I have several thousand dollars saved to get some implants.I'm looking for a dentist who will give a break to cash pay vs the insurance companies.If anyone has strong knowledge of a dentist in Los Angeles,CA,I'd appreciate it.Or even willing to travel if the procedure can be expedited.
Dental and Dental Implants surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her dental implants and lasik surgery in India by a company called Forerunners Healthcare. The Price for dental and lasik surgery is very less in India. She paid 25% of the price she was quoted in America. Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India They arrange Dental surgery, jaw surgery, lasik eye surgery, Dental Implants etc for foreign patients in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and magazines- about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low cost, as dental and eye surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star. http://www.forerunnershealthcare.com Hope this helps.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Do you really need a second molar? Is it worth the money to have it replaced?
I had my lower right 2nd molar extracted last month and am going to have the lower left 2nd molar extracted as well. One of the uppers 2nds needs a crown, the other upper a filling. The dentist recommended getting an implant to replace the two lower missing teeth, but my insurance will only cover the crown and not the titanium post or ( will cost about 5000-6000 total for both which my insurance will cover at most 1000). My insurance also caps out at 1000 so my normal dental work will fill that anyway so I am really looking at 5000-6000. I am 32 and going to the dentist from here on out. Better late than never I guess. I have been eating just fine without it am wondering if it is really necessary. I don't have a gap as it is my furthest back tooth. I am thinking a more cost effective way to handle this is to have have the other lower pulled and let them be for now. no implants. When the time comes, have the uppers extracted. This would leave me with 24 healthy teeth.
I can't afford braces, any advice?
I don't have a job with dental benefits, I am not covered by dental insurance. Any ideas or cheap dental insurance you know of? I'm looking to get invisaligns. Thanks
Contact dental schools. Look into places that will finance orthodontics -- like capitalone.com
Contact dental schools. Look into places that will finance orthodontics -- like capitalone.com
About how much do braces cost?
And can I make monthly payments? No dental insurance. :(
like 5 grand. maybe 2 with insurance..... im sure you can set up some kind of payment plan with your dentist if he or she is understanding
like 5 grand. maybe 2 with insurance..... im sure you can set up some kind of payment plan with your dentist if he or she is understanding
Any advice on filing health insurance claims for TMJ?
I've had TMJ (jaw joint) problems for half my life, and because of job hopping I've dealt with a lot of health insurance companies. NONE however pay claims for TMJ disorder despite the fact it's not a dental problem- it's a joint problem, like a hip or shoulder! Problem is, you don't see an orthopaedist for your jaw, you see a dentist or other dental-type doctor who specializes in TMJ. And health insurance companies won't accept a claim from a doctor like that. If anyone has any input on how to successfully make a claim and get at least some benefit from my insurance company, let me know. Year after year I pay thousands of dollars out of pocket and get zero reimbursement- despite the fact I'm paying insurance premiums year in and year out! It's not enough of a % of my gross income to deduct from my taxes for some reason, according to my tax advisor.
Im not sure how to help you but I can tell you there are some insurances that pay for it. My husbands paid for mine and now my insurance pays. They paid on my visits, my mouthgaurd, x rays, and pain meds. Call your insurance and ask if there is a certain billing code they should be using or a special form they could use. couldnt hurt to try.
Im not sure how to help you but I can tell you there are some insurances that pay for it. My husbands paid for mine and now my insurance pays. They paid on my visits, my mouthgaurd, x rays, and pain meds. Call your insurance and ask if there is a certain billing code they should be using or a special form they could use. couldnt hurt to try.
Any advice on filing health insurance claims for TMJ?
I've had TMJ (jaw joint) problems for half my life, and because of job hopping I've dealt with a lot of health insurance companies. NONE however pay claims for TMJ disorder despite the fact it's not a dental problem- it's a joint problem, like a hip or shoulder! Problem is, you don't see an orthopaedist for your jaw, you see a dentist or other dental-type doctor who specializes in TMJ. And health insurance companies won't accept a claim from a doctor like that. If anyone has any input on how to successfully make a claim and get at least some benefit from my insurance company, let me know. Year after year I pay thousands of dollars out of pocket and get zero reimbursement- despite the fact I'm paying insurance premiums year in and year out! It's not enough of a % of my gross income to deduct from my taxes for some reason, according to my tax advisor.
