I do not have dental insurance- so which would be cheaper?
You need to see an Endodontist , they specialize in root canal treatments.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How do I tell if my loose tooth is a baby or adult tooth?
I'm 15, soon to be 16, and my top right kanine tooth is loose. I don't remember it happening, or when it happened, but I have a small chip taken out of the bottom of it. I tried to leave it alon but it's just getting looser. I thought if it was a baby it would have come out by now. It's been a couple months. We don't have dental insurance and I'm really worried, please help?
K9s come out when your very young to that is an adult tooth. But maybe you grew cause teeth shift naturally. Or you have gum disease, or you got hit in the face
K9s come out when your very young to that is an adult tooth. But maybe you grew cause teeth shift naturally. Or you have gum disease, or you got hit in the face
Can a dentist help my periodontitis?
I have periodontal disease. I've never gone to a dentist because my family has never had dental insurance, along with the usual feelings of fear and embarrassment. My gums have receded and I've tried to keep the disease from getting worse by brushing all the time and using Listerine. I called a periodontist's office, but he's booked until June. I'm scared to wait that long. The lady told me to go to a dentist, but I know that my problem is more so for a periodontist and not a regular dentist. I know I will probably have to have root planning and scaling. Will going to a dentist be even worth it? I'm scared to wait any longer, but I need to go to a periodontist, but all of them in my area seem to be booked up for at least a few months. I know it's not at the beginning. I guess it's moderate to severe. My teeth don't seem loose or anything like that, but I'm still scared out of my mind, especially since I can't seem to get to a periodontist soon.
seek out a dental clinic in your area. some hospitals have them. or u can go to a dental college. they go by what u can afford, u may be able to pay nothing. a periodontist would help. to keep from losing your teeth, everyday take vitamin c and calcium w/ vit. d. luck to u.
seek out a dental clinic in your area. some hospitals have them. or u can go to a dental college. they go by what u can afford, u may be able to pay nothing. a periodontist would help. to keep from losing your teeth, everyday take vitamin c and calcium w/ vit. d. luck to u.
Dental plans???
I have anthem medical insurance through my employer. Does anyone know if anthem has dental insurance and how much in generally cost per month? If not anthem, does anyone know of any good individual plans?
Here is a site where you can view a host of dental plan providers listed by region. http://www.consumersadvantagedentalcare.…
Here is a site where you can view a host of dental plan providers listed by region. http://www.consumersadvantagedentalcare.…
At what point should a wisdom tooth be removed?
I know not everyone needs to have them removed. I am asking because i have been noticing one of mine coming in. I would say its been like this for at least 3 months. It doesn't really hurt that bad, but my mouth is sore for a day or two and then it goes away. I would like to know how important it is to get it removed. I don't have dental insurance right now and I am worried this tooth is going to cost me a lot of money i dont have. :(
Some people can keep their wisdom teeth, but it depends on the effect they are having on the rest of your mouth. So what i suggest is go to the dentist for an evaluation. Although most general dentists do not extract wisdom teeth (some can but most don't), they can probably tell you whether or not you have to get them removed. A lot of dentists will have a free consultation or exam and i would try that. one that is free is at aspen dental ( for the coupon go to http://www.aspendental.com/coupons/freee… ) But if you are told you have to get them out don't fret. Insurance generally takes a while and wont cover pre-existing conditions, but you would be eligible for a discount dental plan. The difference between those and traditional insurance is that they start immediately, they cover pre-existing conditions, they a cheap to get some are just 6.95 per month, and they work for major procedures. And from the situation that you have described that sounds like a good fit for you. The plan I personally recommend is at www.1Dental.com. Its the cheapest to get started right away. But another plan you can check is the Aetna Dental Access Plan. But again. get a consultation/exam, because if you do need to get them removed and you wait, it will just cause more problems that are more expensive. Hope that helps.
Some people can keep their wisdom teeth, but it depends on the effect they are having on the rest of your mouth. So what i suggest is go to the dentist for an evaluation. Although most general dentists do not extract wisdom teeth (some can but most don't), they can probably tell you whether or not you have to get them removed. A lot of dentists will have a free consultation or exam and i would try that. one that is free is at aspen dental ( for the coupon go to http://www.aspendental.com/coupons/freee… ) But if you are told you have to get them out don't fret. Insurance generally takes a while and wont cover pre-existing conditions, but you would be eligible for a discount dental plan. The difference between those and traditional insurance is that they start immediately, they cover pre-existing conditions, they a cheap to get some are just 6.95 per month, and they work for major procedures. And from the situation that you have described that sounds like a good fit for you. The plan I personally recommend is at www.1Dental.com. Its the cheapest to get started right away. But another plan you can check is the Aetna Dental Access Plan. But again. get a consultation/exam, because if you do need to get them removed and you wait, it will just cause more problems that are more expensive. Hope that helps.
