For years I have problems with my teeth and was taking care of them when i was under my mother's insurance plan. Since I have been taken off the plan I have not been able to afford the cost of taking care for my teeth. I am a recent graduate and I have no health or dental insurance. Does anyone know of a dentist who will do charity work or even give massive discounts. My teeth are a real problem for me and I can't do anything about it. Please can someone help!
Get as much resource as you can maybe is one option,however it could be quite time consuming,here… is one resource i have had good experience.
Friday, July 15, 2011
should i rent or buy in austin, tx?
Is it worth it to buy a home (condo) as a graduate student? I've just been accepted into a PhD. program in Austin. The average time for completion is 5.5 years. Instead of moving from place to place I'm thinking of purchasing a condo there in the $75-85k range. I'm 21 and graduating with my B.S. this May. I have no student loans. I own my car. I've paid the most of my tuition + rent + insurance + CC+ my car without parental help. I pay for my CC in full always. I also have $4k in Roth. My acceptance into the program includes tuition waived, free health and dental insurance, one year of Roth IRA paid and a $2500 "signing bonus." Most importantly, it guarantees an annual $24,500. There is no state income tax in Texas. However, I cannot work under the school's contract. Many grad students buy their own apartments. In the same building, rent for a 1BR/1BA is ~$500-700 and many of the grad students there I've spoken with have mortgages in the $700-800 range.
Buy your property...for a loan that small you probably wouldn't be spending more than 10k a year on a mortgage. Plus when you are finished with your can sell your place and make money with appreciation. Also the interest you pay on your mortgage will be tax deductible. Good luck and it sounds like your doing great!
Buy your property...for a loan that small you probably wouldn't be spending more than 10k a year on a mortgage. Plus when you are finished with your can sell your place and make money with appreciation. Also the interest you pay on your mortgage will be tax deductible. Good luck and it sounds like your doing great!
how much is income tax on earnings in america ?
its 20 % in the UK which i think is really bad, someone earning 16k will pay over £3000 a year tax and insurance, i know we have NHS Healthcare but if your working you still have to pay for prescriptions & dental treatment.
It depends on how much you make and what your filing class is. If someone earned $16,000 (US)they would have to pay 15%, however this is also before deductions. Say this person has 4 children - then they wouldnt have to pay anything and they would probably get money from the government instead due to the Earned Income Credit for people with low incomes and children. The lowest tax rate is 10% and the highest is 35%. You would have to make over $372,951 to be in the 35% bracket. Currently I live in Canada and we have to pay 48% this year (so much for "free" health care!)
It depends on how much you make and what your filing class is. If someone earned $16,000 (US)they would have to pay 15%, however this is also before deductions. Say this person has 4 children - then they wouldnt have to pay anything and they would probably get money from the government instead due to the Earned Income Credit for people with low incomes and children. The lowest tax rate is 10% and the highest is 35%. You would have to make over $372,951 to be in the 35% bracket. Currently I live in Canada and we have to pay 48% this year (so much for "free" health care!)
Default only for Dental Hygienist?
Please kindly answer these questions what city do you live? How do you get paid? commission,salary,Hourly,daily. how many jobs you are holding? how many hours you work a week? does dentist cut off your hours when it has no patient? how many Yrs of experience do you have ? do you like what you are doing? what is the positive and negative sides about the job? do you feel you are under paid? do you have insurance,Health care,Bonus,paid vacation?
Pittsburgh, PA hourly one job 24 hrs per weel no, i dont get cut which is wonderful. previous employers did 25 yrs love what i am doing positives: patients, obliterating calculus, contributing to ones overall health negatives: none a bit underpayed considering how much the dentist makes from the cleanings and xrays Im part time so i dont have benefits but the full time girl does. She also has a 401k
Pittsburgh, PA hourly one job 24 hrs per weel no, i dont get cut which is wonderful. previous employers did 25 yrs love what i am doing positives: patients, obliterating calculus, contributing to ones overall health negatives: none a bit underpayed considering how much the dentist makes from the cleanings and xrays Im part time so i dont have benefits but the full time girl does. She also has a 401k
the cost of dental Crowns & Bridges for a teenager in the bay area?
The insurance doesn't cover Crowns & Bridges, so i wonder how much it is, especially in SAN FRANCISCO. then, how long will the treatment last? what else do i and my child need to be aware of ? thanks a lot
The average cost from a crown is between $750 to $1300 the cost for a bridge is basically the cost of a single crown times the number of teeth that will be in the bridge. That being said, it is often not advised to do permanent crowns or bridges on teenagers. This is because they are still growing. Teenager's mouths will continue to grown and the teeth will still tend to erupt a bit further. Usually if a permanent restoration is placed too early, the esthetics and the occlusal plane (the biting plane of the teeth) will end up compromised. Often we try to keep them either in something temporary or transitional until they are finished growing. Now this is not an absolute rule, it depends on the case, whether it is a girl or boy (girls finish their growth earlier), where the work needs to be done, etc. Often if the work is done while they are still growing, it will need to be redone at some point in time when they are older.
