I went to the dentist for the first time in about 4 or 5 years and got a whole lot of bad news (as expected for so long). 1) Very back molar, bottom, my right. This one has a big cavity. The x-ray did not show it hitting the root, but close. They said they might be able to do just a filling, but they want to do a root canal anyways because the decay migth go further than shown on the x-ray. Is that resonable? Or should I try for just a filling and hope its okay? With the root canal they would also have to do a crown. 2) Obviously, I need my teeth cleaned. 3) In addition to that bad cavity I have 4 other ones plus one old one that is broken and needs fixed. These ones are not too bad. All of them are on back teeth and are located inbetween teeth (they only could see them on x-ray not visualy). In total they want $2808 and that's after insurance. My insurance pays 100% of the cleaning without a deductable so that does not need to be considered at all. Fillings are covered at 75%, root canal is 75%, crown is 0%. Deductable is $50 and max payout is $500. Does $2808 sound resonable?!? From what I can find online a root canal + crown should be $2000 without any insurance at all and fillings would be $200 each again without any insurance at all. I thought insurance is supose to get you decreased rates, plus they'll pay up to $500? I live in Massachusetts by the way, so expensive area. My insurance company is MetLife. Since it is the end of the year I can up my dental insurance for next year to cover 80% of fillings, 80% of root canal, and 60% of crowns. Same $50 deductable and a $1500 max payout. Can someone help me figure out how much it would be with the better coverage?
!. Usually the decay goes deeper than is seen on the x-ray. Of course it would be the least expensive way if a root canal and a crown is not needed.. In the Midwest a molar root canal is around $1200 and a crown around $1000. You could try for the filling and see what happens. You can always do the root canal and crown if it does not work. 2. Cleanings are around $90. 3. 5 fillings that extend between the teeth would roughly be around $750 for silver and $1500 for white bonded composite fillings. These are fees before insurance payments. And of course you live in a higher fee area. I would try to split up the work and do the maximum you can for insurance benefits in 2009 and do the remainder in 2010. Good luck to you.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dental/ Ortho/ Smile Care question/?
Alright, so I recently found out my insurance (Aetna) doesn't cover orthodontia treatment after 18 years of age. So now Im stuck in a rut. Im a Freshman at a college university so Im basically broke (Lol). My only options are to go to a private dentist and pay like five grand without any insurance what so ever or go to like SmileCare. I noticed on there website they have braces for like $2999 specifically for people in my situation. Should I go there? Can you tell me what to expect? Is it in the same category as Western Dental (yuck!) Also, Ive been told I need to get skin removed between my gap, my two from teeth are "triangular" so i need them shaved to be more narrow, and I need the bottom part shaved also to fix my over bite. Will all of this be included in the full price? If not should I go to my dentist and ask her to do it rather than paying for it out of pocket? Note: I do have DENTAL insurance just not Ortho. Serious answers only please. I hate when people joke around or answer whatever they want and not the actual question.
I think you are taking a good decision and firstly you should consult to the dentist and clear all your doubts . Take the proper precaution and you will surely sloved your problem.
I think you are taking a good decision and firstly you should consult to the dentist and clear all your doubts . Take the proper precaution and you will surely sloved your problem.
Moving to Japan, Health Insurance? Please Help?
I'm in the process of planning/making arrangments on moving to Japan and health and dental insurance has really been on my mind. Right now I'm on my fathers insurance which can cover for me until I reach the age of 21 but only if I'm a full time student. I'm going to Japan to be a full time student so would my father's insurance still cover me even though I'll be out of the country for a year if not a little over? Or is it possible to still be under my fathers insurance and an international health insurance at the same time? If not what kind of insurance can I get and what are the average rates? I'm from the USA so is there a health insurance given through my government when going abroad? I also recently went to my dentist which he said I should get braces. If I do get the health insurance which I hope includes dental. Would you recommend seeing a dentist in Japan for braces or wait till I get back? My situation is that I'm going to Tokyo studying there and then when I come back to the states, apply for Japanese Universities so I would probably leave a couple months later. I'm really knew to all of this and would appreciate the help. I would go and ask my father's insurance but they will most likely ask what insurance agency I would apply to which I don't know of any and my reason for asking this question. Thanks in advance!
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Okay last question I worded wrong Medi-Cal insurance help?