How can I strengthen my teeth?
I'm 25 years old and am not sure that the "drink milk" solution will still work at my age. Also, I don't have dental insurance so going to the dentist for procedures isn't really an option. I'm just looking for practical, inexpensive solutions to get my teeth back on track.
fluoride rinses and take calcium
fluoride rinses and take calcium
Have you personally had braces after the age of 30? How long did you wear them? Can you tell a huge differen
Can you tell a difference? I'm hoping that by age 32 I will financially be able to FINALLY afford braces. My teeth are not too bad but they are a little crowded. My mother is wanting me to have veneers put on and has offered to pay $4200. She thinks my teeth are also yellow. I'm think a better idea would be to get braces and pay for the in-office whitening. My dental insurance will not pay for either option.
I am 51 years old and I have braces. It's something I always wanted to do as an adult and I finally did it. My braces come off this month after 20 months of treatment. Yes, there is a huge difference. My braces were close to $4,500 and I pay $200 per month. Don't put it off any longer. I would go with braces and in-home whitening. My orthodontist's office recommended the Crest Premium Whitening method. Good luck.
I am 51 years old and I have braces. It's something I always wanted to do as an adult and I finally did it. My braces come off this month after 20 months of treatment. Yes, there is a huge difference. My braces were close to $4,500 and I pay $200 per month. Don't put it off any longer. I would go with braces and in-home whitening. My orthodontist's office recommended the Crest Premium Whitening method. Good luck.
Dental question!?
Does anyone know how much would it cost to get the "invisalign" (not sure about spelling)? Is it covered by your dental insurance? Ans also, if the insurance does not cover it, do many dentists accept a payment plan? Any insight and help would be appreciated.
I work in a dental office and we offer invisalign. I am also wearing invisalign. If your insurance plan covers orthodontics, most likely they will cover invisalign. We offer 2 types depending on length of treatment. There is Invisalign Express which is $3000, and there is the traditional Invisalign which is $4995. This is very similar to the cost of traditional ortho. Most dental offices will offer an outside lender to finance a payment plan. You can go to the invisalign website to find a certified dentist in your area.
I work in a dental office and we offer invisalign. I am also wearing invisalign. If your insurance plan covers orthodontics, most likely they will cover invisalign. We offer 2 types depending on length of treatment. There is Invisalign Express which is $3000, and there is the traditional Invisalign which is $4995. This is very similar to the cost of traditional ortho. Most dental offices will offer an outside lender to finance a payment plan. You can go to the invisalign website to find a certified dentist in your area.
How much does a tooth crown cost WITH insurance?
i have insurance cigna ppo i think; it also covers dental. my dentist says i need a crown on my bottom right molar how much does it cost on average with a good dental plan, i think mines is good whats considered good i think its like 80% coverage but i'm not sure if it's for crowns too
the charge for a crown in my office is $1,000. IF you have 80% coverage you will have to pay $200 plus your deductable (usually $50 yearly) However I have found that most insurances consider crowns to be "major" work and only cover 50%. You can check with the insurance company directly or have your dentist send in a pretreatment authorization., then you will know exactly what your out of pocket expense will be.
the charge for a crown in my office is $1,000. IF you have 80% coverage you will have to pay $200 plus your deductable (usually $50 yearly) However I have found that most insurances consider crowns to be "major" work and only cover 50%. You can check with the insurance company directly or have your dentist send in a pretreatment authorization., then you will know exactly what your out of pocket expense will be.
Very concerned about blackening around roots of teeth?
Just in the past year or two, I have noticed dark coloring around the roots of my teeth. I have two bottom teeth which have chipped at the gumline, on the inside (where my tongue touches the teeth). I have always had very white, healthy teeth, and only one cavity. I don't have dental insurance. My gums bleed too when I brush. What should I do? Am I going to need a ton of root canals?
It seems that you feel really screwed up of this problem. Hope you may found useful here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info
It seems that you feel really screwed up of this problem. Hope you may found useful here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info
How much does getting wisdom teeth removed cost?
