Ever since my friend got his divorce hes been super depressed and just let himself go completely. All of his teeth are rotting and when we were out to eat the other day one of his front teeth actually just fell right out. Hes bummed and has no idea what to do because his job does not offer dental insurance. Can someone please tell me where he could go to get his teeth looked at since he has no insurance, also keep in mind he has a minimum wage job( he basically makes no money). Hes going to need his whole mouth done, maybe a dental school, or anywhere else? Its just really sad to watch this happen. Please help! Thanks.
He can buy an individual dental insurance. Google it, you will see a lot of agents that sell it in your area. It costs about $100 per year and not every doctor takes it, but it's far better than nothing. It doesn't cover everything, but it helps. I had one of those. The office was rather outdated, but they helped me to get by. The doctor was a bit odd and very old but competent, he didn't mess up my teeth.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Is this a reason for concern?
My dental insurance card turned up missing from my house. (weather it just be lost or taken) any how i had an accident today and had to go into the hospital. they released me and i got a call about 10 minutes ago and they asked me to read my social security number to them. they said they have another person with the same social as me. is there anyway that some one could have made an unnoticed error it typing the number. Or do you think that someone stole my card and is using it. It is only dental coverage card. but from the same insurance plan that has my medical. should i call the cops and report this or do you think i should let it go. i have a tendency to over react.
I hate to tell you this, but you may have made a mistake giving your Social Security number to anyone over the phone. How do you know it was really the hospital calling you? I'd call the hospital back to verify that it was really them calling you. If it wasn't them, that's when you might want to think about involving the police and telling them you've been scammed. Your social security number shouldn't appear anywhere on your medical insurance card, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being missing. Just report the missing card to your insurance company, and they'll send you out a new one.
I hate to tell you this, but you may have made a mistake giving your Social Security number to anyone over the phone. How do you know it was really the hospital calling you? I'd call the hospital back to verify that it was really them calling you. If it wasn't them, that's when you might want to think about involving the police and telling them you've been scammed. Your social security number shouldn't appear anywhere on your medical insurance card, so I wouldn't worry too much about it being missing. Just report the missing card to your insurance company, and they'll send you out a new one.
Need Legal Advice on Post-Divorce Situation?
I divorced about 13 yrs ago from an abusive man. We had two children together. The divorce agreement stats he would carry full coverage on the children and I would pay any out of pocket expenses after the insurance paid. Long story short, I have had no contact with him due to the abusive past, neither have the children. I tried to pay all bills myself, even if they exceed his portion of coverage. A couple years ago however, i incured a large medical bill almost $4000. I could not afford to pay this and it went to collections. I figured I will pay it when I graduate college, so I left it in collections, and tried to keep up with other bills and living expenses in the meantime. Recently, a judgement was placed on him to pay that unpaid bill....since he was the other parent. In turn, he is taking me to court for being contempt of my divorce agreement. He is trying to recoup the money saying he doesnt see them....he should be resposible. I have paid thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses for dental alone....and he has no dental insurance. In fact, the orth treatments are $4800 per child. So, with that alone, he should be responsible for nearly $5000 of it. I have never asked him to because I really rather he be out of my life...but since he responded so negatively to this other bill...Does anyone know if I can counter sue? And maybe have this legal action against me stop? I feel like over these years, my out of pocket expenses have greatly exceed this bill he is suing me for? Any suggestion? I appreciate it.
Run, do not walk, to see an Attorney in your State. In most States, both parents are jointly responsible for necessities of life unless the parental rights have been permanently severed by a Court of Law. Whether he has seen his children would have no affect on his responsibility of payment of medical bills.. Good Luck.
Run, do not walk, to see an Attorney in your State. In most States, both parents are jointly responsible for necessities of life unless the parental rights have been permanently severed by a Court of Law. Whether he has seen his children would have no affect on his responsibility of payment of medical bills.. Good Luck.
I have a cavity on the side of my front tooth.?
