Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm looking 4 a cure 4 bad breath, I'm have a dentist apt next week.?

I floss and brush my teeth 3 times a day and mouth wash. I think I might need a gum cleaning. But I'm afraid of dentist plus I have no dental insurance, looking for a natural cure, any suggestions?
This isn't natural but I know a couple of people that have had lots of success with BreathRx. Also I would try using a tounge scraper, super cheap and not painfull.

Help I can't go to thte dentist but I can't take my teeth hurting!?

I have no dental insurance right and will not have any until next month. I have two teeth that are killing me I can't sleep or even fully pay attention during the day it hurts that bad. I can't afford to go to thte dentist. I have been living off an old ( year ago) bottle of 800 mg Ibuprofin but those are not working anymore. Is there some secret remedy , trick I'm desperate. Any advice???
I would recommend you visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago for all my dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ from Extractions, fillings, xray, exam..etc. They even had my very affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. I been there before, I tried to hold off the pain for 2 months and its not worth it.

Can should recommend a good dentist?

I need to get all 4 molars OUT. Whats the price range for this procedure? I don't have dental insurance, and currently have 2000 saved. Will i be in alot of pain? thanks for any input
H. T. Green, DDS Monarch Dental Associates 18850 Stone Oak Park San Antonio, TX 78258 (210) 499-0303 He's been our family dentist for years.

I have a really badd toothache is there's anything strong over the counter that would stop the pain it hurt so

Bad it's making my ear ache I don't have any dental insurance so anything afforable in atl.

What does coininsurance 100% mean?

Hello, i have dental insurance and it says for multiple things that are covered coininsurance 100%. So what does that mean?
It means, one party pays 100% on a health/dental plan. Usually it will say, covered 100%, meaning the insurance company pays the whole amount.

Ortho Insurance for adults in MI?

I am a college kid. I have bad credit because I have made dumb mistakes ( who lets a 17 year old have a credit card anyways?) I have regular dental coverage, but I need braces and Im too old to be covered under my plan. Since my credit is shot I don'tt qualify for the mycare credit card. Anyone know of a legit insurance plan I can take out for my braces??
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

I want to whiten my teeth at home... suggestions, please?

I am getting married in early April, and my teeth are not white enough for my liking. No dental insurance, so that route's out. Are the methods like Crest whitestrips really worth the money & effort? Am I going to be happy with the results? Are any other brands better? Also, will once be sufficient, or should I do it a few times... and how soon before the wedding should I do it? If I did it now, would the results still be good in April? Also a bit worried about tooth sensitivity... anyone experience this? How bad and for how long?
Teeth whitening is commonly accomplished by applying a bleaching agent to the teeth. The longer the bleaching agent is applied the better it works. Or at least this is how every teeth whitening system is marketed. The problem is that you really need to use a system that mimics what you would get at a Dentists office but in a more affordable at home do it yourself kit. You see whitening toothpastes only contain minimal whitening agents and so for the few minutes alone in brushing your teeth it would take an extremely long time to produce any noticeable change. Whitening "strips" while more effective then toothpaste again only contain mild oxidization activators within the "strip" so here again the results tend to take longer and not as long lasting but tooth sensitivity shouldn't last more than a week. You really need to find a system that is similar to the ones that dentists use, but in a more affordable solution. These tend to work much more effectively and dosen't cost you hundreds of dollars like a trip to the dentist would. There are many great brands out there that follow this "dentists system" for a great home teeth whitening I wish you luck and congrats! :)

any local dental schools in pa?

yeh i need 2 wisdom teeth out i have no insurance so going to a dentist is out the question. i heard dental schools are good and much cheaper but how do i find out about local dental schools around here? and how much would it cost me roughly to get two wisdom teeth out?
There is one dental school in Pittsburgh (University of Pittsburgh) and two in Philly (Temple and University of Pennsylvania). They are somewhat cheaper (somewhere between 30-50% reduction). For getting your wisdom teeth out, the price will depend greatly on whether they have come in or not and whether or not you will need sedation.