I need an estimate on how much generally it costs for all 4 wisdom teeth to be removed....i have dental insurance, but it doesn't cover much i know...
I had mine removed about 2 years ago and it costed about 600 after the insurance covered for half. without insurance it could cost1200 dollars.
I had mine removed about 2 years ago and it costed about 600 after the insurance covered for half. without insurance it could cost1200 dollars.
Does anyone have an idea of the fee to replace a filling?
I don't want a chek up or anything and hope they won't make me, I haven't been to the dentist in a couple years and don't have dental insurance; a filling broke out just now and I want it replaced. I know it varies depending on the dentist, I just want some sort of idea.
I had one done for $116 with insurance. I have a friend who paid $86 at the same dental office, without insurance.
I had one done for $116 with insurance. I have a friend who paid $86 at the same dental office, without insurance.
I broke a tooth & I have no money or insurance. What do I do?
I started my biz a year ago and still have yet to take any type of pay. I need dental work really, really bad and do not have insurance or that type of money (even $200 bucks is way too much). What options do I have? I'm completely MAXED on credit, so a loan is definitely not an option. Is there anything the state of Illinois can help me with like cheap insurance or something? Thanks!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
does any medical insurance in india covers the ayurveda treatment?
I am seeking for a specific medical insurance which can cover ayurveda treatment as well dental and eyes?
there is a limit to what ayurvedic treatments can do. You should buy insurance for more severe diseases which ayurvedic treatments cant cure. Or otherwise you have to pay a higher premium. Its better to acquire ayurvedic treatment out of pocket. than via insurance
there is a limit to what ayurvedic treatments can do. You should buy insurance for more severe diseases which ayurvedic treatments cant cure. Or otherwise you have to pay a higher premium. Its better to acquire ayurvedic treatment out of pocket. than via insurance
My teeth are literally falling out! How can you get dental work done w/ no insurance and very little money?
Ok, I'm really hoping someone can help me with this one. To start, I haven't been to a dentist since I was like 18 and i'm 25 now. I've been through multiple pregnancy's which as you know affects your teeth tremendously b/c it takes out calcium. I can hardly eat most foods b/c I'm mostly in pain everyday and also scared of my teeth chipping more or worse falling out. I haven't been since 18 b/c that's when my insurance stopped. This is really affecting my everyday life and I'm afraid for my health b/c bad teeth can cause heart attacks and stroke. And not to mention is doing a number on my self esteem, I'm scared to smile. I'm pretty sure that i'll just have to get all of them extracted and get dentures, but when I look into it, the prices are way out of my budget. Does anybody know what I can do?
You're not gonna get it done for "very little money" but you you need to decide whats really important. Would u really want to go cheap on something as important as your smile? I know that sounds mean but I'm serious. I would not want some chop shop dentist working on my mouth. BUT there is an option.... there is something called Care Credit. It is a credit line, similar to a credit card that is just for dentistry work. So you can make payments. Not a whole lot of dentist offer it so look around. BUT DONT GO WITH THE CHEAPEST DENTIST!! YOU'LL REGRET IT IN THE END.
You're not gonna get it done for "very little money" but you you need to decide whats really important. Would u really want to go cheap on something as important as your smile? I know that sounds mean but I'm serious. I would not want some chop shop dentist working on my mouth. BUT there is an option.... there is something called Care Credit. It is a credit line, similar to a credit card that is just for dentistry work. So you can make payments. Not a whole lot of dentist offer it so look around. BUT DONT GO WITH THE CHEAPEST DENTIST!! YOU'LL REGRET IT IN THE END.
Can I omit information on a health insurance form?
I have been having a hard time getting health insurance in Canada because I have been a carrier of Hep C for 21 years. Even though I have no symptoms and have liver function tests every year that are consistently normal, the companies won't touch me! I am about to have our first baby and would really like coverage for prescription drugs, dental and vision - that's all I need. If I don't put down that I have Hep C, what are the repercussions if I get caught? Will they know anyway? And if anyone knows a company that WILL cover me, with or without a waiver for Hep C related conditions, I will be forever grateful. Thanks all.
They check your records they would find out anyway. Check with an agent and ask about a possible exclusion for the Hep C and any conditions resulting from it?
They check your records they would find out anyway. Check with an agent and ask about a possible exclusion for the Hep C and any conditions resulting from it?
Are dental plans and discount programs really worth it?