The average cost from a crown is between $750 to $1300 the cost for a bridge is basically the cost of a single crown times the number of teeth that will be in the bridge. That being said, it is often not advised to do permanent crowns or bridges on teenagers. This is because they are still growing. Teenager's mouths will continue to grown and the teeth will still tend to erupt a bit further. Usually if a permanent restoration is placed too early, the esthetics and the occlusal plane (the biting plane of the teeth) will end up compromised. Often we try to keep them either in something temporary or transitional until they are finished growing. Now this is not an absolute rule, it depends on the case, whether it is a girl or boy (girls finish their growth earlier), where the work needs to be done, etc. Often if the work is done while they are still growing, it will need to be redone at some point in time when they are older.
Does anyone know about Access insurance?
i want somethign done with dental, like braces or visiline??
best thing to do is to call the number on your insurance card...and ask them what your dental insurance covers. Tell them you are wanting to get braces or visiline and would it be covered? if not whats going to come out of pocket. They will be able to answer all your questions. I haven't heard of the insurance so I can't tell you anything but that. Plus your benefits are probably different from everyone elses. Best thing is call that number. They know more about your coverage then anyone!
best thing to do is to call the number on your insurance card...and ask them what your dental insurance covers. Tell them you are wanting to get braces or visiline and would it be covered? if not whats going to come out of pocket. They will be able to answer all your questions. I haven't heard of the insurance so I can't tell you anything but that. Plus your benefits are probably different from everyone elses. Best thing is call that number. They know more about your coverage then anyone!
impacted wisdom teeth removal?
I live in chicago il and was looking for some help. I also have no dental insurance. I need to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed because they are impacted and not through the gum. They have also dug themselves into the back of the molars in front of them. I have an appointment at county hosp tomorrow i am wondering if anyone has been there for this just some help on the situation. thank you so much
Consider a dental school or clinic. They can usually work with your income levels. They will probably charge for the x-rays, Novocaine, and a per tooth extraction. You will feel so much better, when it is over with. Just remember that if you get nervous. Keep in mind how much better and happier you will be when it is done.
Consider a dental school or clinic. They can usually work with your income levels. They will probably charge for the x-rays, Novocaine, and a per tooth extraction. You will feel so much better, when it is over with. Just remember that if you get nervous. Keep in mind how much better and happier you will be when it is done.
Problems after root canal?
I had a root canal about 2 and a half years ago, but now I have what appears to be a parulus. What gives? I continue to rinse my mouth with peroxide, but it still remains. I have had this for almost a month now. Just when I think it's going away, it comes back. I don't have dental insurance, therefore, I haven't gone in for a visit. Any recommendations? Thanks
u need to go in. it's sounds like it may need to b retreated. rinsing with peroxide won't help. u need an x-ray taken to determine whats going on. it could just be a gum infection, but u'll most likely need an antibiotic and an incise and drain to clear the problem. your oral health affects your over all health, so invest in yourself and get it taken care of. look into care credit. it's a healthcare credit card that offers interest free payments for a period of time based on your credit history and cost of procedure. u can look it up online.
u need to go in. it's sounds like it may need to b retreated. rinsing with peroxide won't help. u need an x-ray taken to determine whats going on. it could just be a gum infection, but u'll most likely need an antibiotic and an incise and drain to clear the problem. your oral health affects your over all health, so invest in yourself and get it taken care of. look into care credit. it's a healthcare credit card that offers interest free payments for a period of time based on your credit history and cost of procedure. u can look it up online.
Wierd thing inside mouth?
I have this what appears to be a little fluid filled bump with one dark spot on it. It doesn't hurt and would have never have noticed it if I had not seen it. My family doesn't really have dental insurance so I can't really go get it checked out. Does anybody know what it could be?
It could be a number of things. I've been a dental assistant for the past four years now, and it could be anything from a periapical abscess, to a cancerous growth, to a natural reaction to bacteria in your mouth - even bacteria as common as plaque. If it's been there for more than a week and you haven't noticed any sort of change at all, go get it checked out as soon as possible. Tomorrow, even. Cost aside, your well-being is what's important.
It could be a number of things. I've been a dental assistant for the past four years now, and it could be anything from a periapical abscess, to a cancerous growth, to a natural reaction to bacteria in your mouth - even bacteria as common as plaque. If it's been there for more than a week and you haven't noticed any sort of change at all, go get it checked out as soon as possible. Tomorrow, even. Cost aside, your well-being is what's important.
Root Canal or Get it Pulled?
Hi im 22 years old & i Have had a tooth-ache off on for over a year now ! It recently got worse So i went to the dentist! I have had the tooth filled several times ! This recent visit they said the tooth was dieing plus I have bad infection where the filling is on that toothand I need a root canal they explained the procedure and all that ! But both my parents had bad experinces with there root canals and ended getting them pulled out anyhow! Plus I have heard other horror stories as well! My Dental Insurance will only pay half so that leaves me to pay 500.00 not includeing the crowns to be put on later! Its a back tooth so Im really considering just haveing pulled but I really am worried cause im young still and most of my teeth have fillings so its not like I perfect teeth to start with! So just any good advice or suggustions would be great!
Hi Emily, I would personally consider root canal treatment (RCT). RCT is not guaranteed successful, but surely it is worth a try, because it is better to try and keep all of your teeth in your mouth. I can see your point, though, as it if proves unsuccessful, then you've wasted a lot of money. I am 20 years old and regret having teeth extracted, but that might be because I work in a dental practice and teeth interest me now. If you have a decent amount of teeth in your mouth, then perhaps opt for it to be extracted. Ask your dentist if it will make much of a difference if the tooth is missing. I must say, quite a few patients I have seen recently have decided on an extraction, rather than RCT. But please do not let this influence your decision. I am a dental surgery assistant and my advice is given on a personal level and should not be considered to be professional. Please let me know what you decide. Keep smiling.
