I'm trying to find a New York dental plan that covers all-ceramic dental crowns. Note that I am not looking for dental insurance, but for an individual dental plan. Looking thru various dental plans, I have seen that porcelain crowns with a metal base are covered, but I just can't seem to find a plan that covers all-ceramic. Is this because all-ceramic crowns are considered cosmetic? And, to be specific, when I say "cover," of course I mean "discount" because this is what dental plans offer. Many thanks for your help!
Yes, but it will depend on your area and hopefully this plan will get you a major discount, I'm in cleveland and it worked insane for me. It's called DentaCard, brand new, only $49 for 12 months. Http://www.dentacard.com ...you just take this membership card to a participating dentist and hopefully you'll save big time (and it's sooo cheap!). Right on the website you can even search for dentists in your area by using your zip code, check it out, let me know if you have any questions.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dental plan advice? Someone please help!!?
I am currently "shopping" for dental insurance. I am very confused right now. I don't know if a dental work discount plan, or full coverage is better. It doesn't seem like a discount plan would cover what I need done (major stuff like tooth removal and root canal) but it seems like with a full coverage plan I would have to pay a lot, which I can't really do. Can anyone explain some pros and cons? What is a deductible..what does that mean? Do I have to pay it on top of a monthly payment for full coverage? Any type of help will be appreciated! Thanks!
A deductible is usually an annual requirement. It means until you pay the required amount annually, you will NOT be able to receive any benefit for that year. For example, for you to receive any coverage, you will have to pay that deductible, say the $50, whichever amount is applicable to your plan....and only then will you get the coverage for the exam, x-rays and fillings, etc. SInce it is annual, if you go to the dentist in November, you will have to pay that $50...and then In January of 2010, you will have to pay $50 again just to get the coverage for that year. In other words, until you pay the deductible, your insurance does not kick in for that year. You can go with the discounted plan, if you cannot afford anything else and get the basic work done. Then go to a local dental school or community health care center for a cheaper / affordable price for the other work. Good luck ! Therefore, IT IS an additional expense on top of your regular premium. I would say it is better to start off in the beginning of a year with such plans.
A deductible is usually an annual requirement. It means until you pay the required amount annually, you will NOT be able to receive any benefit for that year. For example, for you to receive any coverage, you will have to pay that deductible, say the $50, whichever amount is applicable to your plan....and only then will you get the coverage for the exam, x-rays and fillings, etc. SInce it is annual, if you go to the dentist in November, you will have to pay that $50...and then In January of 2010, you will have to pay $50 again just to get the coverage for that year. In other words, until you pay the deductible, your insurance does not kick in for that year. You can go with the discounted plan, if you cannot afford anything else and get the basic work done. Then go to a local dental school or community health care center for a cheaper / affordable price for the other work. Good luck ! Therefore, IT IS an additional expense on top of your regular premium. I would say it is better to start off in the beginning of a year with such plans.
dental infections?
I have serious dental infections for the last year or so. I have been going to school for last 13 months with a very low income to live off. I have no dental insurance.i have 4 (maybe 5 or 6now) abscess from an x-ray i got 5 months ago. Ive been living in pain for a long time. The pain just goes from tooth to tooth. Ive taken so many anti-biotics that they seem to not work anymore.Some of my serious teeth that hurt are almost fully broken away.The pain has somewhat vanished from some of those teeth but now i got an exposed nerve in another tooth that just hurts very bad. Ive got more anti-boitics and been taking for a week with no luck. I even went to hospital and then froze me and gave me morphine. my question is how long does it take for a tooth to completely stop to hurt if i cant afford treatment? My hole face hurts from the new abscess. will this go away on its own? does anybody know anyway i can get my teeth fixed since i am broke and can hardly afford to eat?this hurts bad. TY
First, I am sorry that you are in so much pain. Before the infection does damage to other organs, and other teeth that are being decayed and infected by your bad teeth, I propose this: Find a dental school and make an appointment. This is great for people that don't have insurance and/or limited funds. They offer a great FULL service for a nominal fee. I am a dental hygiene student and our fee is only $10.00 - and that is not per visit - that is total - if you need one appointment or 10 - its still a one time fee of $10.00. And you get the best care, because they also provide full care-when you go to a dentist, they only do what time provides. But it sounds like you will need more than what a dental hygienist can provide - you need to see a dentist for the fixing of your teeth - so a dental school is more apt to help you with all of your needs - make some calls and find the one closest to you - they also charge nominal fee's (no more than half ) and again will offer full service. Or: Check out a free clinic (based on income) in your city! I hope this helps - good luck!!
