My fiance has insurance through his work from Blue Cross Blue Shield...I think both his health & dental is through BCBS. I don't have insurance and need some dental work done soon, I was wondering how soon after getting married can I be added on to his insurance?
You can be added immediately and must do it within 30 days. In most cases it will be effective the first of the month following your wedding. Congratulations.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Anyone know of cheap dental or government program i can try to apply for?
i don't have any insurance and i really need to see a dentist for root canals and even a bridge, anyone know anyway i can get help? Cheap community dentists or government program i can try to apply too? i live in Orange County, California
Be honest,It will take a while to find the ideal answer for the your question.provide a relevant resource here for your reference,hope it helps.
Be honest,It will take a while to find the ideal answer for the your question.provide a relevant resource here for your reference,hope it helps.
How much will it approximately cost if...?
How much will it approximately cost to get dental surgery to get my teeth straightened without dental insurance? I have two canine/snaggle tooths on my top set of teeth. Other than that my teeth are straight.
You need braces. Love and Peace, Sel
You need braces. Love and Peace, Sel
I need free dental work can you please help?
I am 26 years old and I have medical insurance that I pay out of my own pocket, I have a job but make very little money. I have 5 broken teeth, alot of cavities and I have a partial that leaves blisters on the roof of my mouth. I need a lot of work done and I need to get a bridge.. Is there anyone or anyplace that will be able to help me in the state of Alabama... If not I will do the best I can to travel..
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs. I personally offer free care or reduced fee care or "overlook the bill" care when I know the exact circumstances of a person's financial position. If they have had a medical hardship, for instance, I am sympathetic. You can't come in just looking for free care, though. You have to come in with the intentions of doing the best you can and then I decide exactly how I am going to handle the financial aspect. I can usually tell who is actually trying to pay and who simply wants to skip out on me. I do not usually consider smokers to be in financial need, though. If they can find a couple thousand dollars a year for cigarettes, they could find the same amount of money and fix almost any dental problem. Maybe you can find a local dentist who has the same attitude.
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs. I personally offer free care or reduced fee care or "overlook the bill" care when I know the exact circumstances of a person's financial position. If they have had a medical hardship, for instance, I am sympathetic. You can't come in just looking for free care, though. You have to come in with the intentions of doing the best you can and then I decide exactly how I am going to handle the financial aspect. I can usually tell who is actually trying to pay and who simply wants to skip out on me. I do not usually consider smokers to be in financial need, though. If they can find a couple thousand dollars a year for cigarettes, they could find the same amount of money and fix almost any dental problem. Maybe you can find a local dentist who has the same attitude.
How to find affordable medical insurance (Family) in San Diego?
I am moving to San Diego on a contract that has no benefit package. I'd like to buy a good benefit package for a family of four. I need medical, dental .... etc. with reasonable deductible. Any help in pointing me to the right direction is appreciated. Thanks,
You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is much more to health insurance than price. Ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company. If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles and low copays your monthly premiums will be significant. On the other hand if your family is young and healthy and you rarely use the health care system you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe which will result in a relatively low monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit and still come out ahead. Check with the agent that writes your other insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation. Be wary of "health discount plans" they do not provide insurance coverage. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.
You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is much more to health insurance than price. Ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company. If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles and low copays your monthly premiums will be significant. On the other hand if your family is young and healthy and you rarely use the health care system you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe which will result in a relatively low monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit and still come out ahead. Check with the agent that writes your other insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation. Be wary of "health discount plans" they do not provide insurance coverage. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.
my boyfriend hasn't been to the doctors in many years and his wisdom teeth are growing throut his molars?
his back molars have broken and his wisdom teeth are trying to grow underneath them. He doesn't have any dental insurance and is afraid to go to the dentist because he doesn't want to pay the high cost. nothing works to ease the pain. not anbesol not using mouthwash. what should i do to help him without high costs. should he pull out his bad tooth?
He needs to see a Dentist. If he can't afford one then he should find a University which has a Dental School. Most of them have free clinics where Dental students get to practice on you. The longer he waits the more difficult it will be to fix and the more costly.
He needs to see a Dentist. If he can't afford one then he should find a University which has a Dental School. Most of them have free clinics where Dental students get to practice on you. The longer he waits the more difficult it will be to fix and the more costly.