Hi Emily, I would personally consider root canal treatment (RCT). RCT is not guaranteed successful, but surely it is worth a try, because it is better to try and keep all of your teeth in your mouth. I can see your point, though, as it if proves unsuccessful, then you've wasted a lot of money. I am 20 years old and regret having teeth extracted, but that might be because I work in a dental practice and teeth interest me now. If you have a decent amount of teeth in your mouth, then perhaps opt for it to be extracted. Ask your dentist if it will make much of a difference if the tooth is missing. I must say, quite a few patients I have seen recently have decided on an extraction, rather than RCT. But please do not let this influence your decision. I am a dental surgery assistant and my advice is given on a personal level and should not be considered to be professional. Please let me know what you decide. Keep smiling.
Any Americans here AGAINST free healthcare? And Why?
The modern belief that it will raise your taxes is false btw. It will raise them in one place but at the same time it would eleminate retirement funds, health and dental insurance, as well as social security tax. All this added up mean more money in pocket and less money put aside for retirement. Still against it? Why?
How would this eliminate retirement funds and social security? I am very confused on that as it has nothing to do with health care. We have no idea what the price tag costs for universal health care so we can't tell if us not paying premiums any longer would match up to the tax increase. I am against it because it would open up for it being perfectly legal for the government to regulate what I can eat, drink and how much I must exercise. Millions and millions of people are employed in the private insurance business as well as with the doctors who bill insurance. These people would loose their jobs. Insurance companies are also a big contributor to medical research, this would of course go away with their demise. As with most health insurance plans there are limitations on coverage, this would be the case with the governments plan also, only now you do not have the option to change plans. edit: What? Talk to your grandparents about what their retirement funds are used for. It is to pay for daily living after they retire. Life insurance is to pass to their family after their death to cover final expenses. Does this healthcare plan pay for funerals? Pay off debts when you die? Pay for food/electricity/water for retired people?
How would this eliminate retirement funds and social security? I am very confused on that as it has nothing to do with health care. We have no idea what the price tag costs for universal health care so we can't tell if us not paying premiums any longer would match up to the tax increase. I am against it because it would open up for it being perfectly legal for the government to regulate what I can eat, drink and how much I must exercise. Millions and millions of people are employed in the private insurance business as well as with the doctors who bill insurance. These people would loose their jobs. Insurance companies are also a big contributor to medical research, this would of course go away with their demise. As with most health insurance plans there are limitations on coverage, this would be the case with the governments plan also, only now you do not have the option to change plans. edit: What? Talk to your grandparents about what their retirement funds are used for. It is to pay for daily living after they retire. Life insurance is to pass to their family after their death to cover final expenses. Does this healthcare plan pay for funerals? Pay off debts when you die? Pay for food/electricity/water for retired people?
Have you ever chipped a tooth?
I chipped my two front teeth at work today. It didn't hurt, but I do look funny. It is going to be a while until I can get them fixed because I don't have dental insurance, I have to make sure my work will cover it. Has this ever happened to you?
I have ridiculous luck when it comes to teeth. Of all the injuries I've sustained to the face, I've never lost, chipped, broken or even loosened a tooth. Plus, I've only ever had two fillings and they were both on baby teeth that have long since fallen out. Truly, the Tooth Fairy has some kind of wicked crush on me.
I have ridiculous luck when it comes to teeth. Of all the injuries I've sustained to the face, I've never lost, chipped, broken or even loosened a tooth. Plus, I've only ever had two fillings and they were both on baby teeth that have long since fallen out. Truly, the Tooth Fairy has some kind of wicked crush on me.
what can i expect ?
i finally found some good dental insurance that i can afford. so now i can get these impacted wisdom teeth taken out. it seems like there getting worst by the day, i have to get all 4 of them removed plus a tooth that broke off at the gum ( not the whole tooth just a piece ) im planing on being sedated when i have this done. can anybody tell me what i need to expect when going into surgery and after?
I just got my wisdom teeth out last week, however they were not impacted they were most of the way out. They were growing into my jaw and crooked. I went to an oral surgeon were they did IV sedation. I was extremely nervous and shaking. Once I felt the IV go in I started to feel relaxed at once. They also gave me a mask with oxygen that was all I remember I was out within a minute. I did wake up as they were doing the procedure, but I did not feel a thing I was told to take a deep breath and then all I remember is waking up. I felt groggy and tired after wards. I got an antibiotic and pain pills. I was sore for a few days and didn't eat too much the first and second day. You can eat soft foods just avoid anything too hot. Don't smoke or drink out of a straw for several days to avoid dry sockets. I didn't need my pain pills I was just sore and uncomfortable, but everyone tolerance for pain differs. I had a post op appointment a week later where I was given a syringe to help with food getting stuck in the hole. All in all not a bad experience not fun, but I worried for nothing. Good luck, and you will be glad you did it.