It's not too bad but it's to the point that I have to take Tylenol because it hurts. It's on the side of my front tooth. I can't get into the dentist until tuesday. If it hurts, does that mean that i will need a root canal? I hope not because we don't have dental insurance. Our health and vision insurance is great, but we dont get dental. Do you think it will just need filled? And, will it be able to look like there was never a cavity there? I brush regularly, 3 or more times a day. And does having a cavity filled in the front teeth hurt more than any other teeth?
if its on the side of your front tooth that is interdental, do you floss? if not you should as this will prevent cavitys in the future, it may not need root canal it may just be sensitive if there is a def hole. composite (white) fillings are very good and you usually cannot tell youve had anything done and no just the same as any other but you will probs need local anaestetic to numb it hope this helped x
if its on the side of your front tooth that is interdental, do you floss? if not you should as this will prevent cavitys in the future, it may not need root canal it may just be sensitive if there is a def hole. composite (white) fillings are very good and you usually cannot tell youve had anything done and no just the same as any other but you will probs need local anaestetic to numb it hope this helped x
Two-part question: 1. Chipped molar: what will be done? 2. Price: how much am I looking at here? Okay, the tooth is specifically the "first molar, upper teeth." I had a root canal done on this tooth more than ten years ago. Metal filling was put in to fill the hole and no crown was placed over it (for whatever reason; don't ask me now why since I can't remember back ten years, you animal). I chewed on for years in blissful ignorance. Tonight, I was eating popcorn and, as usual when eating popcorn, I was chewing on the burnt kernels. I felt like I was biting into something really hard that I couldn't chew away at like the kernels and I just spit it out. I come to find out that a small piece of tooth chipped off. Size? It's about the size of three pinheads combined. Now, none of the filling was included. A closer inspection with a mirror stuck into my mouth revealed the chipped piece of tooth came from the side of the tooth itself. * 3 years ago Additional Details There is now a tiny little hole on the side of this tooth and my tongue is now sometimes scraping against the side of it, which is now pretty sharp. Food getting into the tiny hole is my main concern since I don't want an infection later on. So, what now? Simply fill in the hole with filling? A new filling altogether? Another thing I want to add that may or may not have anything to do with this: the tooth in question is discolored and has been for a few years now. It's grayish compared to my other teeth and almost a blackish ring exists where the tooth meets the gumline. I've also noticed that the metal filling has been eroding little by little over the years. Is this tooth a goner eventually? 3 years ago Second part of my question: I don't have dental insurance, so how much am I looking at here to have this chipped tooth fixed? I haven't been to the dentist in years so I'm freaking out here over what else the dentist is gonna find. He or she will see a patient with no dental insurance that already had five cavities and a root canal and now a chipped tooth and is gonna probably take advantage of my wallet, huh? Need to look at the exact tooth in question? Again, it's the "first molar, upper teeth."
To answer the first part of your question nothing is an emergency. The tooth won't rot or become sensitive, so there rush. The tooth becomes more brittle after a root canal is done and will chip and break easier. (Almost the same as a dead branch on a tree--it is easier to snap off than a live branch) You can patch in the broken area with a silver or white filling but you must realize that this is only a temporary fix. This will be a lot less expensive than a crown would be. You should really have a crown done as this will return the tooth back to its original strength. The next time it breaks it may not be so little and you could possibly lose the tooth. Good luck with your decision.
To answer the first part of your question nothing is an emergency. The tooth won't rot or become sensitive, so there rush. The tooth becomes more brittle after a root canal is done and will chip and break easier. (Almost the same as a dead branch on a tree--it is easier to snap off than a live branch) You can patch in the broken area with a silver or white filling but you must realize that this is only a temporary fix. This will be a lot less expensive than a crown would be. You should really have a crown done as this will return the tooth back to its original strength. The next time it breaks it may not be so little and you could possibly lose the tooth. Good luck with your decision.
How can I talk to my parents about getting braces...?
I am 17 years old and I really need braces. You might see my side more if you look at a picture of my teeth: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carrierox4e… I have been doing some research and I have found out that basically it would be in my best interest to get my teeth fixed now well I am still young. I also found out that according to my parents insurance I have to have dental work started before I am 19 for it to be covered. (we have both regular and ortho. dental insurance). I have tired to talk to my parents about it before and I just get the same speech about how "We don't have the money and you are probably going to have to pay for it yourself". Or I get the speech about how "we need to get a regular dentist first", yes you heard me right. We have not been to the regular dentist in 2+ years... My dad has looked up dentist but it just is not at the top of his priority list I guess. Also let me add we don't have a lot of money but it is not like we can't afford it, if we really wanted to. I mean why would a monthly payment for braces be any different then a car payment, or a house payment.... If that is the case I will probably not get my teeth fixed for a LONG time because right now I do not have a job (I am looking) and I have to pay for my own car and my own college (I am a senior and yes a car is important so I can transport myself to and from college, taking the bus is not an option). I don't know how to bring it up.... I don't think they understand 1. That it is embaressing. 2. It could stop me from getting a job beacuse presentation IS important in todays job market. 3. It makes it a pain in the butt to floss or anything else... Any advice on this?? Thank you!!