Small holes in tooth at gum line. How long can I go w/o going to Dentist?

We purchased dental health insurance but it won't start until November.. and has a 6mo waiting period on everythng but cleanings. So do you think I can make it 6 months w/ small holes in my jaw teeth at the gum line? They don't hurt unless I poke at it & they are not black. Just holes. I was recently pregnant twice, back to back, I think I had a calcium defeciency that caused this. I also had another tooth that the dentist did a root canal on but when he filled it he left one side open on accident! (Its at the very back on my upper jaw teeth. He just couldn't tell I guess)There is a big hole right into my tooth. In your opinion will this become painful & cause more problems before I can use my insurance?
keep your teeth as clean as possible...use hydrogen peroxide after you brush...swish it for at least 1 minute. it will get into the holes and clean out any debris. get some dent-temp o.s. walmart is the cheapest...about $3.99. it comes in a tiny blue container with a snap-on lid and is a greyish-white color, so it's not that noticeable. after thoroughly cleaning your teeth, using small amounts on your finger, smear and press the dent-temp over the holes, several times to make sure it gets in deep. you don't have to dry your mouth or teeth before you use it...the saliva helps it to set . you can't eat or drink anything for a few hours, so it's best to apply it at bedtime. if it wears off...a few weeks to a few months later, reapply. this stuff is really great. you can use it to re-cement fillings and crowns too. do get to the dentist just as soon as your insurance allows so that you don't have to have too many root canals. best of luck.

georgia dental schools?

Are there any dental schools that do indegent work for those who need dental work, have jobs, but not insurance? I
Medical College of Georgia, school of dentistry.

Military dental coverage?

I need some dental work done and I'm on military insurance, but my husband has less than 12 months in the service left with no current plans to enlist. Does anyone know if I still have full coverage or even partial? Please only answer if you're familiar with tricare/deers.
If you have TRICARE then your dentist insurance is most likely DELTA DENTAL When your husband is getting close to his discharge date, he will fill out a bunch of paperwork and work out a payment plan for the insurance. So, the only difference you will have n your coverage is that you will be paying for it now (its sooo cheap though) and your coverage is categorized under "Retired". Everyone pays the same price for the insurance and gets the same coverage. Its not completely full like it is while he is active duty but they still cover a very large range of proceedures. My husband medically retired in August and we havent payed a single thing out of pocket since except a few 10-15 dollar co-pay. Sorry for rambling...hope this helps!

Insurance coverage question....?

I have just health insurance. I do not have dental coverage. I desperately need my wisdom teeth extracted (they are coming in). Would regular health insurance cover this surgery or not? And in general - how much would this procedure cost me?
You don't always have to have your wisdom teeth extracted. I've had mine for over 30 years and have no problem with them. They are usually a natural part of development. They will keep you from having a sunken-in face when you get a lot older! They do serve a purpose.

dental at low cost in/around ?

Does anyone know where I could get low cost dental care? We have no insurance and there are some dr.s that offer free xrays and stuff like that when u start going to them. I just don't know where or who would be good to go to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a friend that really needs to see a dentist asap but have little money so we're looking for the cheapest but best place to go. Thanks!
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since on all services. From cleanings, root canals, xrays, extractions, fillings....etc. Even my braces and cosmetic surgery are covered in this very affordable plan. . They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck

Is there a dentist out there that can give me advice on where to go when broke?