I just got my wisdom teeth out last week, however they were not impacted they were most of the way out. They were growing into my jaw and crooked. I went to an oral surgeon were they did IV sedation. I was extremely nervous and shaking. Once I felt the IV go in I started to feel relaxed at once. They also gave me a mask with oxygen that was all I remember I was out within a minute. I did wake up as they were doing the procedure, but I did not feel a thing I was told to take a deep breath and then all I remember is waking up. I felt groggy and tired after wards. I got an antibiotic and pain pills. I was sore for a few days and didn't eat too much the first and second day. You can eat soft foods just avoid anything too hot. Don't smoke or drink out of a straw for several days to avoid dry sockets. I didn't need my pain pills I was just sore and uncomfortable, but everyone tolerance for pain differs. I had a post op appointment a week later where I was given a syringe to help with food getting stuck in the hole. All in all not a bad experience not fun, but I worried for nothing. Good luck, and you will be glad you did it.
Which job would you take?
(1) GPS?Laser Guidance systems technician working with heavy machinery (construction equipment) to make it automated. It utilizes laser and GPS data to make large earthmoving jobs smoother and much more accurate. It provides a company vehicle, gas card, and health/dental insurance. Lots of travel time included. or................................. (2) GSE mechanic for a small FBO at a major airport. The company tailors to multi-millionaires and VIP aircraft going in and out of the airport. Company has own private jet for company paid vacations. Gives employee a chance of meeting many well-known faces. You would be your own boss and make your own hours. Holidays are paid and once hired are automatically given a weeks paid vacation, no having to wait a year for benefits. Also works with defense department on secret projects. Both jobs can be very dirty at times. Both pay the exact same. Which would you do?
The second one sounds like it is offering more then the first, and it just seems like it would be more interesting. And the being your own boss part is great. Best of luck and success and which ever positon you decide to take.
The second one sounds like it is offering more then the first, and it just seems like it would be more interesting. And the being your own boss part is great. Best of luck and success and which ever positon you decide to take.
Should I pay if I had to go back to same dentist under great pain for my same tooth at the 3rd time????
My tooth is very sensitive for cold drinks. So my dentist did some fillings for me. That's my 1st visit of him. Then I had to go back because of pain and the tooth is still sensitive in 6 days. So he cleaned out all the fillings, and did a filling work again. Unfortunately, it's getting worse. The same tooth is under such a great pain so that I have major headache on the same side of my head. Also, I can't eat properly anymore because I got canker sores after my 2nd visit inside and out of my mouth. I went to see another dentist close by, he told me in order to save my tooth. I have to get my nerves out which will cost about $1000. Also, after the first 2 visits, I have already maximize my dental insurance. So any other expense from now on will be on my own untill next year. So my question is, should I get charged if i go back to the same dentist the 3rd time!?? What if I have to go back the 4th time?? Should he reverse the charge??? What should I do??? HELP!!!!!!!!!
OK, take in mind that I am answering without having your chart in front of me to review, or your x-rays. It is likely that you really needed the rootcanal (Having the nerve removed) from the get go. Sometimes, the need for a rootcanal is not obvious. It isn't like a broken bone, where you can see the obvious problem on the x-ray. There are many different things that would require a rootcanal to be done. Cracks in a tooth is one of them. It is possible that you have a crack in the tooth, that is not going to be visible by the naked eye or on an x-ray. That could have been what caused you the sensitivity in the first place. Now, do I feel he was wrong to try a filling or even to try to redo the filling? No, because that was the most conservative treatment that he could do. However, if this were done in my office, this is what we would have done. You would have been charged for the filling. However, we would not have charged you for redoing it. If after that, the problem continued or worsened, we would have credited what was paid on the filling towards the rootcanal. Obviously you would have had an additional copayment due, but you would have been able to credit all you had paid for the filling towards that rootcanal. But every dentist does things his own way, so I can't tell you what they will do.
OK, take in mind that I am answering without having your chart in front of me to review, or your x-rays. It is likely that you really needed the rootcanal (Having the nerve removed) from the get go. Sometimes, the need for a rootcanal is not obvious. It isn't like a broken bone, where you can see the obvious problem on the x-ray. There are many different things that would require a rootcanal to be done. Cracks in a tooth is one of them. It is possible that you have a crack in the tooth, that is not going to be visible by the naked eye or on an x-ray. That could have been what caused you the sensitivity in the first place. Now, do I feel he was wrong to try a filling or even to try to redo the filling? No, because that was the most conservative treatment that he could do. However, if this were done in my office, this is what we would have done. You would have been charged for the filling. However, we would not have charged you for redoing it. If after that, the problem continued or worsened, we would have credited what was paid on the filling towards the rootcanal. Obviously you would have had an additional copayment due, but you would have been able to credit all you had paid for the filling towards that rootcanal. But every dentist does things his own way, so I can't tell you what they will do.
Man...this is isn't easy but here goes...I've been taking Vicodin now for close to 6 years. It started with a bad toothache and no medical/dental insurance. I got hooked on the stuff after using it to relieve pain. I'm now up to 70 (yes SEVENTY) a DAY. I've even "sold myself" in exchange for the drug. I'm only 29 and I have tried to quit MANY times and fail each time. I can't deal with the depression (as I'm already depressed enough as it is). I feel like I want to jump off the roof of my 8 story apt. building everytime I try. My life is consumed by this drug. It's all I think about. How I'm going to get more when I'm running low...I've stolen from my job to purchase the drug at street prices (5 bux a pill on the street, normally. Do the math...70 pills a day at 5 bux a pill???) I'm so ashamed...I don't have the money for an inpatient detox program but I have GOT TO STOP! PLEASE HELP?!?!?! Thank you and God bless!!!