You will just have to wait. That's the reality of it. If your parents were buying expensive items, well, you certainly could argue about that, but many people barely make ends meet and another payment isn't in the works. Even if you have to wait until after the insurance is no longer covered, you could find a dental school to do it for you. They cost about 1/3 less than a regular dentist and there is a professional orthodontist who is checking everything to make sure it is done correctly. I can sympathize, but understand the money restrictions. I had perfectly straight teeth until my late 20s and then they started to get all crooked. Turns out that I had a tongue thrust problem (something regular dentists are not taught and don't know how to identify). Now, I need braces. I'm hoping next year, after getting something else paid off to get braces, but you have to be able to pay for 1/3-1/2 of it before they will start the work (they will finance the rest). My suggestion is to get an extra job during time off. Use that money ONLY for your dental treatment.
You will just have to wait. That's the reality of it. If your parents were buying expensive items, well, you certainly could argue about that, but many people barely make ends meet and another payment isn't in the works. Even if you have to wait until after the insurance is no longer covered, you could find a dental school to do it for you. They cost about 1/3 less than a regular dentist and there is a professional orthodontist who is checking everything to make sure it is done correctly. I can sympathize, but understand the money restrictions. I had perfectly straight teeth until my late 20s and then they started to get all crooked. Turns out that I had a tongue thrust problem (something regular dentists are not taught and don't know how to identify). Now, I need braces. I'm hoping next year, after getting something else paid off to get braces, but you have to be able to pay for 1/3-1/2 of it before they will start the work (they will finance the rest). My suggestion is to get an extra job during time off. Use that money ONLY for your dental treatment.
My top wisdom tooth becoming too long for mouth?
So, up until recently I had NO problems with my top wisdom tooth -- it grew it straight with plenty of room in my mouth and no paint whatsoever. Now, the bottom gum below it is starting to hurt whenever I bite down and a slit is being produced in the lower gum. The gums are sore -- they do not look bad when I look at them, but they hurt. At first I thought this was where the lower wisdom tooth is coming through, however, now I believe it to be the top tooth cutting into the lower gum. The real problem: I don't have dental insurance right now. WTF do I do?! Is there anything I can do to at least temporarily relieve the pain by myself? I probably won't have dental insurance for another 2 months :( Any help or ideas are appreciated.
Wisdom teeth do keep growing in instances where you have had the one above or below out and there is nothing to stop it. This is happening to me but it isn't a problem at the moment. When it is, it will have to be taken out. In the meantime, I have 3 suggestions that you may find helpful: 1. Go and get one of the boil and bite mouth guards that is used for people who suffer from bruxism. You can find different kinds at any drugstore, Walmart or from an online retailer like Amazon. They range in price but there is a reasonably inexpensive guard called 'The Doctor's Night Guard Advanced Comfort' which you place in boiling water thus loosening the plastic which you then place in your mouth and it molds to your teeth. This is very similar to one that you would pay hundreds of dollars for from a dentist. I compared the results of mine to one that cost $600 that my mother in law has and they are almost identical. This will prevent you from causing damage to this sensitive area during sleep by biting down. You can wear these during the day but I am thinking that you can use your will power to keep your teeth slightly apart. 2. Get an oral pain reliever, which can be purchased in a drugstore or Walmart. This will give temporary relief from the pain and also help to protect the area from becoming infected. One I have used is called 'Orabase' and it is made by Colgate. It comes in a small tube which I found next to the floss. 3. If you have a regular dentist, go and approach them and explain your situation. You might be surprised at the help that they may offer, which could include giving you the treatment now and settling up later or offering treatment at a reduced fee that can be paid off over several months. It is advisable to get this checked out by a professional sooner rather than later incase it is something else. I hope that this helps.
Wisdom teeth do keep growing in instances where you have had the one above or below out and there is nothing to stop it. This is happening to me but it isn't a problem at the moment. When it is, it will have to be taken out. In the meantime, I have 3 suggestions that you may find helpful: 1. Go and get one of the boil and bite mouth guards that is used for people who suffer from bruxism. You can find different kinds at any drugstore, Walmart or from an online retailer like Amazon. They range in price but there is a reasonably inexpensive guard called 'The Doctor's Night Guard Advanced Comfort' which you place in boiling water thus loosening the plastic which you then place in your mouth and it molds to your teeth. This is very similar to one that you would pay hundreds of dollars for from a dentist. I compared the results of mine to one that cost $600 that my mother in law has and they are almost identical. This will prevent you from causing damage to this sensitive area during sleep by biting down. You can wear these during the day but I am thinking that you can use your will power to keep your teeth slightly apart. 2. Get an oral pain reliever, which can be purchased in a drugstore or Walmart. This will give temporary relief from the pain and also help to protect the area from becoming infected. One I have used is called 'Orabase' and it is made by Colgate. It comes in a small tube which I found next to the floss. 3. If you have a regular dentist, go and approach them and explain your situation. You might be surprised at the help that they may offer, which could include giving you the treatment now and settling up later or offering treatment at a reduced fee that can be paid off over several months. It is advisable to get this checked out by a professional sooner rather than later incase it is something else. I hope that this helps.
