medical or dental? i have a really bad underbite and it's killing me not being able to eat well (chewing.) i have basic health and dental insurance from my mom's company. i appreciate your time, thanks.
It depends on the dental insurance. Some dental insurance often say send the claim to the medical insurance for a major procedure and payment. And then it will go through the dental insurance to see how much they will cover. I would talk to a dentist first and the front office should know what to do. Good luck.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
IM looking for a dental insurance that will do fillings..deep cleaning..pull teeth.......?
and what ever need to be done as soon as i start my dental plan.a lot of the ones that i have talked to say that all you can have is your teeth cleaned at first. and you have to wait a year or so before they do anythiing else. i live in virginia. but maryland is ok also.please help thank you so much.
-------------------- - try this one. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - try this one. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Should I be held liable for insurance premiums my employer failed to deduct from my pay ?
My employer did not deduct my dental insurance premiums from my pay for the past 8 months and they informed me today that they'll deduct the past due amount to get me up to date ! It's their fault yet I'm being asked to cover their mistake ! I've had this insurance for the past 5 years and they've always automatically deducted the premium from my pay so should I be held liable or should they !
Well I'd say its their mistake and considering that you say this went on for 8 months, that's a huge mistake ! I would be checking my 401k as well because if these idiots haven't been deducting your insurance premiums, they also may not have been deducting your 401k contributions !
Well I'd say its their mistake and considering that you say this went on for 8 months, that's a huge mistake ! I would be checking my 401k as well because if these idiots haven't been deducting your insurance premiums, they also may not have been deducting your 401k contributions !
how can i get emancipated? at the age of 15 and get medical,dental, and automobile insurance?
and make sure that my income is from a legal source & everything like that if i get a check from black lung and social security
go to family court,make sure you have a source of income,and a place to stay since you're not going to be at home anymore.
go to family court,make sure you have a source of income,and a place to stay since you're not going to be at home anymore.
i have no dental insurance,n have a really bad toothache does anyone know of a cheap/free dentist clinic?
if possible in torrance or around torrance
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
dental insurance that covers 2,k000 dollars & PPO?
I am looking for insurance that covers up to 2,000 dollars and that is PPO, how do i go about and find this type of insurance?
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
How to get quotes from insurance providers for a new comparison website?
I am creating an insurance comparison website such as,, or I want to access the quotes of all the insurance providers and provde these quotes to my customers. How can I get the APIs used by the insurance comparison websites? I am interested in any of the Life Insurance, Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance.
You can buy an app to place on your site from services like CompuQuote, iPipeline or Norvax. I'm not sure if they'll let you wrap your own UI around the API, but you should call them to ask.
You can buy an app to place on your site from services like CompuQuote, iPipeline or Norvax. I'm not sure if they'll let you wrap your own UI around the API, but you should call them to ask.
help! i dont know what to do.I ran out of dental insurance coverage!I had to have a deep clean and a root?
canal.Now i need a crown,but i used up all my ins.The crown will be more than i can afford.I dont know what to do
just pay for it any way
just pay for it any way
How can I hire a family member as a house employee and pay them properly including insurance?
Has anyone done this? If so, what was the experience like and how did you approach payment and getting them medical/dental insurance. Thank you for your time.
paying them is not the problem as long as it is under the gift limit of 10,000 per year. However they would have to be considered an independent contractor
paying them is not the problem as long as it is under the gift limit of 10,000 per year. However they would have to be considered an independent contractor
Does buying "health insurance" cover both medical and dental?
Or would you have to get 2 different insurances, one for medical and the other for dental? If you can provide links and sources please. Thank you.
This depends on what plan you get. Some plans are just medical while others come with both and sometimes you can choose to add dental or not. When talking with the insurance agent ask thorough questions about what is covered in the dental insurance (whether it's included or not), some can be really good deals others can cover barely anything. Usually health insurance plans with low premiums and high deductibles cover very little when it comes to dental OR don't have dental at all. Blue Cross Blue Shield however is a good deal in my opinion.
This depends on what plan you get. Some plans are just medical while others come with both and sometimes you can choose to add dental or not. When talking with the insurance agent ask thorough questions about what is covered in the dental insurance (whether it's included or not), some can be really good deals others can cover barely anything. Usually health insurance plans with low premiums and high deductibles cover very little when it comes to dental OR don't have dental at all. Blue Cross Blue Shield however is a good deal in my opinion.
We are opening a dental off -Do i need to have workers compensation insurance if I have people working on 1099
What other insurances we would have to keep. We have already bought business content, malpractice insurance. The dental practice is located in california
You will have a hard time with the IRS come tax time with 1099 workers. Do they work with other firms? Do you set their hours? Are you in control of thier working conditions. Do they supply their own equippment or work solely with yours. The wrong answer to these questions will raise red flags at the IRS. If your 1099 workers don't pay their taxes you'll have hell to pay. You need workers comp.