There is a bunch of different programs and i dont know which i need. so heres some info on me I am an 18 year old single mom of a 2 year old boy i have no job and live with my grandparents who support us. i am currently studying to get my ged then start college online i have no dental insurance no vision insurance no health insurance all of which i had in las vegas, nv through medicare i do not know what i need or what i should be asking.. any help would be deeply appreciated
Well, you probably need dental, vision, and health. But you don't get a choice - if you're eligible for Medi-Cal, you get what they offer. Each state runs its own welfare insurance program. Most states don't cover much for vision, and many have no dental coverage for adults at all. So you don't get to pick. Apply for Medical, and see if they take you.
Well, you probably need dental, vision, and health. But you don't get a choice - if you're eligible for Medi-Cal, you get what they offer. Each state runs its own welfare insurance program. Most states don't cover much for vision, and many have no dental coverage for adults at all. So you don't get to pick. Apply for Medical, and see if they take you.
Should I put my husband in a life insurance?
I'm 23 and my hubby is 33 me and him were discussing about purchasing some good health and dental insurance. Later on I started thinking about putting him in a life insurance, I'm already covered but he isn't.. I don't know if I should talk to him about that because he may think that I'm trying to plan for his death or something.. It's not that it's just being [prepared because you never know what will happen..What do you think? If you are in a life insurance who are you with? What is a reasonable company to deal with?
Does your husband work? If they offer life insurance benefits there, I'd go with that (I'm not sure what else offers life insurance, besides AARP or Colonial Penn and he's not old enough to get that yet). It's always worth getting life insurance when you get married, and especially when you have kids, because you never know what will happen. It's better to be prepared than to have something happen and not be prepared. My husband doesn't like talking about what we will do after we die, but you have to talk about it and plan it out, because it's going to happen eventually. There's no getting around it. You could always put him on your insurance plan and get him covered for life insurance as well, if you'd rather do that.
Does your husband work? If they offer life insurance benefits there, I'd go with that (I'm not sure what else offers life insurance, besides AARP or Colonial Penn and he's not old enough to get that yet). It's always worth getting life insurance when you get married, and especially when you have kids, because you never know what will happen. It's better to be prepared than to have something happen and not be prepared. My husband doesn't like talking about what we will do after we die, but you have to talk about it and plan it out, because it's going to happen eventually. There's no getting around it. You could always put him on your insurance plan and get him covered for life insurance as well, if you'd rather do that.
Do dental assistants usually get benefits? I know every office is different. What about if it's an accredited?
Program? Does that make you more likely do receive benefits/health insurance?
at the office i work at we get them, it just depends on if you are part or full time, but we all get benefits, so i guess its just the office you work at.
at the office i work at we get them, it just depends on if you are part or full time, but we all get benefits, so i guess its just the office you work at.
My dad was ordered by the judge to provide me and my siblings health insurance, but he is not. Help please!?
So my parents are divorced, and my dad has to provide dental and health insurance for me and my other 3 siblings. Well, he has not provided it since Feburaury of this year. So now my mom has a huge dental bill that our dental insurance was supposed to pay. I don't have visitation with him because he can't until his probation is up. I have been desperately waiting to go the dermatologist due to my skin, and now after months of waiting I can't go. I love my dad, but it makes me upset to think how he could do this. Also, I need to go to the doctor for my yearly shots. I am 16 if you are wondering. Anyways, what should my mom do?
Why are you on here asking such a question? This is a situation which your Mom should be taking care of, not you, and she should be contacting her lawyer, for if there is a court order and he is not abiding by it, there must be a reason. He is retired and it is not because ha can not pay--he does not want to!!!--How do you know? How do you know what he can and can not do?? How do you know what he does/does not have once he retired? You do not state whether or not your Mom works and if her jobs offers insurance benefits to their employees? Please do not get in the middle of your parents issues--you can not take sides--for you do not know what is really going on. This issue is to be resolved and taken care of between your adult parents.
Why are you on here asking such a question? This is a situation which your Mom should be taking care of, not you, and she should be contacting her lawyer, for if there is a court order and he is not abiding by it, there must be a reason. He is retired and it is not because ha can not pay--he does not want to!!!--How do you know? How do you know what he can and can not do?? How do you know what he does/does not have once he retired? You do not state whether or not your Mom works and if her jobs offers insurance benefits to their employees? Please do not get in the middle of your parents issues--you can not take sides--for you do not know what is really going on. This issue is to be resolved and taken care of between your adult parents.