I have been told that I have to have periodontal cleanings every 3 months. Is that about right or too much?
I had a root scaling and planing done last month on both sides of my mouth. I'd never heard of this before, and had just gone to the dentist for a long-overdue cleaning, but apparently my gums were in bad shape (not severe, but there was some tarter under the gums). Now the dentist tells me I have to come back for another $180 periodontal cleaning every 3 months for an indeterminate length of time to make sure that the tartar doesn't come back. Is this really necessary? I'm prepared to go as often as I have to, but I can't really afford to go every 3 months if that's not necessary. I just don't want to continue feeling like this dentist is "drilling" me for every penny I have. I've already spent more than $500 on the work I've had done so far (obviously, my dental insurance is a joke). I just want someone who knows about this sort of thing to tell me if I'm being treated right or ripped off. Thanks!
It is crucial that you go back and have your peridontal maintenance done in 3 mos!I don't know the severity of your infection,but your hygienist or dentist will remeasure your periodontal pockets and chart you healing.Dental floss can only go as deep as 4mm,so even after your are first deep scaled,areas of over 4mm will exist.Basically your homecare is missing millimiters of bacteria(millions upon millions of anaerobic pathogens),so another thorough deplaqueing in needed until you readings are 0-4mm.Now I do feel that $180 is a bit high for a perio. maintenance visit,but I live in the south where our fees are less.There is a great product called Arestin,where we place antibiotic directly into any unhealed pockets.It greatly increases your chance of healing and may reduce your need for surgery later.Ask if your office does Arestin therapy.Make sure your dental provider is willing to explain your periodontal disease to you completely,I get the feeling you were not informed of the WHY you needed the 3 mos. cleaning interval.If you are not satisfied,go elsewhere or seek the help of a periodontist(gum disease specialist).80% of tooth loss today is due to gum disease not decay,so it is a serious problem!!It also affects over 80% of people over age 35.Invest in an excellent electric brush such as the Sonicare or Oral B triumph,they remove much more plaque than and manual brush.Also you may get an electric flosser such as the oral b hummingbird or reach access flosser to help you floss more efficiently.
It is crucial that you go back and have your peridontal maintenance done in 3 mos!I don't know the severity of your infection,but your hygienist or dentist will remeasure your periodontal pockets and chart you healing.Dental floss can only go as deep as 4mm,so even after your are first deep scaled,areas of over 4mm will exist.Basically your homecare is missing millimiters of bacteria(millions upon millions of anaerobic pathogens),so another thorough deplaqueing in needed until you readings are 0-4mm.Now I do feel that $180 is a bit high for a perio. maintenance visit,but I live in the south where our fees are less.There is a great product called Arestin,where we place antibiotic directly into any unhealed pockets.It greatly increases your chance of healing and may reduce your need for surgery later.Ask if your office does Arestin therapy.Make sure your dental provider is willing to explain your periodontal disease to you completely,I get the feeling you were not informed of the WHY you needed the 3 mos. cleaning interval.If you are not satisfied,go elsewhere or seek the help of a periodontist(gum disease specialist).80% of tooth loss today is due to gum disease not decay,so it is a serious problem!!It also affects over 80% of people over age 35.Invest in an excellent electric brush such as the Sonicare or Oral B triumph,they remove much more plaque than and manual brush.Also you may get an electric flosser such as the oral b hummingbird or reach access flosser to help you floss more efficiently.
Is it legal to get Medi-Cal coverage while having Private Insurance?
My husband pays for medical and dental from his employer for coverage for his daughter. His ex also put her on Medi-Cal ( state based health coverage associated w/ welfare) for free co-pays. Is this legal?? Basically its a healthy child with double coverage and the state is paying for one side of the
It is legal as long as Medicaid knows about the other policy. The private insurance will be primary and Medicaid will be secondary, paying what the primary doesn't pay. If Medicaid does not know about the private policy it could be considered Medicaid fraud.
It is legal as long as Medicaid knows about the other policy. The private insurance will be primary and Medicaid will be secondary, paying what the primary doesn't pay. If Medicaid does not know about the private policy it could be considered Medicaid fraud.
how do i take part in dental studies for cheap dental care?
i have horrible teeth as embarrassing as it is, i need to get something done about it and have very little money to do it with (partly why they have gotten this bad). All of my teeth will need to be extracted surgically so a private dentist is almost out of the question, as i have no insurance either. Any information to get me started would be welcomed.