You will have a hard time with the IRS come tax time with 1099 workers. Do they work with other firms? Do you set their hours? Are you in control of thier working conditions. Do they supply their own equippment or work solely with yours. The wrong answer to these questions will raise red flags at the IRS. If your 1099 workers don't pay their taxes you'll have hell to pay. You need workers comp.
Is it unusual for a dentist to charge more than the dental insurance says is my share when they are in network?
The last two dentists I've visited ask the patients to pay the patient portion of the charges prior to doing the dental work. After I received the explanation of benefits from the insurance company, it showed that their charges were in excess of the agreed upon cost for the procedure and they had asked me to pay too much for my portion. When I pointed this out, the dentists were not very gracious in responding to my inquiries to the point where I feel uncomfortable returning to them for services unless I am willing to let them continue to charge me more than they've agreed to with the insurance company. Is this a usual occurrence? Does it happen to other people regularly and they just ignore it? Should I consider the overpayment (ranges from $10 to $35 each visit) a tip for services rendered or should I insist that the dentist stick to the cost they've contracted with the insurance company for and ask for a refund? Does this mean it's time to find another dentist?
This is NOT common practice and something that you need to bring up to your health insurance provider. You will need to go with the copy of your bill and explanation of benefits from the insurance company and speak with the office manager. If they still will not resolve the issue then you should definitely speak with your health insurance company again, let them know exactly what happened, and see if they will do something about it. If they can't, depending upon the amount you had to pay out of your pocket in excess of your copay or whatever the insurance company would not cover, then you can either forget about it or speak with the board of dentistry for your state.
This is NOT common practice and something that you need to bring up to your health insurance provider. You will need to go with the copy of your bill and explanation of benefits from the insurance company and speak with the office manager. If they still will not resolve the issue then you should definitely speak with your health insurance company again, let them know exactly what happened, and see if they will do something about it. If they can't, depending upon the amount you had to pay out of your pocket in excess of your copay or whatever the insurance company would not cover, then you can either forget about it or speak with the board of dentistry for your state.
I have a broken tooth and no dental insurance, nobody will take the tooth out without down payment,! HELP!?
I've had a broken tooth for about 2 months or more now, before when it first happened it didn't bother me but now the pain, it's horrible, it's hard to do anything without it hurting, my problem is I have no dental insurance and all of the dentists around here want money upfront, another problem, I am pretty broke right now, and the tooth is the very back tooth, I think it's a wisdom tooth that crammed it's self into my mouth and that's what caused it to break, so then I am faced with can a dentist even take out the tooth? Anyone have any answers?!
I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From cleanings, fillings, xrays...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From cleanings, fillings, xrays...etc. all services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
Can someone take a look at my dental insurance, I have a question about it?
Please review your plan documents for full details, including exclusions, limitations and state mandates that might affect your benefits. Please be aware Deductibles and Maximums apply to both the In-Network and Out-of-Network Benefits. Deductibles In-Network Out-of-Network Individual Calendar Year Deductible Basic & Major Restorative, Orthodontic $50.00 $50.00 Family Calendar Year Deductible Basic & Major Restorative, Orthodontic $150.00 $150.00 Maximums In-Network Out-of-Network Individual Calendar Year Maximum Diagnostic & Preventive, Basic & Major Restorative $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Individual Lifetime Maximum Orthodontic $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Member's Coinsurance Percents In-Network Out-of-Network Reimbursement: Fee Schedule Reasonable and Customary Basic Restorative 20 % 20 % Diagnostic & Preventive 0 % * 0 % * Major Restorative 50 % 50 % Orthodontic 50 % 50 % * Fields that display zero as the Member's Coinsurance Percent indicate that CIGNA covers this service at 100%. Frequency and Age Limitations Specific Coverage Information In-Network Out-Of-Network Dependent Age Limitation 19 19 Student Age Limitation 25 25 Date Coverage Ends Birth Month Birth Month Procedure In-Network Frequency/ Age Limit Out-of-Network Frequency/ Age Limit Oral Exam Twice per Calendar Year Twice per Calendar Year Full Mouth X-Rays Once per 36 Consecutive Months Once per 36 Consecutive Months Adult Cleaning Twice per Calendar Year Twice per Calendar Year Child Fluoride Once per Calendar Year / Under Age 19 Once per Calendar Year / Under Age 19 Topical Sealant Application Once per 36 Consecutive Months / Under Age 14 Once per 36 Consecutive Months / Under Age 14 Crown Once per 60 Consecutive Months Once per 60 Consecutive Months Bridge Work Once per 60 Consecutive Months Once per 60 Consecutive Months Orthodontics Coverage for Dependent Children Coverage for Dependent Children Now my question is....see where it says "frequency and age limitations"? where it says something about being 25? I turned 25 on september 2nd, can I not use this insurance anymore for myself, its dental insurance through my employer so it wasnt explained very well, or can I use it maybe until right before I turn 26, meaning can I use it while I'm 25 or did it end as soon as I turned 25?