Need Legal Advice on Post-Divorce Situation?
I divorced about 13 yrs ago from an abusive man. We had two children together. The divorce agreement stats he would carry full coverage on the children and I would pay any out of pocket expenses after the insurance paid. Long story short, I have had no contact with him due to the abusive past, neither have the children. I tried to pay all bills myself, even if they exceed his portion of coverage. A couple years ago however, i incured a large medical bill almost $4000. I could not afford to pay this and it went to collections. I figured I will pay it when I graduate college, so I left it in collections, and tried to keep up with other bills and living expenses in the meantime. Recently, a judgement was placed on him to pay that unpaid bill....since he was the other parent. In turn, he is taking me to court for being contempt of my divorce agreement. He is trying to recoup the money saying he doesnt see them....he should be resposible. I have paid thousands of dollars in out of pocket expenses for dental alone....and he has no dental insurance. In fact, the orth treatments are $4800 per child. So, with that alone, he should be responsible for nearly $5000 of it. I have never asked him to because I really rather he be out of my life...but since he responded so negatively to this other bill...Does anyone know if I can counter sue? And maybe have this legal action against me stop? I feel like over these years, my out of pocket expenses have greatly exceed this bill he is suing me for? Any suggestion? I appreciate it.
Run, do not walk, to see an Attorney in your State. In most States, both parents are jointly responsible for necessities of life unless the parental rights have been permanently severed by a Court of Law. Whether he has seen his children would have no affect on his responsibility of payment of medical bills.. Good Luck.
Run, do not walk, to see an Attorney in your State. In most States, both parents are jointly responsible for necessities of life unless the parental rights have been permanently severed by a Court of Law. Whether he has seen his children would have no affect on his responsibility of payment of medical bills.. Good Luck.
Child support question?
We have been split up for 5 years, our son is 7. I make 2600 a month and pay 425 a month +dental insurance + health insurance. I also pay for everything else for him like, hair cuts, clothes, school supplies and college savings. I guess the question I have is about the insurance. It covers 90%, but we are supposed to split what is lef over. How does this work? The bills come in my name since it is my insurance. If she is supposed to pay it and doesn't it will go to collections in my name and hurt my credit score. How does this work?
Actually, the doctor should be sending the bill to the person who approved treatment, which I assume is her. Then you send the doctor your half. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ THE FATHERLESS GENERATION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZmMffsIl… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
Actually, the doctor should be sending the bill to the person who approved treatment, which I assume is her. Then you send the doctor your half. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ THE FATHERLESS GENERATION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZmMffsIl… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
Wisdom tooth removal, put to sleep or stay awake?
I'm 19 years old with braces and I will be getting my wisdom tooth removed soon. I have an option of getting put to sleep or staying awake, each choice comes with good and bads. If I was to be put to sleep during the procedure, I will reach my limit for my dental insurance for the year so I can't get my teeth cleaned, or have regular check ups for the rest of the year. It is also an extra $700 out of my pocket. If I stay awake, I will have money left over in my insurance so that I can have regular dental check ups and the procedure will be $300. What should I do. I'm scared! Also, should I get two removed during one sitting or all four removed? What can I expect?
get put-out. im 13 and decided to get knocked out. you need an IV but so what!!! Its less painful. If u decide to stay awake you get injected multiple times in the gum area above the tooth thats get extracted. Good Luck, Hope you like ice cream,mash potatoes and soft foods!!
get put-out. im 13 and decided to get knocked out. you need an IV but so what!!! Its less painful. If u decide to stay awake you get injected multiple times in the gum area above the tooth thats get extracted. Good Luck, Hope you like ice cream,mash potatoes and soft foods!!
will my humana one ppo major medical pay for wisdom tooth excision?