Sweet heart I do want to give you some advice...not in a judgmental way that "paper cuff" did, actually I want to deal with him first, yes Veronica has an addiction problem, having already admitting that is the first step to recovery, obviously it is going to be a struggle to get life back to a controled situation, but do you have any idea how unhelpful your coments are, I would go as far as saying you are detremental to this persons recovery. I can only wonder if you are like I used to be...far too quick to judge people who used drugs, people don't just wake up one morning and decide they are going to F#%k their lives up by using narcotics, try to see through others eyes and be less intent on dragging people down to your level !!!!!! Ok, my name is Yette, I am a happily married (most of the time) mother of 2 beautiful girls, about 5 1/2 years ago I broke my neck in a car accident, I live with Chronic pain syndrome - 0 is no pain 10 is the worst pain imaginable, on a good day I'm about an 8, here is my list of daily medications...(AND KEEP IN MIND NONE OF MY DOCTORS CONSIDER ME AN ADDICT), I take upto 400mg of liquid Morphine a day also 2 x Panadeine Forte every 6 hours, I also take 4 valium with each dose of both medicines, I take 2 sleeping tabets each night, these medications in the begining destroyed my life, as I detested the concept of being on Narcotic medication...I've never even smoked pot, drugs were never my thing, I didn't need a chemical to make me happy, I still don't, I take Morphine for pain relief, it has had a massive effect on our lives, my husband lost his business because he had to stay home and care for me and our girls. I would give anything to be off these medications, but accoding to 3 specialists and my G.P I will be like this not for a few years, I'll be like this for decades, how do you think I feel popping pain killers in front of my children, it is devestating, my little girl, such a kind child said to me last week that when she grows up she wants to be just like me but with (NO PAIN). Now just because I have an actual reason to take these medications for physical pain, who are we to decide what emotional pain Veronica is in, after 6 years she's not getting a buzz out of her medications, she has to take them to stay well, because the withdrwls wil be horrible, I agree she should check herself into a detox clinic, Veronica you can't do this on your own, and your addction will never be gone completely, the choices you continue to make will determine your ultimate outcome. Veronica, do you have a Dr you trust, are you getting most of your hit's from your Dr's prescriptions, or from the streets? PLEASE stop hurting yourself, regain your self respect, and take back control of your life and your life style..... YOU CAN DO IT, if ever you need to talk I'm here,
Sweet heart I do want to give you some advice...not in a judgmental way that "paper cuff" did, actually I want to deal with him first, yes Veronica has an addiction problem, having already admitting that is the first step to recovery, obviously it is going to be a struggle to get life back to a controled situation, but do you have any idea how unhelpful your coments are, I would go as far as saying you are detremental to this persons recovery. I can only wonder if you are like I used to be...far too quick to judge people who used drugs, people don't just wake up one morning and decide they are going to F#%k their lives up by using narcotics, try to see through others eyes and be less intent on dragging people down to your level !!!!!! Ok, my name is Yette, I am a happily married (most of the time) mother of 2 beautiful girls, about 5 1/2 years ago I broke my neck in a car accident, I live with Chronic pain syndrome - 0 is no pain 10 is the worst pain imaginable, on a good day I'm about an 8, here is my list of daily medications...(AND KEEP IN MIND NONE OF MY DOCTORS CONSIDER ME AN ADDICT), I take upto 400mg of liquid Morphine a day also 2 x Panadeine Forte every 6 hours, I also take 4 valium with each dose of both medicines, I take 2 sleeping tabets each night, these medications in the begining destroyed my life, as I detested the concept of being on Narcotic medication...I've never even smoked pot, drugs were never my thing, I didn't need a chemical to make me happy, I still don't, I take Morphine for pain relief, it has had a massive effect on our lives, my husband lost his business because he had to stay home and care for me and our girls. I would give anything to be off these medications, but accoding to 3 specialists and my G.P I will be like this not for a few years, I'll be like this for decades, how do you think I feel popping pain killers in front of my children, it is devestating, my little girl, such a kind child said to me last week that when she grows up she wants to be just like me but with (NO PAIN). Now just because I have an actual reason to take these medications for physical pain, who are we to decide what emotional pain Veronica is in, after 6 years she's not getting a buzz out of her medications, she has to take them to stay well, because the withdrwls wil be horrible, I agree she should check herself into a detox clinic, Veronica you can't do this on your own, and your addction will never be gone completely, the choices you continue to make will determine your ultimate outcome. Veronica, do you have a Dr you trust, are you getting most of your hit's from your Dr's prescriptions, or from the streets? PLEASE stop hurting yourself, regain your self respect, and take back control of your life and your life style..... YOU CAN DO IT, if ever you need to talk I'm here,
Average price of a crown (details)?
Just curious what the average price of having a molar crowned is. My dental insurance through work is more of a "discount plan", and I have a deep cavity in one of my rear molars and need a crown. My portion of the cost is $400. Is this about right? (No root canal involved.)
That sounds right. Most dental insurances pay for 50% of crowns and most crowns are around $800-$1000.
That sounds right. Most dental insurances pay for 50% of crowns and most crowns are around $800-$1000.
Terrible teeth condition?