First, I am sorry that you are in so much pain. Before the infection does damage to other organs, and other teeth that are being decayed and infected by your bad teeth, I propose this: Find a dental school and make an appointment. This is great for people that don't have insurance and/or limited funds. They offer a great FULL service for a nominal fee. I am a dental hygiene student and our fee is only $10.00 - and that is not per visit - that is total - if you need one appointment or 10 - its still a one time fee of $10.00. And you get the best care, because they also provide full care-when you go to a dentist, they only do what time provides. But it sounds like you will need more than what a dental hygienist can provide - you need to see a dentist for the fixing of your teeth - so a dental school is more apt to help you with all of your needs - make some calls and find the one closest to you - they also charge nominal fee's (no more than half ) and again will offer full service. Or: Check out a free clinic (based on income) in your city! I hope this helps - good luck!!
dental opinion regarding crown /root canals versus implants?
Hi. One by one all of my molars are needing crowns and then 2-5 years later it seems, root canals. I also lost a molar recently where decay formed under the crown. I do not have any dental insurance for major restorative work and do not have a job. This crown root canal process is costing about $3000+ per tooth. I now have a back molar on my lower teeth that has broken off and needs a crown and like my other molars, will probably need a root canal as well down the road. I am thinking that I might just be better off with an implant and to have the tooth extracted. I can get an implant for about $1000 and do need another implant for the recent extraction (where there was decay under the crown). I am thinking this might be a better long-term solution than going through the overpriced crown/root canal process but would like a dentist's opinion. I brush my teeth 2-3 times per day and floss every day. I am using a hydrogen peroxide rinse. I had periodontal disease but it has cleared up and my gums are now healthy. I have always made a big effort with dental hygiene but just don't have very good teeth. I do not have enough saliva so I know that is part of the problem. I also break my crowns from heavy grinding and wear a splint. I am a middle-aged female in good health. I would appreciate a dentist's opinion. Thank you.
One of the reasons implant restorations are gaining in popularity is because of their long term predictability. Once the impant is placed, it is then restored with a crown. This is often a better long term solution because there is no possibility of additional decay. However, the price you indicated seems low- it is likely the price of the placement of the implant itself. You will likely spend another $1000-$2000 for the restoration. Go see your dentist and ask about implant restoration, making sure you understand the process- most often both an abutment and a crown is needed. In short: an implant replaces the ROOT of the tooth (it does not extend above the gums). The abutment screws into the implant and is what the crown is cemented onto. This mimics what happens when a real tooth is prepared for a crown- we cut all around the outside and the biting surface to make room for the crown- and then call it a prepared tooth or prep. The crown is then cemented on the prep. So, the abutment mimics the prep, and a crown is cemented onto it. Ocassionally one does the abutment and crown in one piece. There are mechanical reasons why this is not typical. I would be cautious is it is advised.
One of the reasons implant restorations are gaining in popularity is because of their long term predictability. Once the impant is placed, it is then restored with a crown. This is often a better long term solution because there is no possibility of additional decay. However, the price you indicated seems low- it is likely the price of the placement of the implant itself. You will likely spend another $1000-$2000 for the restoration. Go see your dentist and ask about implant restoration, making sure you understand the process- most often both an abutment and a crown is needed. In short: an implant replaces the ROOT of the tooth (it does not extend above the gums). The abutment screws into the implant and is what the crown is cemented onto. This mimics what happens when a real tooth is prepared for a crown- we cut all around the outside and the biting surface to make room for the crown- and then call it a prepared tooth or prep. The crown is then cemented on the prep. So, the abutment mimics the prep, and a crown is cemented onto it. Ocassionally one does the abutment and crown in one piece. There are mechanical reasons why this is not typical. I would be cautious is it is advised.