Is it really that hard to get dental work done?
I have some type of dental insurance I have MASS HEALTH but it doesn't cover cosmetic work which I need done really bad, it's getting harder to chew since I have no teeth on the side to support chewing. My front side tooth has a small cavity behind it which was chipped a little while I was brushing to hard. Every where that I call and visit they seem to treat me like trash, they don't even plan out what needs to be done to my teeth if I need more work or not. The last dentist that I visited extracted my wisdom tooth and just sent me home. Why is it that Mass health recipients get treated this way? Some dentists think where poor and trashy and that I we don't deserve the treatment or at least in my case full treatment. It's to the point I don't where to turn for help cause I don't know what needs to be done in my mouth.
You should go to a local dental school or community health care center. They will work with you regardless of your insurance situation. You don't need to get treated that way. There are many people who need affordable dental care.
You should go to a local dental school or community health care center. They will work with you regardless of your insurance situation. You don't need to get treated that way. There are many people who need affordable dental care.
Do dental assistants usually get benefits? I know every office is different. What about if it's an accredited?
Program? Does that make you more likely do receive benefits/health insurance?
Small dental offices, no Large ones with numerous employees, yes
Small dental offices, no Large ones with numerous employees, yes
Need to get root canal, Can i buy insurance and get it done ASAP.?
My current insurance plan doesn't pay for root canal. Can i switch to a new dental plan and immediately use the plan to get a root canal done. Do insurance companies allow that?
Depends upon the insurance company. Most do have a waiting period of 6mos to a year for services like root canals but some do not. You could also look into discount plans like AmeriPlan which usually do not have the waiting periods. Not all dentists accept the discount plans so you have some work to do. Get on the phone and call the companies then call the dentists to see if they accept those plans. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Depends upon the insurance company. Most do have a waiting period of 6mos to a year for services like root canals but some do not. You could also look into discount plans like AmeriPlan which usually do not have the waiting periods. Not all dentists accept the discount plans so you have some work to do. Get on the phone and call the companies then call the dentists to see if they accept those plans. Hope this helps. Good luck!
is there anywhere i can get serious dental work done for free or extremely cheap?
when i was 9 years old i was in a accident that broke 4 of my teeth in half, and pushed them back a little bit, since i was so young and i was never able to have them fixed my teeth have grown crooked over the years, so i need 8 (4 top and 4 bottom) teeth fixed, but im only 19 i have no dental insurance at all and unless i can save thousands of dollars (which will take years, since im a single mother), then i have no way of ever getting them fixed, it is a problem that i have had to deal with ever since i was little, and no matter what others my say or think, it is something that makes people treat me differently, i have been turned down at job interviews and have had serious relationship problems because of it and i just want it to be fixed so i feel like my life is a little normal-er....please help me with any answers you may have about probono dentists or free clinics or anything that might help....thanks
Different states often have Donated Dental Services. Just do a google search of "(your state) Donated Dental Services". You can also check to see if anything is listed for your state at this website... http://free-dental-care-nationwide.app-j…
Different states often have Donated Dental Services. Just do a google search of "(your state) Donated Dental Services". You can also check to see if anything is listed for your state at this website... http://free-dental-care-nationwide.app-j…
My fiancé is being difficult with dental work!?
My fiancé and I have been together for 2 years now, and we've known each other for much longer. I've only seen his teeth I think about twice, and those were hardly good looks. From what I've seen, his teeth are very yellow and in terrible condition because his braces as a kid really weakened his enamel and now probably has about a bazillion cavities. I've been pressuring him to get his teeth cleaned before the wedding, but HE WON'T BUDGE! He says it's too embarrassing to go the dentist, and money isn't a problem since we have dental insurance. How can I get this guy to budge! I keep telling him the dentist will be able to assess the damage done to his teeth and fix it! His hair is already falling out at the age of 21, I want him to at least keep his teeth! Every time we talk about it, he avoids the topic, or tries to make me feel bad for reminding him he has bad teeth. Really what he's doing is making me feel guilty for caring.
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
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