I don't know if they do it anymore but colleges with a dental program used to accept people for their students to work on at no cost to you. My mother got a full set of dentures through the Univ. of Mich. but that was many yrs. ago. You could contact some colleges in your state to see if do such a thing and see if they would set up an appt. to see you. Good luck!
I don't know if they do it anymore but colleges with a dental program used to accept people for their students to work on at no cost to you. My mother got a full set of dentures through the Univ. of Mich. but that was many yrs. ago. You could contact some colleges in your state to see if do such a thing and see if they would set up an appt. to see you. Good luck!
What strategies reveal the dark side of capitalism?
1) Cutting/lowering Payroll is on the top three of priorities, 2) Forcing people to wait one year before qualifying for health and dental insurance, 3) Having to wait 7 years before becoming 100% vested otherswise they have to share profits, 4) Understaffing; undermployment such as part-time instead of full time and underpay,The less people that retire the more money they keep 5) always legally reformulating accounting practices, 6) Buying cheap tools and software and enjoying easy tax write-offs, to know more visit…
Not reinvesting the profits into more efficient equipment and research on better equipment. Unions considering what is best for only the employees. Companies not taking into consideration what they are doing to the environment when making decision. Companies looking only at the profit margin when outsourcing to other countries. Employees cheating the company because it can. Government putting regulations on industry that are not for the common good. Companies putting so much emphasis on profit margin that they force the employees to cheat to cover up reality. Reality is that there are a lot of different people that are at fault when capitalism fails. To blame one part is wrong.
Not reinvesting the profits into more efficient equipment and research on better equipment. Unions considering what is best for only the employees. Companies not taking into consideration what they are doing to the environment when making decision. Companies looking only at the profit margin when outsourcing to other countries. Employees cheating the company because it can. Government putting regulations on industry that are not for the common good. Companies putting so much emphasis on profit margin that they force the employees to cheat to cover up reality. Reality is that there are a lot of different people that are at fault when capitalism fails. To blame one part is wrong.
How to get my braces off?
Now before you pull the "stop oh no tooth damage'!! card, let me inform you, we recently lost our dental insurance. I'm on my own here. I've been eating apples and drinking soda all day, and I've gotten most of them off. However, the pesky ones in the back are still there and annoying the crap out of me. I will not rest until i remove them! How would you all go about doing so? I'm afraid to put pliers in there, but if i must i shall.
bad move...go to an emergency dentist. Thats what i did..fitted me in a week later. x
bad move...go to an emergency dentist. Thats what i did..fitted me in a week later. x
How bad can my teeth be, I haven't been to a dentist in years?
So I lost my dental insurance 7 years ago when I was 19. And I am finally getting some again. So I haven't been to a dentist in all those years. I've only had 3 cavities before that (2 of those in my wisdom teeth) My teeth haven't hurt or anything in that time and I still take care of my teeth. I'm a bit nervous. Would I know if I've had a cavity for all these years? Anyone else go through anything similar?
Hey, I didn't go to the dentist for about 8 or 9 years until earlier on this year when I got a really bad toothache, I had to get that tooth extracted, a root canal on another tooth and a LOT of fillings, but most of them were small and in between my teeth because I hadn't been flossing, with a few bigger ones in the biting surfaces. But I admit that I do eat a lot of sugary stuff and probably don't take as good care of my teeth as I probably should. So hopefully you'll get off lighter than I did! Good luck!!!
Hey, I didn't go to the dentist for about 8 or 9 years until earlier on this year when I got a really bad toothache, I had to get that tooth extracted, a root canal on another tooth and a LOT of fillings, but most of them were small and in between my teeth because I hadn't been flossing, with a few bigger ones in the biting surfaces. But I admit that I do eat a lot of sugary stuff and probably don't take as good care of my teeth as I probably should. So hopefully you'll get off lighter than I did! Good luck!!!
Should i have my tooth pulled?