All my life I have had bad teeth and now for the last two years they have been breaking really bad. I do not know what to do as far as fake replacement or what type of teeth I should check into. I have dental insurance but its not very good and I am sooo tired of the funny looks I get and the low self esteem I have. Please help with any advice!!! Thanks
I have a co-worker that has really bad teeth (crooked, missing parts of a tooth, missing a canine, and they are very discolored...grey and orange looking). She had a bad experience at the dentist when she was younger, so she has never gone as an adult, until recently. She went to the dentist about 6 months ago and they came up with a whole treatment plan. She can't afford Veneers (our insurance kinda sucks), so I think they are putting crowns on the teeth that are really bad. She didn't really do anything at first, kinda put it off, until recently she broke another tooth. So, she started going and she has had 2 crowns. It's kinda pricey, so she is taking her time and doing a crown(s) when she can. Although her teeth have a ways to go, she gets so excited at work whenever she is getting something done. I would suggest just calling a dentist and making an appointment. If that dentist makes you feel comfortable and not embarrassed, then stick with them :) I was embarrassed to talk to my dentist about braces (I'm in my late 20s), but I'm glad I did because I'm getting my Invisalign in a few days :)
I have a co-worker that has really bad teeth (crooked, missing parts of a tooth, missing a canine, and they are very discolored...grey and orange looking). She had a bad experience at the dentist when she was younger, so she has never gone as an adult, until recently. She went to the dentist about 6 months ago and they came up with a whole treatment plan. She can't afford Veneers (our insurance kinda sucks), so I think they are putting crowns on the teeth that are really bad. She didn't really do anything at first, kinda put it off, until recently she broke another tooth. So, she started going and she has had 2 crowns. It's kinda pricey, so she is taking her time and doing a crown(s) when she can. Although her teeth have a ways to go, she gets so excited at work whenever she is getting something done. I would suggest just calling a dentist and making an appointment. If that dentist makes you feel comfortable and not embarrassed, then stick with them :) I was embarrassed to talk to my dentist about braces (I'm in my late 20s), but I'm glad I did because I'm getting my Invisalign in a few days :)
Louisiana Health Care?
I've lived in Louisiana for almost two years and I don't have health/dental insurance. Now I desperately need my wisdom teeth pulled, and I have no idea where to go/who to talk to. Any advice?
PLEASE PLEASE contact me, I work for a company that discounts medical and dental up to 80%. we save people 1000's and its extremely affordable i want to email you the info because its people like you that always need this!! believe me im not trying to scam you its just yahoo answers doesnt let companies solicit so i cant tell you everything. please email me for more info! its definitely be worth it to you! Erin my email-
PLEASE PLEASE contact me, I work for a company that discounts medical and dental up to 80%. we save people 1000's and its extremely affordable i want to email you the info because its people like you that always need this!! believe me im not trying to scam you its just yahoo answers doesnt let companies solicit so i cant tell you everything. please email me for more info! its definitely be worth it to you! Erin my email-
About my FMLA program?
I want to know if I still care for family member under the FMLA program until next week, I've already enroll the Dental Insurance from my employer, what if I check up with dentist for myself during my FMLA leave, can I still get reimbursement or cover by my company when I leave as FMLA? thanks for your great help and time, hope see some advises here?
Absolutely!!!! You still have all of your health care benefits when you are on FMLA!! And dont let your employer tell you different.
Absolutely!!!! You still have all of your health care benefits when you are on FMLA!! And dont let your employer tell you different.
Child Support vs. Title on my Car?
I have custody of my kids. Kid's dad is of course in arrears. I am planning on filing taxes for BOTH kids, instead of the just the one that is listed in the parenting plan (I can do that, if he is in arrears) come tax time. BUT I own a car, that is listed with both my name, and his name on the loan. I finish paying off the note early early February. Problem: When I got him to sign a paper, stating that no matter what, he would sign over the title to the car once it's paid for, I forgot to have it notorized. I dont want him to know that it's not notorized because I dont want him to know he has any leverage over me. I plan on getting the title to my car, (which he will sign over, if everything is cool between us), but I also plan on claiming both children and ALL the daycare I pay for..........he also should be paying for dental insurance that I am paying for now, but I dont want to include that when we go to court to modify child support payments, because he may not sign over the title
Didn't they state who got the car in the divorce, they did on my cousins. If they did and it was you should have no problem. I would think if you have been making the payments since you split that would go in your favor also.
Didn't they state who got the car in the divorce, they did on my cousins. If they did and it was you should have no problem. I would think if you have been making the payments since you split that would go in your favor also.
Small piece of tooth broke off while flossing? I have no insurance!?
A small piece of tooth broke off a molar while I was flossing. When I looked at in the mirror, its not that noticeable because it is between the teeth...the tooth itself still looks fine (no discolorations whatsoever...still white in color)...It doesn't hurt and its not sensitive. Is there anything I could put on it to prevent it from getting worse until I am able to get help? I'm working as a temp right now, so I have no benefits and definitely can't afford dental care. I developed a dental phobia because my last dentist was careless and would gossip over me to the assistant, and then would accidentally jab my gums over and over again. I haven't gone in 2 years . If I go to a dental school, where the rates are drastically reduced, will they be sensitive to my phobia?