I need dental work done, but we haven't been able to pick up insurance from my husband's work yet. I'm looking at discount plans, and they prices seem promising but are there catches? Are they really worth it and do they save you money?
the only way you can tell if they will save you money is if they give you their full price list up front. i looked at some plans that just give a "sample" price list so you don't really know what you're getting. I have a dental discount plan called careington 500 Series that i investigated a lot. i found it at 1dental.com. you can see their full list of prices beforehand (so you know what you're paying for. its saved me $2000+ so far on a combination of crowns/root canals recently and i haven't seen any catches. so yeah mine has been worth it i gather that the reason these plans can lower prices so much is that they are "in-network" only so they can kind of work the system. you have to go to a dentist contracted with the plan, but usually they have a list you can choose from so it's not a big deal
the only way you can tell if they will save you money is if they give you their full price list up front. i looked at some plans that just give a "sample" price list so you don't really know what you're getting. I have a dental discount plan called careington 500 Series that i investigated a lot. i found it at 1dental.com. you can see their full list of prices beforehand (so you know what you're paying for. its saved me $2000+ so far on a combination of crowns/root canals recently and i haven't seen any catches. so yeah mine has been worth it i gather that the reason these plans can lower prices so much is that they are "in-network" only so they can kind of work the system. you have to go to a dentist contracted with the plan, but usually they have a list you can choose from so it's not a big deal
Does anyone know a website that gives average dental costs?
I have searched for an hour and can only find insurance companies that give quotes. (I'm sure these would be higher because they want you to buy their insurance. I did find one web site that compaired dental costs, but it was dated 2004. Is this some great secret so you can't compair dentists of what?
This website page is titled: Dental cost calculator Calculate the average cost of dental care in your hometown Find out if you are paying too much http://www.bracesinfo.com/dentalcosts/
This website page is titled: Dental cost calculator Calculate the average cost of dental care in your hometown Find out if you are paying too much http://www.bracesinfo.com/dentalcosts/
Have no insurance and can my gums heal by brushing everyday?
So i have no insurance and I live in a small town miles away from any dental school so that isn't an option. I have bleeding gums and I have since kicked up the brushing to three times a day and flossing as well as using mouthwash that is medicated. I want to know if doing these things allow the gums to heal?
Bleeding gums or Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency and fatal if untreated. All you need is vitamin C supplements. Get these from a pharmacy & also from foods such as oranges, lemonade, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, and green peppers.
Bleeding gums or Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency and fatal if untreated. All you need is vitamin C supplements. Get these from a pharmacy & also from foods such as oranges, lemonade, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, and green peppers.
Need dental work done. No ins, low income, new in city, what can I do?
I'm a young person, going to college, working part time. I need some dental work, but I do not have insurance. I've been out on my own for quite awhile, but my mother might be able to help me a little. How do I find a good dentist that will work with me?
Does your college/university offer an insurance program? A lot of larger schools, especially those with dental programs, offer insurance to students, and you can go see their dental students for free. Also check the state your living in - many offer subsidized insurance plans to low income households/students - I know in Massachusetts *everyone* is now required to have insurance, so there are a lot of programs. Dental insurance, compared to general medical insurance, is actually relatively cheap (I think I pay $10 a month?), so signing up for a dental-only private insurance plan might be the way to go. Or, if you find an office that will do a payment plan (many will!), depending on the work you need done (cleaning, cavities/fillings?), you can get by with spending a couple hundred bucks on something, out of pocket. I know a cleaning is generally around $120 without coverage. Doing a Google search on dentists + payment plan + your city might give you some results. Good luck! I've just had a raft of dental work done, myself :)
Does your college/university offer an insurance program? A lot of larger schools, especially those with dental programs, offer insurance to students, and you can go see their dental students for free. Also check the state your living in - many offer subsidized insurance plans to low income households/students - I know in Massachusetts *everyone* is now required to have insurance, so there are a lot of programs. Dental insurance, compared to general medical insurance, is actually relatively cheap (I think I pay $10 a month?), so signing up for a dental-only private insurance plan might be the way to go. Or, if you find an office that will do a payment plan (many will!), depending on the work you need done (cleaning, cavities/fillings?), you can get by with spending a couple hundred bucks on something, out of pocket. I know a cleaning is generally around $120 without coverage. Doing a Google search on dentists + payment plan + your city might give you some results. Good luck! I've just had a raft of dental work done, myself :)
how do i do the course of insurance? where do find and how much it cost?
i've heard the money you pay it comes back when u finish the course.. looking forward to do.. rrsp,resp,disability,critical illness,mortgage,visitor insurance, ... health and dental plan... etc..
yes, well, most people can't sell enough to cover their costs, and drop out. You can find courses through your state insurance department, or your state independent agent office www.iiaa.org .
yes, well, most people can't sell enough to cover their costs, and drop out. You can find courses through your state insurance department, or your state independent agent office www.iiaa.org .