Student limitation is most likely towards any dependants that you have on your coverage - not you as the policy holder.
Student limitation is most likely towards any dependants that you have on your coverage - not you as the policy holder.
Broken Wisdom Tooth and No Dental Insurance in Delaware?
I was just sitting on the couch playing online after I put my kids to bed when all of the sudden I noticed that something inside my mouth was poking the inside of my cheek. I felt with my tongue and discovered that the sharp thing was where one of my wisdom teeth was. It is actually my back top left wisdom tooth, and when I felt with my finger it feels like the tooth actually broke off somehow (I have no idea how I wouldn't have noticed) and now theres just a jagged little section of tooth still above the gum. Now that I've noticed the tooth it is really starting to bother me and hurt my cheek when I talk or move my top jaw. I don't have dental insurance and I'm a single mother of 2 with a full time job and am also a full time student, so I don't know what to do or what to expect when I go to the dentist on Monday and was just wondering if anyone else knows of or had been through a similar situation and could give me some advice. Thanks in advance!
You're probably going to have to have the remainder of the tooth pulled. Be frank with your dentist about your financial situation. Mine is very flexible about being paid over time if need be. Or s/he might know of a dental clinic at a dental school where they charge reduced rates.
You're probably going to have to have the remainder of the tooth pulled. Be frank with your dentist about your financial situation. Mine is very flexible about being paid over time if need be. Or s/he might know of a dental clinic at a dental school where they charge reduced rates.
I can't seem to find out how to get dental insurance without needing medical also.?
I have a health insurance plan with work but can' t seem to get the dental coverage as there aren't others willing to take it. I need to get some. How in the midwest can I get seperate dental insurance? NOT dental plans that pay a part of it but aren't insurance as I need the insurance. Those often have a waiting time and only pay a small part the first year of it. I have soft enamel teeth and need ongoing or repeat dentist visits to keep the teeth later on. I did an online search and they want a ton of info to send a quote just or they don't offer an actual insurance coverage. IF anyone has a great coverage that is nationwide please let me know. I have a dire need for this.
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
I have a dental plan thats covers everyone in my house for one price. I have found it to be useful, it saves me and my family alot of money. I was able to find a dentist in my home town that will accept this plan and the denist that I take my children to is only about 20 minutes away so it work out well for me 1-877-483-1830 REF# 227810 that is the number that you can call
Does anyone out there know if anthem blue cross insurance how often do they pay for dental cleanings?
my mom wants to know if dental cleanings have to be scheduled exactly 6 months apart.
Each policy is diffrent some can have two dental cleaninings with in a calander year (Jan 1st - Dec 31st). But what I have found with SOME Blue Cross dental insurane is they follow the "6 month" rule and just to be safe I schedule my patients with that rule 6 months + 1 day. It is best to call the member number found on your insurance card and ask. (your denatl office will not know off hand, Blue Cross has THOUSANDS of diffrent plans and EACH one is diffrent even if the employer is the same the group number could be diffrent). I hope this helps.
Each policy is diffrent some can have two dental cleaninings with in a calander year (Jan 1st - Dec 31st). But what I have found with SOME Blue Cross dental insurane is they follow the "6 month" rule and just to be safe I schedule my patients with that rule 6 months + 1 day. It is best to call the member number found on your insurance card and ask. (your denatl office will not know off hand, Blue Cross has THOUSANDS of diffrent plans and EACH one is diffrent even if the employer is the same the group number could be diffrent). I hope this helps.
need help with a few dental insurance questions!!!!?
my boyfriend is having really excruciating tooth pain he cant even sleep at night we were both recently unemployed and were getting health care from welfare now that we are receiving unemployment we are not eligible for health care insurance and we would have to pay too much out of pocket to go to a city clinic. to buy insurance out right would also be to expensive. are there any low cost dental insurance that would cover us we have about 100 dollars a month to spend on health care i cant fine any help online and he needs to see a dentist asap any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance if it matters we live in philadelphia pa
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
I need help getting good and affordable health, life and dental insurance for me and my family-please help?
All I have is Medicaid, I want better dental and health insurance, and my family and I don't have life insurance. When my dad died he didn't have life insurance. I'm a bit concerned because I'm in my 30s and my mom's getting old, and I'm concerned about my little brother. My mother doesn't have dental insurance. I want my brother to have better dental insurance too. I need dental implants. Please help me out.