I have no money at this time. But i have a toothache about to kill me and if it dont kill me, i might throw myself out the window. I need advise from a Dentist. Is there such a thing as a Dentist that will put you on a sliding scale, so i can get this darn thing pulled. I dont understand, why this is not considered medical. It is interferring with my well being. I cant eat, sleep, or even think. When teeth hurt, we literally dont feel good. Dentist are out for the Almighty Dollar instead of our Health and Well-being. I am Mad as hell about this. Something needs to be done about this. I have medical insurance, but cant afford dental. The mouth is Small, but it cost the most to fix. Please give me advice, before i shoot myself. I wont, but i dont know how to live in this much pain.
Hi! I have been in dentistry for over 25 years and if you lived near me (NYC in the US) I would be glad to help you for free. However, you can do this. Contact all your local hospitals and find one with a dental clinic. Most do. Tell them you are in serious pain and they will see you right away. Please don't be so mad about dentists being in love "with the all mighty dollar". We spend over 200K to go to school and to set up a practice is well over another 100 thousand. We don't want to screw anyone, but our expenses for assistants, office manager, over head and materials and lab costs are unreal. PLUS we have to pay their health insurance on top of that. So don't be so harsh. We don't make the monies Doctors do, and often we make a lot less then you think. Try to find a dental clinic in a hospital or a dental college near you. They will treat you for free and I VOLUNTEER 2 days a month for free. And a lot of dentists do because we know so many people have little monies and no insurance and believe me, I have done ALOT of free dentistry because of this. AND I AM GOOD!!! So calm down, make some phone calls and find a dental clinic in a hospital or dental school that will give you great care for free. You do the leg work and find it and you will be pain free in no time. If you have any other questions, please ask. If is NOT our fault employers do NOT carry dental Ins. That is their choice, not ours. So give us some slack. Would you work all week and not expect a full pay check? I doubt it.

Is it possible to still claim myself?

I support myself 95%. The only thing my parents pay for is my health, dental, and car insurance. I pay for my own rent, living expenses, tuition, health/dental fees, etc.I am 21 years old and live in CA. The thing that I'm unsure about is even though they pay for my insurance, does that mean that they have to claim me? Or can I still claim myself on my taxes since I practically am supporting myself??
From what you say (assuming rent is 12 months) you are paying over half your own support and therefore can't be their dependent. The question of how they are paying your health and dental insurance is another matter. If they are doing it through an employer provided plan, there may be a question if you are not a dependent. That doesn't affect the fact that you aren't.

Does anyone live in the NE Penna. area, and know of any?

kind of dental clinic for adults, or dental school that does free, or reduced fee work. I am in need of serious dental work, can't afford a regular dentist, and have no dental insurance. I can travel to NJ or NY City.
You put this question under Seattle, try re-posting in your area.

I need lots of Dental work and have a question about the costs. I'm scared.?

I have a serious Phobia when it comes to going to the dentist and sadly because of that I am at a point now where I need lots of work done (3 wisdom teeth pulled, probably one of my molars pulled... at least one root canal & quite a few cavities, plus an implant to replace the pulled molar, etc..) I have insurance through my husbands work (Military) and so I am extremely lucky to be able to have a big portion of the costs paid through my ins. But because I have so much work needing to be done I'm concerned about the cost. I have about 2k put aside and am hoping that will cover the costs. I know with out going in and finding out exactely what needs to be done that it's hard to get an estimate but, am I close or still way off? I know all of it will not be able to be done in one or even two procedures but I want to be sure I have enough money to get it all taken care of once and for all, and I want to be knocked out for the procedures because of my phobia. Thank you.
Well first of all I feel your pain....I dont know what your insurance covers exactly but I can tell you implants are very costly, what about a bridge instead? I dont know about you r credit as well but I got this credit card that offers 18 months no interest as long as you make your monthly payments...which makes it much more reasonable...I think its called Care Credit. Finally you wont know the cost till you go to your dentist, they all have different prices and beware of those just trying to make the most money from you..Go to the dentist discuss your options and then do some research before you get the work done to make sure you arent getting taken advantage of...Good luck!

dental work?

I don't have good insurance and need a lot of dental work done, does anyone know anywhere they do work at a cheaper rate? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!! I don't want my teeth to fall out.
dental schools usually have lower fees than regular dentists, look there for care.