I worked for one of the largest health insurance companies in my state - some of our policies paid for TMJ, some didn't. Just depended on how the employer set up the policy. If your policy has a specific exclusion for TMJ treatment, there isn't much you can do. However, if TMJ is not excluded on your policy, you should be able to get at least some of the bills covered. (Probably not full reimbursement, but something is better than nothing...right?) If I recall correctly, some of the hangups I saw with TMJ claims going through the system tended to be that dentist bill in D-codes. However, your insurance company would likely expect a bill in CPT coding. It might sound silly, but something as simple as using a D-code vs. a CPT code can cause a claim to reject for something that might actually be covered. (The coding info won't do you any good if TMJ is completely excluded from your policy, of course. But it can be an issue if TMJ is not excluded but you're just having trouble getting claims to go through the system.)
I worked for one of the largest health insurance companies in my state - some of our policies paid for TMJ, some didn't. Just depended on how the employer set up the policy. If your policy has a specific exclusion for TMJ treatment, there isn't much you can do. However, if TMJ is not excluded on your policy, you should be able to get at least some of the bills covered. (Probably not full reimbursement, but something is better than nothing...right?) If I recall correctly, some of the hangups I saw with TMJ claims going through the system tended to be that dentist bill in D-codes. However, your insurance company would likely expect a bill in CPT coding. It might sound silly, but something as simple as using a D-code vs. a CPT code can cause a claim to reject for something that might actually be covered. (The coding info won't do you any good if TMJ is completely excluded from your policy, of course. But it can be an issue if TMJ is not excluded but you're just having trouble getting claims to go through the system.)
COBRA Insurance question?
My wife currently carries our family insurance with her company. We were wanting to have another baby on her insurance and she is wanting to quit working in Jan. If that is the case we would continue with COBRA until the baby is born. Right now we pay around $200/month for family medical, dental, eye, etc. Does anyone know how much this would be on COBRA or how we could find out. We can't go and ask the company because that would like suspicious.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
How much were your wisdom teeth extractions?
Currently a poor college student, of course with no adequate dental coverage. I am in the process of pulling out (2) wisdom teeth and am wondering how much were the total charges? I'm talking pure charges here, before your insurance took care of anything. Also, please indicate how many you decided to take out, and which anesthetic you chose (IV vs. local or both). Thanks a Bunch.
I had ONE wisdom tooth removed, it was impacted - so HAD to be removed. I had both the general anesthesia and the local - this was recommended, because he had to slice my gum open with a scalpel, hammer the tooth, excavate it and sew me back up. The total cost was $900. This excludes consultation and possible 360 x-ray, that was an additional $170. The surgeon recommended for me to take all four wisdom teeth out, but I decided against it. It must be noted that the anaesthesia where I went to charged per 15 minute sessions, so in a way - it would make more sense to remove ALL of them at once.
I had ONE wisdom tooth removed, it was impacted - so HAD to be removed. I had both the general anesthesia and the local - this was recommended, because he had to slice my gum open with a scalpel, hammer the tooth, excavate it and sew me back up. The total cost was $900. This excludes consultation and possible 360 x-ray, that was an additional $170. The surgeon recommended for me to take all four wisdom teeth out, but I decided against it. It must be noted that the anaesthesia where I went to charged per 15 minute sessions, so in a way - it would make more sense to remove ALL of them at once.
Deep dental cleaning question?
The dentist told me I needed a "deep" dental cleaning today which is covered by my insurance but the "most important part" is the antibiotic called Arestin which is not covered and will cost me $125 per tooth and I need 15 done of course. Anyway... the question is this; Is this Arestin mandatory to get a deep cleaning? This happens everytime I go to a dentist. It's more like a sales pitch where they try to jack as much money as they can out of me. This time, I honestly don't have the money to do this and I refuse to put it on credit. They try to push me on Care Credit as soon as I hesitated. Anyway...do I need this Arestin or is it just a sales pitch?
I would go for the deep cleaning...but the antibiotic is not covered because it doesn't have a predictable outcome... I would do the cleaning then a follow up with the anitbiotic prescription mouth rinse Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral rinse 0.12% (brand name Peridex) for 3 months(30 sec. rinse 2X day) and then have an evaluation at that time to see how the gums responded. I have found this is a good protocol and if you are under 40 will probably give a good result....over 40, when you re-eval, then see what happens.....
I would go for the deep cleaning...but the antibiotic is not covered because it doesn't have a predictable outcome... I would do the cleaning then a follow up with the anitbiotic prescription mouth rinse Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral rinse 0.12% (brand name Peridex) for 3 months(30 sec. rinse 2X day) and then have an evaluation at that time to see how the gums responded. I have found this is a good protocol and if you are under 40 will probably give a good result....over 40, when you re-eval, then see what happens.....