I have humana one ppo major medical insurance, and I know all 4 of my wisdom teeth are impacted. They have never bothered me, until now. I have one that is really beginning to hurt. In my policy, under dental benefits its says "excision of partially or completely unerupted impacted teeth." I also found an oral surgeon in their network provider list (specialist, of course!) I will have dental insurance in one month that has no waiting periods for pre-existing conditions but I don't know if I can wait that long! Someone please help! I emailed Humana but haven't gotten a response yet. Last time it took a few days...not sure what to do.
Call the Oral Surgeon's office for an appointment and give them your medical insurance information. They can FAX in a request for "predetermination" of coverage and get the answer back quickly...sometimes in minutes. Good luck and I wish you well. The Denture Pro.
Call the Oral Surgeon's office for an appointment and give them your medical insurance information. They can FAX in a request for "predetermination" of coverage and get the answer back quickly...sometimes in minutes. Good luck and I wish you well. The Denture Pro.
How do I stop receding gums?
I noticed some of my teeth have receding gums, even though my gums appear otherwise healthy and pink like they should be. (Some of them bleed when I floss though, but only a little) On my top left side my first premolar has receding gums. Then my second premolar on the top right also has receding gums. I brush and floss well and have been doing even better since I noticed my gums receding. I first noticed them when I went to have a free teeth cleaning done at Loma Linda dental center. So far my gums didn't recede any worse, but then recently I had a teeth bleaching done by a different dentist (a free trial thing they have once a year at Loma Linda) and a little bit of irritation was sustaned by my gums on a canine tooth next to my top left premolar that has gum recession. Even though the irritation healed, no matter what I do, the gums on that canine seem to be receding a little bit too, but it's only slight. But I want to stop it badly especially since IEHP took my dental insurance away. (They took certain insurance away from people over 21 for some reason)
Have your dentist check the bite on your canines when you grind from side to side. If hitting too hard, this can cause the gums to recede. Also make sure you are using the right type of toothbrush and brushing properly with it. Good luck.
Have your dentist check the bite on your canines when you grind from side to side. If hitting too hard, this can cause the gums to recede. Also make sure you are using the right type of toothbrush and brushing properly with it. Good luck.
Do I need braces or what? (confused)?
I had loads of dental work as a kid, but mostly for cavities and such. Then by 18 I was removed from my parents insurance (about 3 years uninsured). But finally in January 2011 my own dental insurance plan is available. My teeth are so crooked that it bothers me like crazy. How do you know if you need braces, and is there any other way to fix crooked teeth? And when I say crooked, I mean crooked. None of my bottom teeth are aligned, and my top teeth are like a see-saw to my bottom ones. It really bothers me. :(
make an appointment with an orthodontist. They will do a free consultation. They will then tell you approximate cost and length of treatment. Do you have an orthodontia rider with your insurance? Most dental plans are only for dentists, and you usually have to have a separate rider for orthodontia (I paid extra for it). It's very expensive, but worth it, not only for cosmetic reasons, but straight teeth are easier to clean and you may not have cavity and gum issues as you get older! My son's and my niece's braces were approx $5000 dollars.
make an appointment with an orthodontist. They will do a free consultation. They will then tell you approximate cost and length of treatment. Do you have an orthodontia rider with your insurance? Most dental plans are only for dentists, and you usually have to have a separate rider for orthodontia (I paid extra for it). It's very expensive, but worth it, not only for cosmetic reasons, but straight teeth are easier to clean and you may not have cavity and gum issues as you get older! My son's and my niece's braces were approx $5000 dollars.
Is it possible to die from having wisdom teeth?
its been about two weeks, I wake up every morning with a split headache , jaw and mouth pain, I go to dentist( no dental insurance ) get a xray and they tell me I need to have 4 wisdom teeth removed, I cant afford it, nor can I even FIND dental insurance in my state, so I am wondering if I should invest in life insurace instead because I dont know how much longer I can live like this.
It's definitely not good for you to do nothing about it. Do you know if your teeth are infected? That could be causing the pain. Maybe you should talk to someone at a bank or something to find out how to get insurance to cover getting your wisdom teeth out. No one should suffer like you are just because of money. I hope everything works out for you! -to answer your specific question, I don't think you can die specifically from having wisdom teeth, but complications can develop from them, especially when you're in that much pain.
It's definitely not good for you to do nothing about it. Do you know if your teeth are infected? That could be causing the pain. Maybe you should talk to someone at a bank or something to find out how to get insurance to cover getting your wisdom teeth out. No one should suffer like you are just because of money. I hope everything works out for you! -to answer your specific question, I don't think you can die specifically from having wisdom teeth, but complications can develop from them, especially when you're in that much pain.
I have braces but teeth are not yet fixed. I'm moving to another country. should I have them removed now?