I am thirty two with no dental insurance.I am totally in debt already and it will cost me more than a grand to do a root canal and have a crown.This is to save a molar #30.I have spent thousands on partials crowns etc already over the past several years.I feel like a total sucker...Any suggestions ?
If you are wearing an existing lower partial to replace other missing teeth, you can have #30 taken out and have that "fake" tooth added to the partial. There is a lab fee for it, but the total price would come out cheaper than trying to save the tooth. But if you dont have a lower partial, but do want to save the tooth, work with the office come up with a payment plan or a way to apply with an outside finance company to pay for dental treatment. Dont feel like a sucker! it is understandable to be worried about such things. Every day i witness patients having to make decisions like this. Hopefully you are able to work something out. I would advocate saving the tooth, but i know that that cant always happen because of money issues. Good luck!
If you are wearing an existing lower partial to replace other missing teeth, you can have #30 taken out and have that "fake" tooth added to the partial. There is a lab fee for it, but the total price would come out cheaper than trying to save the tooth. But if you dont have a lower partial, but do want to save the tooth, work with the office come up with a payment plan or a way to apply with an outside finance company to pay for dental treatment. Dont feel like a sucker! it is understandable to be worried about such things. Every day i witness patients having to make decisions like this. Hopefully you are able to work something out. I would advocate saving the tooth, but i know that that cant always happen because of money issues. Good luck!
Can someone help me figure out the take home pay for this?
80hrs x $13.72 hour $58.97 for health/dental insurance out of each paycheck (Biweekly) $25 child support each paycheck 1 dependent Single Not sure about state tax. I live in Upstate New York if that helps. Thanks!
Is health/dental insureance and child support before or after tax?
Is health/dental insureance and child support before or after tax?
what should i look for when picking an insurance plan for health/medical? is there a way to make a custom plan
can i customize my plan(s) if needed? will it cost me an arm and a leg. i really dont need extra bills, i am very athletic and i eat healthy border-line vegan scarce with dairy, only eat turkey and variety of seafood lots of friut and veggies, soy/tofu. (if this info helps , can you tell me what are my best options? i want vision,dental,mental,preventive healthcare, and emergency, and speacialty, + general.
A lot of companies have different plans to choose from-various copays, deductibles, etc. Make sure you look at your office visit copay, your prescription copay, and if you're planning on kids, do they cover pregnancy? They may add a rider on for an additional premium. Just ask questions about emergency room visits/surgery, etc. I have not seen very many individual plans that have vision or dental, some I've seen for mental care. They can also be sneaky about preventive care. The lower the premium, the higher the deductible, so be willing to pay a little more premium. If you belong to Sam's Club, they have some decent insurance policies through their website.
A lot of companies have different plans to choose from-various copays, deductibles, etc. Make sure you look at your office visit copay, your prescription copay, and if you're planning on kids, do they cover pregnancy? They may add a rider on for an additional premium. Just ask questions about emergency room visits/surgery, etc. I have not seen very many individual plans that have vision or dental, some I've seen for mental care. They can also be sneaky about preventive care. The lower the premium, the higher the deductible, so be willing to pay a little more premium. If you belong to Sam's Club, they have some decent insurance policies through their website.
what should i look for when picking an insurance plan for health/medical? is there a way to make a custom plan
can i customize my plan(s) if needed? will it cost me an arm and a leg. i really dont need extra bills, i am very athletic and i eat healthy border-line vegan scarce with dairy, only eat turkey and variety of seafood lots of friut and veggies, soy/tofu. (if this info helps , can you tell me what are my best options? i want vision,dental,mental,preventive healthcare, and emergency, and speacialty, + general.
Select Quote should be able to satisfy your needs. Most health plans are covering what you are looking for. Before calling any company, have your questions ready, and space for the response. A good health plan should cost about $350.00 per month, ( average ). Ph. No. : 1 - 800 - 670 - 0987 fax : 1 - 800 - 449 - 9055... ask for Michael J. Gunn
Select Quote should be able to satisfy your needs. Most health plans are covering what you are looking for. Before calling any company, have your questions ready, and space for the response. A good health plan should cost about $350.00 per month, ( average ). Ph. No. : 1 - 800 - 670 - 0987 fax : 1 - 800 - 449 - 9055... ask for Michael J. Gunn
What is the benefit of post-tax employees benefits (ie medical)?