What should dental procedure codes D0150 (comp. oral eval) and D0210 (complete x-ray series) include? s?
I already posted here about in- network bad dentist in Illionois and have scheduled new appt with a different dentist. Called my insurance company to get a complaint form. They don't seem too concerned about paying this guy for services he did not perform and can not give me the specific definition for these codes on my EOB. They are the same codes on my EOB from last year in Indiana. Dentist in Indiana did complete exam of every tooth and full x-rays (bitewing and panoramic). Dentist in Illinois did 20 second exam of a couple of teeth (not kidding!), did not record anything and only did bitewing x-rays because he told me panoramic x-rays were a waste of time. He is billing of the exact same codes as my dentist in Indiana! What exactly should a COMPREHENSIVE oral evaluation include? What should COMPLETE x-rays include? Canceled husband's appt with the first dentist and he went to the second dentist and had the complete everything like we are used to. Should I pursue this?
According to the CDT (current dental terminology) booklet release from the ADA...D0150 is a comprehensive oral evaluation. "This would include the evaluation and recording of the patients dental and medical history and a general health assessment" I'll be honest with you...of the two codes you gave this is the most vague. I have done exams that were comprehensive in a few minutes and some in 45 minutes (Depends on the number of problems and whether the dentist wants to go over all the problems the day of the appointment....some dentists especially if you are new will only discuss your chief concern on your first visit and discuss other problems later..I don't...but some do). D0210 is intraoral-complete series (including bitewings). (D0330 is for a Pano). While this does not include a pano, it does include more than 2 to 4 bitewings. Most often this is approximately 18-20 radiographs with the bitewings. So it sounds like this guy could be ...well you know. I will also add a panoramic is great for diagnosing issues with the jaw....but is terrible at diagnosing decay. I would recommend them but can see why this dentist would argue to the contrary. As for pursuing this , well if he is charging for it and not doing it then he is wrong but if the insurance companies aren't complaining then there isn't much you can do other than not recommend your friends to go there. Good Luck
According to the CDT (current dental terminology) booklet release from the ADA...D0150 is a comprehensive oral evaluation. "This would include the evaluation and recording of the patients dental and medical history and a general health assessment" I'll be honest with you...of the two codes you gave this is the most vague. I have done exams that were comprehensive in a few minutes and some in 45 minutes (Depends on the number of problems and whether the dentist wants to go over all the problems the day of the appointment....some dentists especially if you are new will only discuss your chief concern on your first visit and discuss other problems later..I don't...but some do). D0210 is intraoral-complete series (including bitewings). (D0330 is for a Pano). While this does not include a pano, it does include more than 2 to 4 bitewings. Most often this is approximately 18-20 radiographs with the bitewings. So it sounds like this guy could be ...well you know. I will also add a panoramic is great for diagnosing issues with the jaw....but is terrible at diagnosing decay. I would recommend them but can see why this dentist would argue to the contrary. As for pursuing this , well if he is charging for it and not doing it then he is wrong but if the insurance companies aren't complaining then there isn't much you can do other than not recommend your friends to go there. Good Luck
Insurance+Veneers- HELP?
I heard there may be certain circumstances where insurance will pick up 40% of the cost for dental veneers, what are these circumstances??
honestly, first check out www.mybenefitsplus.com/lgraham it is cheaper then dental insurance plans and covers ALOT more. Plus its only $19.95 a month. Good Luck!
honestly, first check out www.mybenefitsplus.com/lgraham it is cheaper then dental insurance plans and covers ALOT more. Plus its only $19.95 a month. Good Luck!
How do you enforce court order for ex to pay medical bills on 4 kids dating from the year 2000?
My ex and I have been divorced since 2000. He is ordered by the court to either carry medical and dental insurance on our 4 children or pay 100% of their medical/dental bills. When he has the children covered by insurance he is required by the court to pay 50% of all out of pocket expenses. Since 2000, I have sent the bills via cert. mail and only 1 out of over 100 have been accepted. He lived out of state and then returned to Texas. For 4 years I was playing hit and miss with sending the mail to him because he moved so often. I have given him bills in person and had him sign for them. He has 10 days from the receipt to pay and refuses. In Oct.-Nov. the kids had over $2000 dental work done. He received the bills cert. mail 1 mth. ago. His wife says I was over charged and should take them to her dentist and that they will review the bill and decide on how and when to pay it. I told HIM I was willing to make a payment plan. He ignores me. Any suggestions, I live in Texas
if you had checked all medical bills need to be presented to the friend of the court, attorney general's office in texas. there is a time limit you have to submit the bills. this is why most women don't get reimbursed. read the fine work and remember only the courts can enforce payment
if you had checked all medical bills need to be presented to the friend of the court, attorney general's office in texas. there is a time limit you have to submit the bills. this is why most women don't get reimbursed. read the fine work and remember only the courts can enforce payment
How much does general anesthiesia cost?
