I was wondering if anyone here knows how much a prophylaxis (cleaning) at an holistic dentist costs for one without dental insurance?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Should I elect to get my wisdom teeth pulled? Will my teeth shift or my gums shrink?
When i was a teen I had bad crowding and had 4 teeth pulled in order to have braces. During college, my bottom left wisdom tooth (they've all grown out) got a bad cavity, and since i was a broke student, I decided to just get it pulled out rather than spend a fortune on a root canal. Now i'm working full time and have good dental insurance. When i went in for a checkup, my dentist pointed out that my top left wisdom tooth had grown out further than the rest b/c the bottom one had been extracted and there is space. My top right wisdom tooth on the other hand sticks out a bit, causing me to accidentally bite my cheek from time to time. I was referred to an Orthodontist and advised to have both these upper wisdom teeth pulled to prevent future problems. My bottom right wisdom tooth is fine and doesn't need to be pulled. While I trust the dentist's advice, I'm apprehensive of having 2 more permanent teeth pulled, making a total of 7! I don't experience any pain of discomfort.
Press your dentist for an alternative. If you are not happy with his advice go to a different dentist. Your gum will shrink and the shape of your face will be different. Avoid extraction wherever possible. But if a tooth gives persistent problems root canal treatments are not always a success and can give persistent problems. Perhaps try several more dentists for advice. It is you have to live with your teeth not the dentist. I have lost 3 of the 4 teeth before the wisdom teeth. If I had my wisdom teeth pulled I would be without any back teeth. Wisdom teeth can be an insurance against losing other teeth
Press your dentist for an alternative. If you are not happy with his advice go to a different dentist. Your gum will shrink and the shape of your face will be different. Avoid extraction wherever possible. But if a tooth gives persistent problems root canal treatments are not always a success and can give persistent problems. Perhaps try several more dentists for advice. It is you have to live with your teeth not the dentist. I have lost 3 of the 4 teeth before the wisdom teeth. If I had my wisdom teeth pulled I would be without any back teeth. Wisdom teeth can be an insurance against losing other teeth
I have never been to the dentist and I am 20 years old? I am so embarassed- what should I do?
My parents never had dental insurance and could not afford it out of pocket. Now I am embarrassed. I have very bad crooked teeth and I want to go so bad-- I don't care if I pay out of pocket. I am just embarrassed to go.
There is always a first time. Just go and get started. It is just like giving the first kiss or going on your first date. Then everything gets easy !!
There is always a first time. Just go and get started. It is just like giving the first kiss or going on your first date. Then everything gets easy !!
Is it possible to get top braces only?
I'm 22 and want braces. My bottom teeth are straight, but I definitely need top ones. Do orthodontists usually do a full set or will they do just the top? I started a second job in order to save up. It sucks that dental insurance doesn't help cover the expensive cost.
yup it is possible
yup it is possible
If I Marry Her will her kids be able to get?
If I get married to a woman with kids, Will the kids be able to recieve health/ Dental insurance under a dependent status? I'm in the Army.
I think so yes.
I think so yes.
What can I do to keep my mouth healthy?
I am one of the millions of people who are living life uninsured. I do not have dental insurance, and I have not been able to go to the dentist in about 5yrs. I can tell that I already have cavities...but I could never afford to go in and get them taken care of. I wanna know what I can do to keep my mouth and teeth healthy, besides the usual brush and floss, and mouth wash.
1) Drink plenty of water or get a fluoride rinse. I wouldn't do both unless prescribed to do so. This only helps the enamel regenerate. It helps prevent cavities, not remove them. 2) Chew gum with xylitol (sp). 3) Go to the dentist ASAP. A cavity can be filled and cost $200. You can get a root canal if you don't catch a cavity in time and cost you more than $1500. A lost tooth due to a decay and can be replaced can cost more than $4000. If cost is an issue, you can get "health cards", which are credit cards for health issues (like dental). https://www.citicards.com/cards/portal/h… is an example. You can also go to dental school for cheaper rates. Don' worry, the students are monitored. You may be there longer, but it's cheaper.
1) Drink plenty of water or get a fluoride rinse. I wouldn't do both unless prescribed to do so. This only helps the enamel regenerate. It helps prevent cavities, not remove them. 2) Chew gum with xylitol (sp). 3) Go to the dentist ASAP. A cavity can be filled and cost $200. You can get a root canal if you don't catch a cavity in time and cost you more than $1500. A lost tooth due to a decay and can be replaced can cost more than $4000. If cost is an issue, you can get "health cards", which are credit cards for health issues (like dental). https://www.citicards.com/cards/portal/h… is an example. You can also go to dental school for cheaper rates. Don' worry, the students are monitored. You may be there longer, but it's cheaper.