My company is offering health insurance, dental, and vision in pretax or post-tax enrollments. I am a recent college grad in my early 20s, with no medical, vision, or dental conditions. What are the benefits of having this stuff taken out after tax? Thanks.
There really aren't any benefits from having it deducted post tax. You would be able to deduct those on Schedule A if they were deducted post tax, however you'd be limited by the 7.5% AGI floor which does not affect you with pre-tax deduction of those things. And if you don't have enough itemized deductions to make itemizing worthwhile you can't get ANY tax benefit at all from post tax deductions of health, dental and vision insurance.
There really aren't any benefits from having it deducted post tax. You would be able to deduct those on Schedule A if they were deducted post tax, however you'd be limited by the 7.5% AGI floor which does not affect you with pre-tax deduction of those things. And if you don't have enough itemized deductions to make itemizing worthwhile you can't get ANY tax benefit at all from post tax deductions of health, dental and vision insurance.
Are dental schools cheaper than private practice?
Hi. I need a tooth implant and since I don't have insurance and practically no money I was wondering if it's true that dental schools are less expensive than regular dental practices? I tried to locate a school in my area (Washington) but it doesn't give me much to go on. They just tell me what insurance carriers they take...
Severe Dental Pain?
I'm having very intense pain in one of my top wisdom teeth. The other was infected as well, but the pain has gone away. The gums on both sides are quite swollen. The pain in the right side of my face has spread into my jaw and even my ear. I've been taking otc pain relievers, and they dull the pain for a while. It's rarely entirely gone. The past week, the pain has been horrendous. Anyway, I know everyone is going to say 'see a dentist'. I know I need to. I'm going to try to make an appointment later this week. I have to wait until my boyfriend gets his paycheck before I can see one, as I don't have dental insurance. The pain relievers are helping less and less with time; the pain is just getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can handle it. It's hard to eat, hard to talk sometimes. Sometimes I have problems breathing, but I also have very bad anxiety so I don't know what to think about that. Should I go to the ER? Would they think I'm a joke? I don't know what to do.
Going to the ER would cost you more than a dentist. Maybe you should try calling around to every dentist in town, to see if they will either work out a payment schedule for you or maybe except a post dated check. Dental pain is horrible and otc medication won't do much to help.Best of luck to you.
Going to the ER would cost you more than a dentist. Maybe you should try calling around to every dentist in town, to see if they will either work out a payment schedule for you or maybe except a post dated check. Dental pain is horrible and otc medication won't do much to help.Best of luck to you.
How much does a dental bridge cost? I just used this as an answer and it's a question I need an answer to.?
got in a fight in a bar with a drunk guy that was slapping his girlfriend around. I lost a tooth but he's got a crooked nose now. The girl sued his azz for assault to. I need a dental bridge now. I don't have dental insurance and suing him won't do any good because he's broke. I have a bad habit of being the hero when it comes to women and I'm not big enough to back it up a lot of the time. I've been cut witha knife, hit with a beer bottle, hit with a pool cue and now I've lost a tooth. Maybe I should just stay out of bars and let the bouncers handle these woman hitting pr!@ks
If it is a single bridge than you are looking at maybe 400-500 dollars....but in the process of getting a bridge they will have to file down two of your teeth to attach might look into victims crime assistance in your you police department....find out if your state offers that edit :: is it a front tooth.....?
If it is a single bridge than you are looking at maybe 400-500 dollars....but in the process of getting a bridge they will have to file down two of your teeth to attach might look into victims crime assistance in your you police department....find out if your state offers that edit :: is it a front tooth.....?
What dental procedures would fix this?
Before I elaborate, I would like to ask for serious and knowledgeable answers only. It is not the time, nor is this the place, for jokes. A friend of mine is in a very serious situation. She has horrible teeth. It stems from her childhood where her family didn't have dental insurance. She wasn't taught proper hygiene, never flossed, and drank too much soda. It took a major toll on her teeth. It is now to the point that she has cavities in all of her front teeth (very bad, almost to where it looks like she's missing teeth because the holes are so big), she has molars that have completely dissolved, leaving huge holes in her gums. She is so insecure to the point that she cannot have a normal conversation with someone. She makes no eye contact, mumbles (in fear of someone seeing her teeth), and will not go to the dentist for fear of embarrassment and having to get dentures. She is only 21 years old. She does not want dentures (removable teeth). She refuses. She says that there are procedures that can be done to give her permanent false teeth that aren't removable. Is that true? Is it possible? What procedures would be done to her and how long would they take? Would she have to go toothless for awhile? Any other information is helpful.
there are procedures. you can get fake teeth, but they are permanently placed, like real teeth. It may take a while for it to be done, and no, she will not go toothless.
there are procedures. you can get fake teeth, but they are permanently placed, like real teeth. It may take a while for it to be done, and no, she will not go toothless.