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies for health and life insurance, I hope it helps you.
Try this site here you can get quotes from different companies for health and life insurance, I hope it helps you.
I want braces! But no dental insurance?
Im fourteen, and I actually I think I NEED them. I mean my teeth aren't severely jacked up, but there's just a bit of crowding at the top and just a little on the bottom. All I want is a brilliant straight smile that I can be proud of. It would be a great confidence booster. I keep telling me dad this and he just shrugs and says 'Ok.' And I'm like 'Well, can I get them?' And he's like "No, we don't have dental insurance. If you really want them you should earn them yourself." I feel this is a load of BULL. He keeps on bringing up the fact that he wont even fix his own dental problems, meaning, 'then why should I fix yours?' I feel its best to get this done with I'm YOUNG! I do NOT want braces when I'm an adult. I also have a wisdom tooth thats growing in at an angle, and thats gonna jack up my teeth MORE. He says we're gonna get a pulled when it causes problems. But won't that take years? Ugh. All I want is straight teeth. Sorry that this may seem more of a rant than a question. I'm just so stuckk. I have a bit of money saved up from babysitting, and I guess I'll ask for more during the holidays. He thinks that dental insurance is too much money, and that we should use it on more useful things. Ridiculous.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
In my health insurance description it says it covers dental work involving natural teeth.. what does this mean
It says it covers "dental treatment, made necessary by injury to sound, natural teeth" what does natural teeth mean?? and second it says it covers 80% U&C, what does this mean, Would this insurance cover my wisdom teeth being removed??
Yes, wisdom teeth are considered natural teeth. They are the teeth you were grew on your own, rather than false teeth or bridges or crowns put in by the dentist. U&C means usual and customary, which means the normal charges that dentists charge for doing this work. You pay anything the dentist charges above that. However, your wisdom teeth coming in may not be considered an injury. You need to check with your medical insurance company on that. By the way, I strongly recommend you have all four of your wisdom teeth removed at once. It is not a pleasant operation, and you will not want to go through it again. I made the mistake of having one removed and then a year later the other three. One was as bad as three.
Yes, wisdom teeth are considered natural teeth. They are the teeth you were grew on your own, rather than false teeth or bridges or crowns put in by the dentist. U&C means usual and customary, which means the normal charges that dentists charge for doing this work. You pay anything the dentist charges above that. However, your wisdom teeth coming in may not be considered an injury. You need to check with your medical insurance company on that. By the way, I strongly recommend you have all four of your wisdom teeth removed at once. It is not a pleasant operation, and you will not want to go through it again. I made the mistake of having one removed and then a year later the other three. One was as bad as three.
I am wondering if one of those dental insurance plans thru AFLAC, etc. is ever a good investment.?
It seems that you'd sometimes pay out way more in premiums than what a lot dental / orthodontic costs would be.
I don't think dental insurance is good unless it is through your employer or you have very bad teeth. Cleaning is only about $125 and with x-rays and check up about $165. If you go once or twice a year you will not need anything further. Even filling and extractions are only a few hundred. Where it becomes expensive is when you need caps and false teeth. In any case you will not go broke like one visit to the hospital.
I don't think dental insurance is good unless it is through your employer or you have very bad teeth. Cleaning is only about $125 and with x-rays and check up about $165. If you go once or twice a year you will not need anything further. Even filling and extractions are only a few hundred. Where it becomes expensive is when you need caps and false teeth. In any case you will not go broke like one visit to the hospital.
On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?
I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.
It all depends on where you get them, how long you have to wear them, and other miscellaneous ( break a bracket, need work before you actually get the braces, etc.) My sister just got them this year and it was about € 4,600. If you're American I think that is 6,600 U.S. dollars.
It all depends on where you get them, how long you have to wear them, and other miscellaneous ( break a bracket, need work before you actually get the braces, etc.) My sister just got them this year and it was about € 4,600. If you're American I think that is 6,600 U.S. dollars.
dental health insurance?
we just got dental health insurance and on it it says it covers for amalgam and resin restorations: limited to one filling per 24 months per tooth surface. Multiple restorations on a single surface will be paid as a single filling. Does this mean that we can only get on ONE filling every 2 years...or does it mean we can get all our teeth filled..but only once every 2 years?? I'm really confused i don't think it makes any sense to have just ONE filling every 2 years...
I think for the the most part, dental insurance is a scam. The cost often matches what is paid out, so having it does not seem to make sense. What that means is that each tooth can only be filled once every two years. You can get each of your teeth filled.
I think for the the most part, dental insurance is a scam. The cost often matches what is paid out, so having it does not seem to make sense. What that means is that each tooth can only be filled once every two years. You can get each of your teeth filled.
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