Low cost dental in fingerlakes region of NY?
I need to find some sort of dental insurance, I don't have health insurance either so I can't just piggyback from that. I would love to get both but I can't afford the plan available to me at work, and apparently the fact that I could get it through work makes me ineligable for NY's cheaper health plans. Anyway I have bad teeth and I need to be able to see a dentist regularly, and have help paying for what is done...so any suggestions?
I would strongly suggest a visit to this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they haved saved me thousands since. From cleanings, extractions, fillings...etc. even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
I would strongly suggest a visit to this great site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they haved saved me thousands since. From cleanings, extractions, fillings...etc. even my braces. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
Dental bonding, would it be best?
When I was a teen I had to have large fillings put in my 4 front teeth, now they are stained and cracked. I hate to smile, as well as having one of them stick out further than the other because my mouth is small, so when my jaw tooth came in it shoved them all out of whack. I have four to 6 teeth in front that I would like to have veneers/dental bonding, something done with. Can someone here recommend something? I don't have dental insurance, so I'll have to use my savings. Thanks in advance for your help.
Save up for veneers/ crowns. I've NEVER seen a bonding case that looked that great. It'll be worth it in the end.
Save up for veneers/ crowns. I've NEVER seen a bonding case that looked that great. It'll be worth it in the end.
I am a Veteran in Need of Dental... Help!?
I just arrived back from Iraq about a year ago and need lots of dental work done on my mouth, but can not recieve dental insurance through my work or school. I am however covered medically through the VA but not with Dental. I don't mind purchasing insurance but I need some that covers me for a lot of work. If it matters, my ETS date is May 21, 2008. I also would not mind paying cash for it but I would have to take out a loan and my credit isn't good enough for that and I can't find a cosigner. Please help a California Veteran of Opperation Iraqi Freedom!
Do you know specifically what type of work is needed? Is it just minor fillings or major work like crowns & root canals & such? Check into Tri-Care as mentioned. But question the benefits. Some policies will require a waiting period on major work, some up to 12 months. If this is the case, it may not be worth trying to get insurance. If insurance doesn't seem to be feasible, check to see if there is a dental school near you. Dental students at varying levels have certain requirements that must be met. You will have to be evaluated and accepted into their program, but it can save you big $$$. You may also check w/ the VA to see if there are any dentists in your area that may do the work for veterans at a discounted rate or even for free. I think it is a shame that after what you have done that our armed services do not provide you with better care. THANK YOU for serving me & my country.
Do you know specifically what type of work is needed? Is it just minor fillings or major work like crowns & root canals & such? Check into Tri-Care as mentioned. But question the benefits. Some policies will require a waiting period on major work, some up to 12 months. If this is the case, it may not be worth trying to get insurance. If insurance doesn't seem to be feasible, check to see if there is a dental school near you. Dental students at varying levels have certain requirements that must be met. You will have to be evaluated and accepted into their program, but it can save you big $$$. You may also check w/ the VA to see if there are any dentists in your area that may do the work for veterans at a discounted rate or even for free. I think it is a shame that after what you have done that our armed services do not provide you with better care. THANK YOU for serving me & my country.
Exercise after dental work?
I asked this in the running section, but it didn't turn up much. I am an avid runner and will summer coming I'm looking to get in serious shape. I've recently had some dental work done (I previously didn't have dental insurance, so I'm catching up now). Due to some complications and pain, I've taken a lot of time off here and there from my running. Yesterday I had a root canal to deal with an abscessed tooth. I think I'm finally out of the woods with my teeth. I had plans for a big summer of 5k racing, but my training is now way behind, and I'm eager to get back on track. Has anyone had experiences with running/exercising after dental procedures? What did you have done, and how long did you wait before you started back into your routine?
You are fine to go running after a root canal treatment. It is only inadvisable to run after an extraction because the increase in blood pressure can cause the socket to bleed again.
