I think the best choice is to get a few more professional opinions and then try to work on getting the problems corrected. and if its more cost effective, and he's okay with the idea, dentures could be the way to go. But dental health is far more important than people seem to realize (myself included) and if if these problems aren't corrected, it could potentially cause other health problems for him later on down the road. I say get a few more opinions, and see if the prices vary.
New Age Dental's Dr. Richie Lerias aka Mommy Dearest?
Has anyone ever had a Dentist go off like Joan Crawford from Mommy Dearest? I have been going to Skokie New Age Dental for castings and molds for a complete set of dentures. I've ask questions such as what Dental Lab do you use and what are the steps for extractions? Each time the dentist Dr. Richie Lerias has been offended and given me answers such as."Why are you asking?", "I'm a professional and I use a professional Lab." "I extract teeth professionally." "Don't be a problem." My dentures and extractions will cost over $3,000.00 and I will have to live with the dentures for at least ten years. As well as it's my mouth and money so I feel I should be able to ask all the questions I want and they should be answered with a smile. Well when the final upper denture were made I noticed black spots and a hair had been cured onto the surface of some of the teeth! When I questioned these things Dr. Richie Lerias told me he would give me the address of the dental lab and I could take the denture there and ask them to fix it. I was shocked. Now he'll tell me the name of the Dental Lab and wants me to solve this issue! I said to Dr. Richie Lerias, "I'm paying over $3,000.00 and you want me to solve this problem?" Dr. Richie Lerias responds, "The lab will charge me if they have to replace a tooth and I'm not paying for that." "You can hardly see the hair anyway." I told him these are not $10.99 dentures and for the money I'm paying I want the dentures as perfect as possible. If you buy a new car at a new car price, you don't want dents and dings on the frame do you? Well his response was to show me what a male Joan Crawford would look like. His eyes glazed over. He ripped off his protective lab cover, roughly peeled off his gloves, slammed the dentures on the counter and yelled "I will not have you criticize my work! I'll keep these teeth and refund your money!" At that point I'm all for it. I don't want Mommy Dearest anywhere near my mouth. He might use a wire hanger for the extractions! I rush off to the restroom (stress makes me need to go) and when I came out of the restroom, Dr. Richie Lerias was standing there with the Dental Assistant and the receptionist Monica to confront me Again and remind me that HE WILL NOT HAVE HIS WORK CRITICIZED!! Stay away from Dr. Richie Lerias at SKOKIE NEW AGE DENTAL, MORTON GROVE NEW AGE DENTAL and PALENTINE NEW AGE DENTAL unless you want teeth with hair and want to get in trouble with Mommy Dearest aka Dr. Richie Lerias. I'm giving the Managing partners a day to respond to my complaints, and then I'm reporting this to the American Dental Association, the Illinoiss Dental Association, The Better Business Bureau and Aetna Insurance my insurance company. Has anyone else ever experienced this type of situation and what did you do? If this happened to you, what would you do?
Well its actually the labs fault so he should have said so and then tried to follow it up himself or the patient can go directly and sort it out, most dentists go for the former although the latter is not a no no. The fault lies with the lab actually and should be sorted out by them.
Well its actually the labs fault so he should have said so and then tried to follow it up himself or the patient can go directly and sort it out, most dentists go for the former although the latter is not a no no. The fault lies with the lab actually and should be sorted out by them.
I need all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled, cleaned and braces to put everything back in place.?
Which is a good dental insurance in Charlotte, NC?
This is a very affordable alternative/Health Plan; $11.99/mo. You can save 25-80% on Dental Services: Take Care!
This is a very affordable alternative/Health Plan; $11.99/mo. You can save 25-80% on Dental Services: Take Care!
Would anyone like to apply for this position?
POSITION TITLE: Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop JOB DESCRIPTION: Long term, team players needed, for challenging,permanent work in an often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. RESPONSIBILITIES : The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be a willing to be indispensable one minute and an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility. POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT & PROMOTION: None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE : None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis. WAGES AND COMPENSATION : Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more. BENEFITS : While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.
I'm already on the job everyday, plus run by business at the same time with a three year old. Fun Fun Fun!! :)
I'm already on the job everyday, plus run by business at the same time with a three year old. Fun Fun Fun!! :)
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