I had braces for 2 years now. Unfortunately, there are still gaps on my bottom teeth which hasn't closed yet. I am going back to the U.S. in less than 2 months (btw, I'm here in the Philippines right now, recently graduated BSN). When I get there, it would be a while until I get a dental insurance, since I'm not under my mom's anymore. Should I have my orthodontist remove my braces before I go back to the U.S. or leave it on until I get my dental insurance which would probably take 2 years =/. or should I have 'em off and get retainers? don't quite know know..pls help.
It really depends on your level of confidence because you can always make other arrangements for you teeth.
It really depends on your level of confidence because you can always make other arrangements for you teeth.
Which job should I take??
I have received 2 job offers (YEAH!) I don't know which to take. I am a recent college grad, business, finance, banking, risk management majors. Job#1 at a major bank, $30,000/year, match dollar for dollar 401K, medical/dental insurance (I pay), sales, bonus on sales, cubical all day, Mon - Friday. Job #2 landscape business, for large businesses, $22,500/year, no 401K, medical/dental insurance (I pay), sales, comm. on sales, travel paid, I love being outside, some weekends. What do I do?
That is not a hard choice in my opinion. Financially speaking , not only are you getting more salary the 401K money is a great bonus in job #1, there is usually a cap on the total matching in a year so pay close attention to the wording. You didn't say what the actual job description for either one is. My point is that at job #1, you have evenings and weekends free to be outside all you want. Lunch time too. Both can be lucrative, landscaping is year round these days. Both will pay travel, one the company puts it out first, the bank you take the breaks on your taxes. I am sure they have expense reports though. Now look to your future. Who has more room for growth within the company, more to the point, who can offer faster advancement? That would be job #1 yet again. In weighing the pros and cons I keep going to job #1, that is the one I would accept. Good luck.
That is not a hard choice in my opinion. Financially speaking , not only are you getting more salary the 401K money is a great bonus in job #1, there is usually a cap on the total matching in a year so pay close attention to the wording. You didn't say what the actual job description for either one is. My point is that at job #1, you have evenings and weekends free to be outside all you want. Lunch time too. Both can be lucrative, landscaping is year round these days. Both will pay travel, one the company puts it out first, the bank you take the breaks on your taxes. I am sure they have expense reports though. Now look to your future. Who has more room for growth within the company, more to the point, who can offer faster advancement? That would be job #1 yet again. In weighing the pros and cons I keep going to job #1, that is the one I would accept. Good luck.
How much should a wisdom tooth extraction cost? How can I talk down the price?
I realize that the cost will depend on my location and the nature of my situation, but let me give a few basics. My dentist told me that my wisdom teeth need to come out due to crowding of my other teeth, which is causing discomfort. He recommended me to an oral surgeon in the area, quoting me with a price of $2,000. We don't have dental insurance, so this price seems rather excessive, but I would like to have them removed soon. All four of my teeth are fully erupted and my dentist said it should be a fairly simple procedure. I'm considering going to the dental school at my university. Should that be cheaper? I also would be willing to undergo the procedure awake, instead of opting for general anesthesia. Taking into consideration that my teeth are fully erupted, I don't have insurance, and that I would be willing to not use general anesthesia, does anyone think that I can get a better deal? I plan to call several oral surgeons next week to ask this question, but I would like to be armed with any information that I need on general cost and things that I can do to more or less barter. What should I know before I call?
You will save one third to one half at a dental school. You will save money by having a local instead of a general. If you do have a local they will most likely do one side at a time so you will have 2 appointments and 2 recovery periods. Good luck.
You will save one third to one half at a dental school. You will save money by having a local instead of a general. If you do have a local they will most likely do one side at a time so you will have 2 appointments and 2 recovery periods. Good luck.
Need 4 Wisdom Teeth Removed ASAP - No Health Ins.....?
I am a 20 y/o male. I went to the dentist in September of 2008 and they did some x-rays and said I need to see an oral surgeon soon to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed, they are causing a cyst. I had insurance then, the dumb oral surgeons office ran Guardian (dental insurance) to see what my out of pocket quote was going to be of the $2,700 and said they are only going to pay $112. Didn't sound right, they should have ran it through Anthem and they would have covered it under surgery but when I found that out it was too late when I lost my health insurance. If I was to buy health insurance on my own right now, the waiting period is 18-24 months from the date the coverage begins. These things are really starting to hurt and are cramming my other teeth causing them to go back crooked. I applied for Care Credit (medical credit card) and they denied my application. ARE THERE ANY OTHER OPTIONS???? It will take me at least 6 months to save $2,700 for this and that's if I am lucky and no unexpected bills arrive....
apply for medicaid or go to the dentist and ask if they accept payment plans.
apply for medicaid or go to the dentist and ask if they accept payment plans.