I need to have a lot of dental work. Root canal, crown, cap, and on wisdom tooth pulled. My insurance won't pay for the general anths. I want to pay for it cuz I was addicted to pills b4 and now take suboxone and the twighlight (fentenol) won't work. I have state insurance.
Most dentists don't even need to put you under a "general" nor are most even able to as it requires Anaesthesiologists. True that the Suboxone would block some of the effects of Fentanyl (euphoria) but it would not block the sedation. Alot of people are given Valium either by mouth or IV if they are apprehensive about dental work. Up to date dentists also use a device called The Wand which blocks the pain impulses greatly. The cost of a general can vary greatly depending on the amount and type of drugs used but ballpark $500 for this dental work.
Most dentists don't even need to put you under a "general" nor are most even able to as it requires Anaesthesiologists. True that the Suboxone would block some of the effects of Fentanyl (euphoria) but it would not block the sedation. Alot of people are given Valium either by mouth or IV if they are apprehensive about dental work. Up to date dentists also use a device called The Wand which blocks the pain impulses greatly. The cost of a general can vary greatly depending on the amount and type of drugs used but ballpark $500 for this dental work.
Should I try to save my uppers or just get dentures?
I am already missing my front two top teeth and one top one on the side. I have fillings in all of the top teeth already and now the dentist is recommending that I continue to try to save them...but I have at least 4 new cavities and that is without even looking at ex-rays. I am so tired of spending money on dental work b/c I have no insurance. He says dentures are a bad idea, but I am so tired of not wanting to smile..(even with a partial, I am to paranoid to really smile)..Just looking for advice or experiences. By the way I am only 27. Thanks.
Well, I would suggest trying to keep your teeth. I know it gets old, but there is nothing like your own teeth. Think about trying to chew with plastic teeth! You are so young, I would do anything I could to save my teeth. Have you looked into Care Credit?? They have a 12 mo no interest payment plan if that's something you may be interested in. You can check it out at www.carecredit.com. Just some helpful advice........stay away from soda =). Between the sugar & the acid it's one of your teeths worst enemies. Good luck =)
Well, I would suggest trying to keep your teeth. I know it gets old, but there is nothing like your own teeth. Think about trying to chew with plastic teeth! You are so young, I would do anything I could to save my teeth. Have you looked into Care Credit?? They have a 12 mo no interest payment plan if that's something you may be interested in. You can check it out at www.carecredit.com. Just some helpful advice........stay away from soda =). Between the sugar & the acid it's one of your teeths worst enemies. Good luck =)
ok im just wondering, if you were to open a new business, and when you hire everyone they all have to be at least 18 ( or depending on state laws correct? ) but anyways back on subject do you the owner have to provide insurance for the employee? such as health dental ect.... legal limits of hours that they must get paid for? STATE: Florida Thanks all in advanceage
no you do not have to offer insurance or retirement accounts or a pension. you do not have to offer any type of benefits including any kind of paid time off. all you are required to do is pay at least minimum wage for every hour worked by every employee. there are exceptions to minimum wage and overtime laws as well based on the gross revenues of the business, number of employees and type of work performed. all your questions can be answered at: http://www.dol.gov Florida has very few labor laws they for the most part just follow federal laws. for assistance from the Florida Workforce Services: http://www.floridajobs.org/workforce/emp…
no you do not have to offer insurance or retirement accounts or a pension. you do not have to offer any type of benefits including any kind of paid time off. all you are required to do is pay at least minimum wage for every hour worked by every employee. there are exceptions to minimum wage and overtime laws as well based on the gross revenues of the business, number of employees and type of work performed. all your questions can be answered at: http://www.dol.gov Florida has very few labor laws they for the most part just follow federal laws. for assistance from the Florida Workforce Services: http://www.floridajobs.org/workforce/emp…
What would be the best way to approach dentists about joining our provider list?