Is there anything i can do about my braces?
I have braces and can no longer afford to pay for them i don't have any dental insurance bu my wire came undone and is now stuck deep in my gums. its not bleeding but hurts really bad sometimes. Help!
I have braces...But the wire breaking? Not making sense to me...If the wire broke and the wire is sticking IN your gums...I usually get some tweezers...and some nail clippers and pull it out...and clip it off...If im thinking what your meaning lol They usually dont cost to change the wire at my place...so just tell them you were stuck at home...and it was hurting really bad so you clipped it off...they shouldnt get mad
I have braces...But the wire breaking? Not making sense to me...If the wire broke and the wire is sticking IN your gums...I usually get some tweezers...and some nail clippers and pull it out...and clip it off...If im thinking what your meaning lol They usually dont cost to change the wire at my place...so just tell them you were stuck at home...and it was hurting really bad so you clipped it off...they shouldnt get mad
Is it possible to get top braces only?
I'm 22 and want braces. My bottom teeth are straight, but I definitely need top ones. Do orthodontists usually do a full set or will they do just the top? I started a second job in order to save up. It sucks that dental insurance doesn't help cover the expensive cost.
They can only do the top if you want.. they can even only do like 2 or 3 teeth if needed! haha. Its pretty much what ever needs to be medically fixed will be fixed.. they wouldnt do that to teeth that dont need to be fixed :)
They can only do the top if you want.. they can even only do like 2 or 3 teeth if needed! haha. Its pretty much what ever needs to be medically fixed will be fixed.. they wouldnt do that to teeth that dont need to be fixed :)
will most insurances cover orthadontic care for adults if it is an actual dental need?
I mean like if my dentist recommends is because I am having problems, and it's not for cosmetics? Thank you
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Was just offered a really fun job, but i'm giving up a good income. Should i take it?
I was just offered a job in an exciting and fun career. I would be using this as a stepping stone to a better position eventually. However for now I will be quitting a job making over 100k a year for this one that pays 25k a year. Keep in mind that I also lose my medical/dental insurance. This job would be perfect if there wasn't the short term cash flow loss. Any input or advice?
Ya , think of all the fun you will have when you need a doctor or dentist ! The pain will be euphoric . You can build up a tuff guy image by doing your own surgical procedures . Not to mention , at $25K , you'll have your pick of slum housing and the 50 cent box of mac & cheese for dinner . Oh , wait , you can just do top ramen again forever . Plus , there is that SIgned and notarized contract for the better job later , ya . . . So what do you consider so fab , that you would take a $75,000 pay cut ? Just seeing if you are legit or just stirring the shiiiiiiiiiit . >
Ya , think of all the fun you will have when you need a doctor or dentist ! The pain will be euphoric . You can build up a tuff guy image by doing your own surgical procedures . Not to mention , at $25K , you'll have your pick of slum housing and the 50 cent box of mac & cheese for dinner . Oh , wait , you can just do top ramen again forever . Plus , there is that SIgned and notarized contract for the better job later , ya . . . So what do you consider so fab , that you would take a $75,000 pay cut ? Just seeing if you are legit or just stirring the shiiiiiiiiiit . >
does anyone know of an affordable dentist in San Diego?
I chipped my lower tooth around a week ago it's not a big chip but it has been bothering me. I don't have dental insurance and was wondering if anyone knows of an affordable dentist in San Diego?
What do you do if you don't have health insurance?
I need to have some dental surgeries done and I don't have the money to pay for them. My wisdom teeth are growing in and pushing my other teeth out of the way. It is very painful and ruining my teeth. How do you pay for something like this if you are a 21 year old college student with no money and no parents?
Health Insurance CAN pay for wisdom teeth to come out, but it depends on the circumstances. I just had a client with Aetna pay to get them out. However, you don't have health insurance so it's too late for you. You need to pay out of pocket. You can also contact a dental school to see if you can get it on the cheap. When it's done go get some health insurance. It's not expensive and it's not nearly as expensive as needing it and not having it.
Health Insurance CAN pay for wisdom teeth to come out, but it depends on the circumstances. I just had a client with Aetna pay to get them out. However, you don't have health insurance so it's too late for you. You need to pay out of pocket. You can also contact a dental school to see if you can get it on the cheap. When it's done go get some health insurance. It's not expensive and it's not nearly as expensive as needing it and not having it.
Does anyone know where i can go for dental work?
My father needs some teeth pulled and some crowns, but he has no insurance and poor credit. The Care Credit denied him coverage. Can anyone help?