Please help, I live in in Fort Worth, need dental work asap, have no insurance ?
Hello, i just wanted to ask if anyone knows low cost or no cost dental place in Dallas/Fort Worth area. I am a single mother, just moved to Texas from California, all my money went on the move. I cracked my tooth and today I went to the dentist the cost to fix it will be almost 2000 which i cant afford. I have no way to pay it, it comes to feeding my baby or fixing the tooth sorry but baby comes first. Please if anyone knows low cost or who is willing to fix my tooth for free( i know that's a long shot) please help
There is a discounted dental plan that is excepted Nationwide called Ameriplan. You can get on a plan for $14.95 a month. You'll be covered immediately as soon as you enroll and they have a providership lookup on thier website so you can see what dentists in your area except it. It will cover a good portion of your bill, then hopefully you can work out a payment plan for the rest. The site is www.urdentalmed.com Hope this was helpful.
There is a discounted dental plan that is excepted Nationwide called Ameriplan. You can get on a plan for $14.95 a month. You'll be covered immediately as soon as you enroll and they have a providership lookup on thier website so you can see what dentists in your area except it. It will cover a good portion of your bill, then hopefully you can work out a payment plan for the rest. The site is www.urdentalmed.com Hope this was helpful.
My 16 year old daughter needs her wisdom teeth taken out and I dont have the money or insurance to get it done
Does any one out there now a approach i can take with a oral surgeoen or the best way to cut costs wether its insurance or dental plan or anything so I can help my daughter get out of this pain. She has 3 teeth she needs removed. Please any ideas or past experience would be appreciated
If they are still impacted sometimes regular insurance will cover it. As a mother I feel you have to somehow find the money. Your child's health is at stake. A child died of an infected tooth. You cannot let your child suffer. You may have to get some type of financing, a dental school, set up a payment plan if possible or borrow the money. But as a mother myself I would and did move heaven on earth to get my children the dental treatment they needed.
If they are still impacted sometimes regular insurance will cover it. As a mother I feel you have to somehow find the money. Your child's health is at stake. A child died of an infected tooth. You cannot let your child suffer. You may have to get some type of financing, a dental school, set up a payment plan if possible or borrow the money. But as a mother myself I would and did move heaven on earth to get my children the dental treatment they needed.
can i use 2 dental insurances for the same visit? if so then how does that work?
i want to know how this would work as far as what i should expect to pay out of pocket and what not
The dental office can handle this a couple of ways: You may not have to pay anything up front, and the office will submit the claim to your primary carrier. After that payment is received, a copy of what that insurance company paid will be attached to the claim and sent to your secondary insurance company. If the bill was $100, and your primary insurance company paid $50 and the secondary insurance company paid $30, your personal balance would be $20. Some offices do not want to wait for the insurance payments, so you'll have to pay up front and either they will submit to the insurance companies for you or you will have to do it yourself. Another option would be to pay the balance after the primary carrier pays thier share, and then you can be reimbursed by the secondary insurance carrier. If the dentist is 'in-network' with either of the insurance companies, there's a chance that some or all of the remaining balance may be written off.... Hopefully the first scenario is how your dental office handles patients with double insurance.... that's how we do it. :)
The dental office can handle this a couple of ways: You may not have to pay anything up front, and the office will submit the claim to your primary carrier. After that payment is received, a copy of what that insurance company paid will be attached to the claim and sent to your secondary insurance company. If the bill was $100, and your primary insurance company paid $50 and the secondary insurance company paid $30, your personal balance would be $20. Some offices do not want to wait for the insurance payments, so you'll have to pay up front and either they will submit to the insurance companies for you or you will have to do it yourself. Another option would be to pay the balance after the primary carrier pays thier share, and then you can be reimbursed by the secondary insurance carrier. If the dentist is 'in-network' with either of the insurance companies, there's a chance that some or all of the remaining balance may be written off.... Hopefully the first scenario is how your dental office handles patients with double insurance.... that's how we do it. :)
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