Are dental implants "nice to have" when you have lost back teeth, or "need to have"?
Patient is 80 years old with no front teeth missing. They are, however, missing 2 upper left molars, 3 upper right molars, and 2 lower right molars. They are not in pain and can chew adequately. But now a dentist specializing in cosmetic and implant dentistry has recommended expensive partial dentures to replace the missing upper 5 molars. In that the patient has no dental insurance and is fixed income, the dentist suggests spreading the cost out over time by replacing the missing upper molars with partial dentures now, and the lower molars with partial dentures in 1 year. The question really becomes is whether the patient really needs to go broke paying for implants they may not really need. So do cosmetic and implant dentists sometimes recommend discretionary work? Or would these implants truly be necessary to prevent drifting of the remaining teeth or other deterioration? Are implants more cosmetic? Or structurally necessary? And versus spending hundreds more on X-rays with another dentist, what is an inexpensive way to get a second opinion in a small town with few dentists?
In all honesty, if the patient is that old and it's just the back teeth, why bother getting them? The patient is not in pain, and does not have any problem chewing so their is no problem. Obviously, the dentist will recommend them, because they want your money. I would suggest not to get them, if you certainly don't need them of course. Good Luck! Anyone answer mine?:…
In all honesty, if the patient is that old and it's just the back teeth, why bother getting them? The patient is not in pain, and does not have any problem chewing so their is no problem. Obviously, the dentist will recommend them, because they want your money. I would suggest not to get them, if you certainly don't need them of course. Good Luck! Anyone answer mine?:…
What is the best kind of dental care facility to go to, local or a chain?
I need some dental work done and I'm looking for quality but not to spend an exorbitant amount of money. Does it make a difference if you go to a local dentist or one of those bigger multi-dentist places like American Dental Center? Do they have better equipment and/or experience? I figured they would be more expensive but I don't know and I can't find any information about this. I have individual dental insurance, but I might need a lot of work done that I've put off and I don't want to end up paying a lot out of my pocket.
You will pay less at a larger chain but may not get the attention and quality seen in private practices.
You will pay less at a larger chain but may not get the attention and quality seen in private practices.
What Dental Catagory Does This Fall Under?
uim lookin at dental insurance and my main concern is getting my "Bonding" and "Contouring and Restoration" for my teeth but I dont know which catagory bonding andf coutouring is under,... Primary Benefits Teeth CleaningsNo Charge (No waiting period) Restorative Dentistry/Fillings20% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (No waiting period) Oral Surgery50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Extractions50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) X-RaysNo Charge (No waiting period) CrownsStainless Steel Crown:50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible(6 month waiting period) Resin/Porcelain Crown:50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible(6 month waiting period) Root Canals50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Periodontics50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Dentures50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Topical FluorideNo Charge (No waiting period) SealantNo Charge (No waiting period) Bridges50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period) Endodontics50% Coverage of negotiated fee after deductible (6 month waiting period)
It comes under Restorative Dentistry. For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website… You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist
It comes under Restorative Dentistry. For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website… You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist
Does anyone know of a good free dental clinic or low cost one that is in Tampa Fl?
I am having tooth problem and I have no health insurance and am unemployed. Any suggestions anyone?
There are dentists in Tampa FL who will reduce their prices significantly if you are a member of a discount plan like You could save a lot more than the membership costs. It is not for everyone though, you need a method of payment like a credit card, debit or check to enroll online.
There are dentists in Tampa FL who will reduce their prices significantly if you are a member of a discount plan like You could save a lot more than the membership costs. It is not for everyone though, you need a method of payment like a credit card, debit or check to enroll online.
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