Does anyone need Dental or Medical Discounts to avoid paying full price on needed procedures?
Many people don't have insurance b/c they either got laid off and can't afford insurance on their own and also those same ppl may not be poor enough to qualify for financial assistance!
as you said, it depends if the person can afford to pay for the medical insurance, then yes it is. i have mine. not only to avoid paying the full amount, but it helps reduce the payment esp. if you are having an operation.
as you said, it depends if the person can afford to pay for the medical insurance, then yes it is. i have mine. not only to avoid paying the full amount, but it helps reduce the payment esp. if you are having an operation.
question about health insurance!?
ok, so I currently have a full time job and get health and dental insurance from them. every pay check i get taken out 76 for health and 14 for dental every pay check. but i am looking for another job as a nanny. the family does not provide insurance so i have to buy it on my own. I was wondering if ne one out there knew how to go about getting insurance and finding one that is cheap, around what im paying now at work or is that not possible. any information would be helpful! thank you in advance.!!! p.s. i live in the midwest suburbs of illinois.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I got kicked off of welfare and the my dentist told me to get my dental work on his credit plan?
I made too much money so i lost my goverment cheese which included dental coverage. So I ask my dentist about getting my own dental insurance and he tries to sell me a credit line for my dental work. Im not sure what to do. The intrest rate sucks unless you do an 18 month credit plan and I cant affford those payments . Im looking at about $150 a month if I do that. Ive never bought dental insurance before so Im clueless . Wouldn't getting insurance be better? How can I find a good insurance?
Those dental credit lines are a rip off as you can see. Think hard and long about them before you sign. Your problem is that if you have been on welfare you probably have no credit history. If I were you I would either buy my own policy or look into a clinic that is run by the dental school in my area.
Those dental credit lines are a rip off as you can see. Think hard and long about them before you sign. Your problem is that if you have been on welfare you probably have no credit history. If I were you I would either buy my own policy or look into a clinic that is run by the dental school in my area.
How much does a dental filling cost?
I really need to get a new filling on one of my back molars and was wondering how much does it usually cost with no insurance?
I think i payed around $250 freaking dentists.
I think i payed around $250 freaking dentists.
How to pay for EXPENSIVE dental work??
How can a single parent find a way to pay for their own VERY expensive dental work? I have Dental insurance (JOKE) through my employer, but it is so poor that most dentists will not file a claim or see me until I have paid for the entire procedure "upfront". Recently my city was listed as THE worst city in the U.S.A. for dental care!! I am in pain almost all the time, I now have two broken teeth that need removal (and bridges), one other needs a root canal, and several with cavities in need of filling. By the time the dentist completed their estimates for all the work they say I need, the total came to $17,000.00!!! Anyone know where I could go for financial assistance to help start my dental work?
Here is a link to dental schools in the US, they should have discounted prices: http://www.ada.org/prof/ed/programs/sear… Also, maybe you will have to find a dentist that offers payment plans.
Here is a link to dental schools in the US, they should have discounted prices: http://www.ada.org/prof/ed/programs/sear… Also, maybe you will have to find a dentist that offers payment plans.
Estimate needed for dental work, California (apx. amount)?
I just had a lot of dental work done and am wondering if I paid too much. Was wondering what the work should have cost, then I will let you know what I paid. This is without dental insurance or a dental plan. First, an oral surgeon put me to sleep and pulled 7 teeth, all on the bottom, 2 wisdom teeth, 4 molars, 1 regular tooth, put bone graft in the socket holes. A general dentist did root canals on 3 upper teeth, none of which were molars, then put 11 crowns on all upper teeth. 6 of the crowns are Captek which is a high quality gold crown with porcelain on the outside, these 6 are on the front teeth. The other 5 crowns are regular metal crowns with porcelain on the outside, 3 which are molars, 2 regular teeth. I'm supposed to go back and have a partial denture made for the lower arch, for both the left and right side, but if I feel I am being overcharged, I may go somewhere else.
I got to be honest. I can't even imagine what you paid. I know I had a crown replaced, some gum work around that crown, Invisalign, and then a new permanent crown. And that ran me in the thousands. I know my dad, who never took good care of his teeth, had them basically all yanked out and had dentures put in, he had a dentist friend do it for him and it was about $5000. If you're dealing with an oral surgeon, yanking teeth, wisdom teeth, bone graft, and 11 crowns. I'm guessing the crowns alone are about $7000. All told, and this is a wild guess, maybe at least $25,000. Unless you got a real good deal. I'm curious what you did pay. Let us know.