Here are 2 dental schools in Illinois Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine 2800 College Avenue Bldg 273/2300 Alton, IL 62002 Dean: Dr. Ann M. Boyle Phone: (618) 474-7120 Accreditation Status: Approval without Reporting Requirements Last Accreditation Visit: 2005 Next Accreditation Visit: 2012 Web Address: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry 801 South Paulina Street Suite # 102 Chicago, IL 60612 Dean: Dr. Bruce S. Graham Phone: (312) 996-1040 Accreditation Status: Approval without Reporting Requirements Last Accreditation Visit: 2006 Next Accreditation Visit: 2013 Web Address: If you choose to go to a dental school the rates will be reduced and if you tell them your concerns, they should be mindful of them. You can also try a dental hygiene school, my school justs asks for a donation for treatment. It could literally cost you $15.00 for a cleaning and xrays. Here are a list of the dental hygiene programs for Illinois Illinois Carl Sandburg College Date Submitted: 10/17/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd. Galesburg, IL 61401-0000 Lauri Wiechmann, BS, MPA — Coordinator of Dental Hygiene Phone: (309) 344-2595 Ext.: 237 Fax: (309) 344-2611 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A College of DuPage Date Submitted: 9/15/2004 Dental Hygiene Program 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-0000 Patricia S. Wellner, RDH, MS, CC — Coordinator, Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (630) 942-4237 Ext.: Fax: (630) 942-3254 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A College of Lake County Date Submitted: 9/28/2006 Biological & Health Sciences Dental Hygiene Program 19351 W. Washington Street Grayslake, IL 60030-2298 Sue Nierstheimer, RDH — Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Phone: (847) 543-2638 Ext.: Fax: (847) 543-2170 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Illinois Central College Date Submitted: 10/16/2006 Health Careers and Public Services Dental Hygiene Program 201 S.W. Adams St. Peoria, IL 61635-0000 Debra Spears, RDH, MA — Director Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (309) 999-4662 Ext.: Fax: (309) 673-9626 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A John A. Logan College Date Submitted: 10/4/2004 Biological & Health Sciences Dental Hygiene Program 700 Logan College Road Carterville, IL 62918-0000 Pam Karns, RDH, BS — Coordinator Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (618) 985-3741 Ext.: 8639 Fax: (618) 985-4654 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Kennedy King College Date Submitted: 9/29/2006 UIC College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Program 801 S. Paulina - Room 211B - MC 621 Chicago, IL 60612-0000 Shirley Beaver, RDH, PhD — Director Phone: (312) 996-8071 Ext.: Fax: (312) 996-1023 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Lake Land College Date Submitted: 10/14/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 5001 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938-0000 Jane Slaughter, RDH, BS — Director, Dental Hygiene Phone: (217) 234-5202 Ext.: Fax: (217) 234-5248 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Lewis and Clark Community College Date Submitted: 10/6/2006 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 5800 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey, IL 62035-0000 Michelle Singley, RDH, EDM — Coordinator, Dental Hygiene Phone: (618) 468-4413 Ext.: Fax: (618) 468-2394 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Parkland College Date Submitted: 9/19/2005 Health Professions Department Dental Hygiene Program 2400 W. Bradley Ave. Champaign, IL 61821-1899 Judith E. Henthorn, RDH, MSEd & Mary Emmons, RDH, MSEd — Co-Directors Phone: (217) 351-2381 Ext.: Fax: (217) 373-3830 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Prairie State College Date Submitted: 10/2/2006 School of Dental Hygiene Career & Technical Education 202 S. Halsted St. Chicago Heights, IL 60411-0000 Barbara Gorbitz, RDH, BS — Chair and Coordinator Phone: (708) 709-3714 Ext.: 3714 Fax: (708) 709-3777 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Rock Valley College Date Submitted: 9/20/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 4151 Samuelson Road Rockford, IL 61109-0000 Marie Navickis, BSDH, RDH — Chair, Dental Hygiene Phone: (815) 921-3206 Ext.: Fax: (815) 921-3249 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Southern Illinois University Date Submitted: 9/29/2006 Dental Hygiene - College of Applied Sciences & Art School of Allied Health Mail Code 6615 Carbondale, IL 62901-6615 Dr. Dwayne Summers, DMD — Director of Dental Hygiene Phone: (618) 453-7213 Ext.: Fax: (618) 453-7020 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: N/A Baccalaureate: BS-DH William Rainey Harper College Date Submitted: 10/7/2006 Department of Dental Hygiene 1200 W. Algonquin Rd. Palatine, IL 60067-0000 Kathleen Hock, RDH, M.Ad.Ed — Coordinator Phone: (847) 925-6543 Ext.: Fax: (847) 925-6047 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Honestly, I think you may have lost a piece of tartar (which looks like tooth) instead of tooth. If it was tooth and it is not discolored or painful that is generally a good sign. Try to get it checked out when you can and until then keep it clean and use a fluoride mouth wash (like Act or Fluorigard) to help protect it from decaying. Hope that helps! JAMRDH -a dental hygienist