I'm working for a dental savings service, which is similar to a preffered provider organization. Basically we have dentists sign up with us and agree to give our members 30% off on dental costs. This is mutually beneficial because dentists get more customers and give them the 30% they'd give the customer anyway if they had insurance, and our members save money. We are working to expand this to Los angeles. What is the best way to approach a dentist to joining our provider list.
Write them a letter explaining how your service could increase their patient load. Point out the benefits to them, such as advertising and incentives (for them and their patients, such as free toothbrushes and other supplies). Give them statistics on their local area as to the number of people use YOUR service already. Point out specifics from their office that would set them apart from other providers on your current list that would help them get more patients, for example targeting an office that specializes in TMJ treatment in adults or an orthodontist's office that specializes in adult treatment or one that does lingual braces --- show the office how their office would be unique to having an assoication with your company. Point out how your company needs an office like theirs that specializes in "something" that many of the other offices on your list do not.
Write them a letter explaining how your service could increase their patient load. Point out the benefits to them, such as advertising and incentives (for them and their patients, such as free toothbrushes and other supplies). Give them statistics on their local area as to the number of people use YOUR service already. Point out specifics from their office that would set them apart from other providers on your current list that would help them get more patients, for example targeting an office that specializes in TMJ treatment in adults or an orthodontist's office that specializes in adult treatment or one that does lingual braces --- show the office how their office would be unique to having an assoication with your company. Point out how your company needs an office like theirs that specializes in "something" that many of the other offices on your list do not.
How much is the Public Option going to cost an individual ?
And how much is it going to cost a family? What is the deductible going to be? Is it going to cover dental? Will it cover prescriptions? Will it cover wheel chairs? Extended stay in Nursing homes? In House Nursing? How much is the fine person for not having health insurance? How much is the fine per household? How much is the fine for employers? Thanks...I can not find the answers to these questions anywhere and I thought that seeing how everyone here is so ready to just on the boat with this Public Option you would have the answers....
For those people that already have insurance the public option would save them money. I was in Canada when they changed from a system similar to the one we have here to single payer. The first change was that I received a few hundred extra dollars in my pay stub as the employer no longer paid for my medical. I received better medical and felt better knowing some of the money I paid went to help poor children instead of wealthy insurance companies. The current bill is for the insurance companies and not for the public!
For those people that already have insurance the public option would save them money. I was in Canada when they changed from a system similar to the one we have here to single payer. The first change was that I received a few hundred extra dollars in my pay stub as the employer no longer paid for my medical. I received better medical and felt better knowing some of the money I paid went to help poor children instead of wealthy insurance companies. The current bill is for the insurance companies and not for the public!
on an average what % ? school project on the average spending/saving?
you forgot a savings account for large ticket items like car repair/new roof/furnace/ maintenance on house
you forgot a savings account for large ticket items like car repair/new roof/furnace/ maintenance on house
Who does a person notify when they belive that a dentist has not acted responsibily?
I signed up for the only dentist that was accepting new patients on my insurance plan. Because of a terror of dentists, I didn't go until a problem developed. After receiving a root canal, I made an appointment for a cleaning/exam to find out if about dental problems. During the course of the exam, some of what I assume to be cleaning was performed literally left me bleeding and retching on my own blood, not to mention screaming in pain. I was told when I complained of pain that I was lying and earlier during the appointment, he asked if I was ready to have all of my teeth pulled. While I realize that probably was a joke, it only served to terrorize me more so. I am not saying that the treatment I got was inappropriate, as I truly don't know. It has been over 15 years since I last saw a dentist. I just wish to know is there some organization/body I could contact to alert others of this situation. I pray others never have to go through the same.
You should contact the State Board to file a formal complaint.. You didn't say what state you live in; in Texas, for example, it's the TSBDE (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners). You should also speak directly to the dentist about his conduct. Explain how his inappropriate comment, accusation of you being a "liar" is out of line. You can call your insurance company and see about paying a little extra in order to switch the coverage you have, which will allow you greater freedom in selecting a dentist who can suit your needs. It's a bit of a hassle, yes, but it will be well worth it. There are dentists who know specifically how to deal with those of you with dental phobias. I believe that the doctor you visited takes advantage of the fact that you had no choice in seeing him; who knows how many patients he has that do not particularly care for his chairside manner. Please do not let this bad experience deter you from maintaing your oral care. A lot has changed in the field of dentistry since you last visited; not all dentists behave this way. If you need assistance in dealing with your insurance company or changing dentists, feel free to e-mail me. I worked for "bad" dentists, they can ruin it for everyone!