I got to be honest. I can't even imagine what you paid. I know I had a crown replaced, some gum work around that crown, Invisalign, and then a new permanent crown. And that ran me in the thousands. I know my dad, who never took good care of his teeth, had them basically all yanked out and had dentures put in, he had a dentist friend do it for him and it was about $5000. If you're dealing with an oral surgeon, yanking teeth, wisdom teeth, bone graft, and 11 crowns. I'm guessing the crowns alone are about $7000. All told, and this is a wild guess, maybe at least $25,000. Unless you got a real good deal. I'm curious what you did pay. Let us know.
How much does a dental filling cost?
i have a small cavity that is sort of causing some discomfort, sadly i don't have any insurance. i know many factors play in the cost, one being how large the filling is and if i want a white filling or not. i do have every intention of getting a white filling. Also, i live in Maryland if that helps. Thanks for the help in advance.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here http://www.insuranceidea.info/free-insurance.htm is the resource i have ever had good experience.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here http://www.insuranceidea.info/free-insurance.htm is the resource i have ever had good experience.
Programs to help assist in paying childrens dental bills.... father is active duty USMC?
My husband is in the military and we have United Concordia Dental coverage. Unfortunately, this plan doesn't cover much because we've have to pay over $7000 for both children's dental work according to our dentists estimate. Our children really need this dental work done, but we can not afford to pay that out of pocket. Is there any government agency that helps with dental bills? Or is there some other program that I can combine with our dental insurance so we don't pay so much out of pocket? Any help is appreciated!
I would suggest you go to your local dental schools. You might have to wait a few weeks, but they will get you in. Plus it's free! Best of luck!
I would suggest you go to your local dental schools. You might have to wait a few weeks, but they will get you in. Plus it's free! Best of luck!
need dental help???
Hi All, I live in WA state and I am in need of some serious dental work, ie...implants ect. I have no one to blame but myself for my poor teeth.The problem is I am on workmans comp right now and I have no dental insurance, also being on workmans comp my income is almost nonexsistant....I am really embarresed to talk or smile and I really would like to feel better about myself...Can anyone suggest something that might help me in this??? Also my credit is horrible, and I mean really really bad, so I believe that would be out.
dont worry call these guys and see what they have.all the dentists that they reer you to are members of american dental association and they even cover you for your cosmetics. when you enrolled ask for your free cellphone and free monthly minutes. 1-800-929-8344 Ref 246314
dont worry call these guys and see what they have.all the dentists that they reer you to are members of american dental association and they even cover you for your cosmetics. when you enrolled ask for your free cellphone and free monthly minutes. 1-800-929-8344 Ref 246314
Help dental assistants/dentists,i had 3 months of pain in back tooth,has the infection spread is this dangerus?
Hello,i have had pain in my back molar for nearly three months now,it started when i ate anything i got vicious pain,so i chewed food on the other side,and took painkillers,i didn't go to the dentist straight away as i have no dental insurance,now last week it got very bad,i went to a dental hospital and they took xrays and i said i have a abscess,and that they could not do a root canal as its students and it is to complicated on a back tooth for some reason. Now i am worried in all that time i left it the abscess could have spread i have pain in my head and cheek and ear. So i went to my reg.dentist and she said it can have a high failure rate as reg.dentists dont have specialized equipment but they can do something called a 'PRIMARY endo' to relieve pain,until i can get the money together to see a specialist which might take 4 to six more weeks,is this safe?? She said a specialist uses hot liquid rubber filling solution to reduce risk of bacterial infection,and they use cold rubber filling solution and its difficult to clean the bacteria from the small root canals and likely to become reinfected as the awkward position of the tooth. In your opinion what should i do,should i do this primary endo and wait 4 to six weeks to save up for the specialist,could the infection get worse?or not do it and stick it out until i can getthe money together,i am just scared the infection could get out of control,any warning signs i should look out for?The reason i dont want it pulled is that i have 2 teeth next to it missing already and this tooth has a crown which was expensive,it is a heavily filled tooth underneath the crowm,but its not due to decay that caused the abscess they said,please any advice i would appreciate so much i am very scared and would like some information thank you very much
Have an interview for the Goddard school..has anyone ever worked there?
I was just wondering how it was working there. Is the pay okay and how are the benefits? Do they have health and dental insurance that is decent? I have heard many good things about the school itself, but have heard mixed comments on how it was to be employed there. I also heard that they close down for a week around Christmas which would be great. Also, if you have worked there..how was your interview? Thanks to anyone who can help! :)
What Goddard are you speaking of? There are over 320 Goddards in the USA and all are individually owned and operated franchises.
What Goddard are you speaking of? There are over 320 Goddards in the USA and all are individually owned and operated franchises.
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