On my final pay stub of 2008, difference between wages and taxable?
I am attempting to estimate my 2008 tax return in order to fill out my FAFSA asap. My final pay stub of 2008 lists YTD taxable - $32983, YTD Wages $35006, YTD Taxes- $7946, YTD Deducts- $2023, YTD Net Pay - $25038.. The difference between the taxable and wages is exactly the YTD of my deductions for my company supported health, dental, Flex Spending and 401K... My question is.. is the number that I am supposed to put on line 7 (wages,salaries, tips, etc) of 1040A the YTD taxable or the YTD Wages? I have been scouring the internet and have heard both... So I guess the short of it is... is "wages, salaries, tips, etc" your pay before or after pre tax deductions like health insurance, dental insurance and 401K contributions? Thanks! Thank you so much!
The amount that goes on your Line 7 is your YTD taxable. It's the wages minus the pre-tax items but not the withholding for taxes (federal, State, FICA and Medicare).
The amount that goes on your Line 7 is your YTD taxable. It's the wages minus the pre-tax items but not the withholding for taxes (federal, State, FICA and Medicare).
Economic Questions, I'm stuck!?
1)A new process for producing glass revolutionizes the industry. Aggregate supply will a)increase. b)decrease. c)remain the same. 2)If government regulations force employers to provide dental insurance, then SRAS will a)increase. b)decrease. c)remain the same. 3)The government relaxes pollution regulations on all manufacturing firms. The determinant causing the shift in this scenario is a)price. b)productivity. c)resource cost or availability. d)none of the above. e)government intervention (taxes, subsidies, or regulations). 4)A new process for producing glass revolutionizes the industry. The determinant causing the shift in this scenario is a)price. b)productivity. c)resource cost or availability. d)government intervention (taxes, subsidies, or regulations). e)none of the above. 5) If government regulations force employers to provide dental insurance, then the determinant causing the shift in this scenario is a)price. b)productivity. c)resource cost or availability. d)government intervention (taxes, subsidies, or regulations). e)consumption. f) investment. g)net exports. h)government spending. 6)A hurricane destroys 50% of the nation's oil refining capability. The determinant causing the shift in this scenario is a)price. b)productivity. c)resource cost or availability. d)government intervention (taxes, subsidies, or regulations). e)none of the above.
1. a 2. what's SRAS? 3. answer found in the question 4. b 5. make a guess? 6. you just don't want to do your homework yourself do you?
1. a 2. what's SRAS? 3. answer found in the question 4. b 5. make a guess? 6. you just don't want to do your homework yourself do you?
How can I talk to my parents about getting braces...?
I am 17 years old and I really need braces. You might see my side more if you look at a picture of my teeth: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carrierox4e… I have been doing some research and I have found out that basically it would be in my best interest to get my teeth fixed now well I am still young. I also found out that according to my parents insurance I have to have dental work started before I am 19 for it to be covered. (we have both regular and ortho. dental insurance). I have tired to talk to my parents about it before and I just get the same speech about how "We don't have the money and you are probably going to have to pay for it yourself". Or I get the speech about how "we need to get a regular dentist first", yes you heard me right. We have not been to the regular dentist in 2+ years... My dad has looked up dentist but it just is not at the top of his priority list I guess. Also let me add we don't have a lot of money but it is not like we can't afford it, if we really wanted to. I mean why would a monthly payment for braces be any different then a car payment, or a house payment.... If that is the case I will probably not get my teeth fixed for a LONG time because right now I do not have a job (I am looking) and I have to pay for my own car and my own college (I am a senior and yes a car is important so I can transport myself to and from college, taking the bus is not an option). I don't know how to bring it up.... I don't think they understand 1. That it is embaressing. 2. It could stop me from getting a job beacuse presentation IS important in todays job market. 3. It makes it a pain in the butt to floss or anything else... Any advice on this?? Thank you!!
You need to get that in writing by your general dentist. Based on the diagnosis / need your parents can be convinced.
You need to get that in writing by your general dentist. Based on the diagnosis / need your parents can be convinced.
Should the dentist have handled this differently?