Here are 2 dental schools in Illinois Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine 2800 College Avenue Bldg 273/2300 Alton, IL 62002 Dean: Dr. Ann M. Boyle Phone: (618) 474-7120 Accreditation Status: Approval without Reporting Requirements Last Accreditation Visit: 2005 Next Accreditation Visit: 2012 Web Address: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry 801 South Paulina Street Suite # 102 Chicago, IL 60612 Dean: Dr. Bruce S. Graham Phone: (312) 996-1040 Accreditation Status: Approval without Reporting Requirements Last Accreditation Visit: 2006 Next Accreditation Visit: 2013 Web Address: If you choose to go to a dental school the rates will be reduced and if you tell them your concerns, they should be mindful of them. You can also try a dental hygiene school, my school justs asks for a donation for treatment. It could literally cost you $15.00 for a cleaning and xrays. Here are a list of the dental hygiene programs for Illinois Illinois Carl Sandburg College Date Submitted: 10/17/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd. Galesburg, IL 61401-0000 Lauri Wiechmann, BS, MPA — Coordinator of Dental Hygiene Phone: (309) 344-2595 Ext.: 237 Fax: (309) 344-2611 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A College of DuPage Date Submitted: 9/15/2004 Dental Hygiene Program 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-0000 Patricia S. Wellner, RDH, MS, CC — Coordinator, Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (630) 942-4237 Ext.: Fax: (630) 942-3254 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A College of Lake County Date Submitted: 9/28/2006 Biological & Health Sciences Dental Hygiene Program 19351 W. Washington Street Grayslake, IL 60030-2298 Sue Nierstheimer, RDH — Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator Phone: (847) 543-2638 Ext.: Fax: (847) 543-2170 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Illinois Central College Date Submitted: 10/16/2006 Health Careers and Public Services Dental Hygiene Program 201 S.W. Adams St. Peoria, IL 61635-0000 Debra Spears, RDH, MA — Director Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (309) 999-4662 Ext.: Fax: (309) 673-9626 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A John A. Logan College Date Submitted: 10/4/2004 Biological & Health Sciences Dental Hygiene Program 700 Logan College Road Carterville, IL 62918-0000 Pam Karns, RDH, BS — Coordinator Dental Hygiene Program Phone: (618) 985-3741 Ext.: 8639 Fax: (618) 985-4654 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Kennedy King College Date Submitted: 9/29/2006 UIC College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Program 801 S. Paulina - Room 211B - MC 621 Chicago, IL 60612-0000 Shirley Beaver, RDH, PhD — Director Phone: (312) 996-8071 Ext.: Fax: (312) 996-1023 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Lake Land College Date Submitted: 10/14/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 5001 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938-0000 Jane Slaughter, RDH, BS — Director, Dental Hygiene Phone: (217) 234-5202 Ext.: Fax: (217) 234-5248 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Lewis and Clark Community College Date Submitted: 10/6/2006 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 5800 Godfrey Rd. Godfrey, IL 62035-0000 Michelle Singley, RDH, EDM — Coordinator, Dental Hygiene Phone: (618) 468-4413 Ext.: Fax: (618) 468-2394 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Parkland College Date Submitted: 9/19/2005 Health Professions Department Dental Hygiene Program 2400 W. Bradley Ave. Champaign, IL 61821-1899 Judith E. Henthorn, RDH, MSEd & Mary Emmons, RDH, MSEd — Co-Directors Phone: (217) 351-2381 Ext.: Fax: (217) 373-3830 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Prairie State College Date Submitted: 10/2/2006 School of Dental Hygiene Career & Technical Education 202 S. Halsted St. Chicago Heights, IL 60411-0000 Barbara Gorbitz, RDH, BS — Chair and Coordinator Phone: (708) 709-3714 Ext.: 3714 Fax: (708) 709-3777 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Rock Valley College Date Submitted: 9/20/2005 Allied Health Division Dental Hygiene Program 4151 Samuelson Road Rockford, IL 61109-0000 Marie Navickis, BSDH, RDH — Chair, Dental Hygiene Phone: (815) 921-3206 Ext.: Fax: (815) 921-3249 Email Address: N/A Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Southern Illinois University Date Submitted: 9/29/2006 Dental Hygiene - College of Applied Sciences & Art School of Allied Health Mail Code 6615 Carbondale, IL 62901-6615 Dr. Dwayne Summers, DMD — Director of Dental Hygiene Phone: (618) 453-7213 Ext.: Fax: (618) 453-7020 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: N/A Baccalaureate: BS-DH William Rainey Harper College Date Submitted: 10/7/2006 Department of Dental Hygiene 1200 W. Algonquin Rd. Palatine, IL 60067-0000 Kathleen Hock, RDH, M.Ad.Ed — Coordinator Phone: (847) 925-6543 Ext.: Fax: (847) 925-6047 Email Address: Web Site: Degrees Awarded Certificate: N/A Associate: AAS Baccalaureate: N/A Honestly, I think you may have lost a piece of tartar (which looks like tooth) instead of tooth. If it was tooth and it is not discolored or painful that is generally a good sign. Try to get it checked out when you can and until then keep it clean and use a fluoride mouth wash (like Act or Fluorigard) to help protect it from decaying. Hope that helps! JAMRDH -a dental hygienist
dental bridge on bottom teeth?
Today i was told that I am going to need to have a few front bottom teeth removed and a bridge put in(cemented)..and deep cleaning procedure. Have you ever had an experience with this? was it painful? how much did your insurance cover?
ihave not but i think that for bridges most insurances cover either forty or fifty percent of the total costs, i dont know about the deep cleaning.
ihave not but i think that for bridges most insurances cover either forty or fifty percent of the total costs, i dont know about the deep cleaning.
Is there a dentist offce in cobb county ga that excepts payments?
I need some dental work and have no insurance. I need to laocat a dentist that will except payment arrangments.
no, i dont think so.
no, i dont think so.
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