You should contact the State Board to file a formal complaint.. You didn't say what state you live in; in Texas, for example, it's the TSBDE (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners). You should also speak directly to the dentist about his conduct. Explain how his inappropriate comment, accusation of you being a "liar" is out of line. You can call your insurance company and see about paying a little extra in order to switch the coverage you have, which will allow you greater freedom in selecting a dentist who can suit your needs. It's a bit of a hassle, yes, but it will be well worth it. There are dentists who know specifically how to deal with those of you with dental phobias. I believe that the doctor you visited takes advantage of the fact that you had no choice in seeing him; who knows how many patients he has that do not particularly care for his chairside manner. Please do not let this bad experience deter you from maintaing your oral care. A lot has changed in the field of dentistry since you last visited; not all dentists behave this way. If you need assistance in dealing with your insurance company or changing dentists, feel free to e-mail me. I worked for "bad" dentists, they can ruin it for everyone!
Can you educate your way out of poverty?
I say no because other thoughts, actions, and behaviours affect many people who are poor - by poor I mean pay rent, find it hard to put food on the table, have no health insurance, can't afford dental treatment etc. The education I am refering to is university - professional type jobs.
I say no aswell. The rich and powerful keep people they consider different or lower than them (in terms of intellegence or social class) down. Its the rich and influential that decide who will get the professional job. You might be semi retarded or a psychopath and still get a professional job becaues your father is part of the jet set (or upper class). That is why humanity is destined for oblivion. That is why it is getting harder and harder for normal folk to get ahead these days!! You only have to look at people like Paris Hilton to see that (there are plenty of women that look as good as her, if not better, who aren't as well off as she is).
I say no aswell. The rich and powerful keep people they consider different or lower than them (in terms of intellegence or social class) down. Its the rich and influential that decide who will get the professional job. You might be semi retarded or a psychopath and still get a professional job becaues your father is part of the jet set (or upper class). That is why humanity is destined for oblivion. That is why it is getting harder and harder for normal folk to get ahead these days!! You only have to look at people like Paris Hilton to see that (there are plenty of women that look as good as her, if not better, who aren't as well off as she is).
12 year old needs braces?
I have a 12 year old that needs braces, but we dont have any dental insurance. My husband was just recently laid off of work. Does anyone know of any resources in the Houston Texas area that may provide low cost or financial assistance for dental work for my child?
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, extractions, exams...etc. Even my braces. Also, I suggest Longhorn Dental with Dr. Ellis.....He is the best dentist that I have ever had. I still fly from N.C. to Houston for my dental apt, because he is well worth it. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, extractions, exams...etc. Even my braces. Also, I suggest Longhorn Dental with Dr. Ellis.....He is the best dentist that I have ever had. I still fly from N.C. to Houston for my dental apt, because he is well worth it. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps
I am trying to find a dentist in or around Dayton, Ohio who will finance bridgework that insurance won't cover
I had a seizure in October of 2007 and jammed my four front teeth half way up my gum line. My teeth were so damaged that they had to cut them out. I currently have a "flipper" in my mouth. The flipper hurts my mouth and makes it almost impossible to eat when it is in. I am trying to find a dentist that will put a bridge in my mouth to replace the flipper. I don't have alot of money and my insurance won't cover much of the cost of a bridge. Since my seizure, my credit has gone through the floor. I just want someone to finance me or find a dental student that can do this type of work. Can anyone help me? Please?!
You could also try the local dental college, they have Dr. supervised graduate students that will work on your teeth for a tenth of the cost of a dentist! Good Luck!
You could also try the local dental college, they have Dr. supervised graduate students that will work on your teeth for a tenth of the cost of a dentist! Good Luck!
how to get an afordable root canal?
i really need to find an affordable option for a root canal... is it worth it to buy insurance? dental plan? i can't afford $800!
1st if its affordable and dont forget about your Crown also that averages around $1000. I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, extractions, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps out.
1st if its affordable and dont forget about your Crown also that averages around $1000. I would strongly encourage you to visit this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From root canals, xrays, extractions, exams...etc. They even had my very affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps out.
I am having an insurance dispute with my dentist...any advice?
My wife is enrolled with aetna dental...due to mistakes by apparently both my wife and my dental office, her root canal was not billed until 6 days after 1 year of the procedure, which aetna says they won't cover due to the claim being a year old. Now we have a bill for a root canal for 2500 dollars...how should we handle this. What would be a price to offer for the root canal to settle this. Thanks.
you could sew them.
you could sew them.
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