Last March I had a crown put on a cracked molar and since when I have seen my dentist I complained about varrying levels of sensitivity in the tooth. At my cleaning in September I complained of the same sensitivity (cold, when I bite, and sometimes just pain). He looked at the tooth and the x-rays and told me I did not need a root canal. A few weeks ago I had an appointment to put on permanent crowns on my front teeth (I had a temp. crown on). The front teeth were originally broken as a teenager and bonded, at my dentists urging I decided to have them crowned. At this appointment again I complained about the pain in my molar which seemed to be getting worse. The front crowns were fitted but were too long and had to be sent back to the lab. Tonight I had another appointment to cement the front crowns. As soon as I went in I complained about my molar. The hygenist asked me about it and x-rayed it and said we would talk to the dentist about it. When the dentist came in I told him the problem and he said that I would need a root canal. They then cemented my front crowns. I went to schedule my appointment for a root canal and I was told that the cementing of the crowns used up almost all of my insurance and the root canal would cost me $600 out of pocket, whcih I cannot afford. I am very frustrated that my dentist chose to cement these crowns and use up my insurance when I had another problem that was causing me pain. I have never dealt with a situation like this before and am unsure about how I should proceed. Any suggestions? Do I have a legitimate complaint or do these things happen? I'm not sure if it matters, but I have very good dental insurance and I am double covered (by my own employers insurance and my wife's). Thanks!
Sometime it is the case that a patient could be feeling something and nothing shows on the xray, so it is possible that there was nothing there to see. But what troubles me is that he didn't do anything to try and deal with the sensitivity, like put something on the tooth for sensitivity or since you told him that it was getting worse, wait a while on cementing the crowns to see if you were going to have a problem. The thing is though about the insurance is that it is not the responsibility of the dentist to really worry about your insurance. The insurance is a policy is between you and the insurance company, so dentists don't think about treatment or possible treatment in terms of what fits into the realm of your policy limits, you as the patient have to make sure that they do, by letting them know that you need to work within those guidelines, and in most cases remind them on multiple occasions. They really only think in terms of fixing any teeth that need to be fixed... "One track minds" :)
Sometime it is the case that a patient could be feeling something and nothing shows on the xray, so it is possible that there was nothing there to see. But what troubles me is that he didn't do anything to try and deal with the sensitivity, like put something on the tooth for sensitivity or since you told him that it was getting worse, wait a while on cementing the crowns to see if you were going to have a problem. The thing is though about the insurance is that it is not the responsibility of the dentist to really worry about your insurance. The insurance is a policy is between you and the insurance company, so dentists don't think about treatment or possible treatment in terms of what fits into the realm of your policy limits, you as the patient have to make sure that they do, by letting them know that you need to work within those guidelines, and in most cases remind them on multiple occasions. They really only think in terms of fixing any teeth that need to be fixed... "One track minds" :)
sweet tooth cravings/addiction?
Okay, for health reasons, I really need to kick this sweet tooth. Any ideas? My mom has stories of working in a nursing home where the lady she cared for had no teeth and everything had to be blended for her. This scares me so much, my medication and my own personal habits had had a drastic effect on my oral health and I don't have dental insurance. I want to do everything I can to turn my habits around so this stops here. But it's almost like I'm addicted to sugar, I could almost swear that candy has nicotine in it. Anyway, ways to kick addicting habits and/or sugar habits? Please! And don't say "Go to a dentist". I will as soon as I find a new job and can afford dental insurance.
Sweet tooth_ hmm..perhaps try a more natural sweet things, like fruits, dried fruits like figs. Built a habit of making a mixture of fruits juice. They're usually really sweet. Like banana with only milk & honey mix. It's really not that difficult, you just have to think a bit quirky and you'll find there're so many ways to avoid it with plenty of substitutes.
Sweet tooth_ hmm..perhaps try a more natural sweet things, like fruits, dried fruits like figs. Built a habit of making a mixture of fruits juice. They're usually really sweet. Like banana with only milk & honey mix. It's really not that difficult, you just have to think a bit quirky and you'll find there're so many ways to avoid it with plenty of substitutes.
I am 16 and tired the gaps in my teeth.?
I have straight teeth and everything, small gaps between some teeth on the top, but I really hate them. I just think my self confidence would be so much improved if I could get them fixed. I don't have dental insurance and I have no clue my options. I don't wanna burden my parents becuase you know times is kind of difficult. I am willing to save $ and fix them ASAP as I get older. Would dental insurance make a difference anyaway? Also in your opinion, what is the best method...? I wouldn't mind braces, but I heard bonding does the job too
There isn't much dental insurance for Braces. Save money every chance you get. Gaps get bigger as you grow older too.
There isn't much dental insurance for Braces. Save money every chance you get. Gaps get bigger as you grow older too.
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