You are fine to go running after a root canal treatment. It is only inadvisable to run after an extraction because the increase in blood pressure can cause the socket to bleed again.
okay, so i'm getting my wisdom teeth out in may...but i got a check up and was told since they have to cut my gum and part of my jaw, my dental insurance won't cover it...but medical insurance should...however, there's this $500 i have to pay first...can i send that $500 bill to my medical insurance to see how much they'll pay first? or is it a deductible?? and what's the difference?
It sounds like a annual deductible and no, you don't send it directly to your insurance. It is paid right to the medical provider. On a $500 deductible you have to pay that much first in the year before the insurance pays for anything (usually excepting maintenance visits). This does not count copays. So, if you go to the doctor and are sick and need a lab or xray done or something like that then you would have already met part or all of your deductible. If you haven't met anything all year towards it then you would pay the $500 in one shot on your wisdom teeth. A lot of people think that just because somethings in your mouth it automatically is covered under dental insurance and this is not correct. Almost always (unless its a simple extraction) wisdom teeth are under your major medical plan because you see a oral surgeon, not a regular dentist. You should call your medical insurance and ask "if anything has been met of your 2008 deductible". If yes, then it will cost less for you to have your teeth done.
It sounds like a annual deductible and no, you don't send it directly to your insurance. It is paid right to the medical provider. On a $500 deductible you have to pay that much first in the year before the insurance pays for anything (usually excepting maintenance visits). This does not count copays. So, if you go to the doctor and are sick and need a lab or xray done or something like that then you would have already met part or all of your deductible. If you haven't met anything all year towards it then you would pay the $500 in one shot on your wisdom teeth. A lot of people think that just because somethings in your mouth it automatically is covered under dental insurance and this is not correct. Almost always (unless its a simple extraction) wisdom teeth are under your major medical plan because you see a oral surgeon, not a regular dentist. You should call your medical insurance and ask "if anything has been met of your 2008 deductible". If yes, then it will cost less for you to have your teeth done.
Child support/ insurance help?
My ex and I recently went to court to settle child support and visitation. I am the custodial parent and he is required to pay child support as well as maintain insurance on our daughter. $200 was deducted from the monthly amount he had to pay to compensate for him having to pay insurance. This is supposed to cover medical AND dental as stipulated in the court agreement. I received a bill in the mail for $81. I don't know why I received the bill if he has to pay it, and also, he did not obtain dental insurance for our daughter. As far as I'm concerned, he is in contempt of court. Even if he did get medical and dental insurance, the cost would not even be $100 a month. So why did $200 get taken off of the child support he has to pay? The plan is a 750 BCBS and it's not ideal. $40 copay, $750 deduct, I have to pay 80% of emergency care. I feel like I should get a say in what plan he obtains because I will be paying half of the medical bills. He already got $200 off his support, so why should he be able to get off with paying $81 a month? What should I do to go about correcting this?
Your ex is playing games with you and you shouldn't have trusted him about the amount he was going to pay for insurance. Get your lawyer and go back to court to get this straightened out. And make sure the quality of the insurance is worked out in great detail, including who is to pay for any co-payments that are required if the insurance policy is inadequate. This isn't about you but about your child so fight for her! Get a lawyer now and don't give him any breaks as he doesn't deserve any. And he should be ashamed of short-changing his own child like that! Good luck!
Your ex is playing games with you and you shouldn't have trusted him about the amount he was going to pay for insurance. Get your lawyer and go back to court to get this straightened out. And make sure the quality of the insurance is worked out in great detail, including who is to pay for any co-payments that are required if the insurance policy is inadequate. This isn't about you but about your child so fight for her! Get a lawyer now and don't give him any breaks as he doesn't deserve any. And he should be ashamed of short-changing his own child like that! Good luck!
What's the best Medicare advantage plan when you need good dental benefits or no charge/or copay-I'm disabled?
I am on Social Security (I have parts A and B) plus because I am low income, they give me some help from Medicaid. But I still cannot find a good Medicare advantage insurance plan so I can get my teeth pulled, etc. I am in pain from my teeth, any help given with the above question would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The Medicare Advantage plans are county specific. There are some plans that have dental included or as a option in some counties but they may or may not be available in your area. Any one company could have dental included in one county but not have dental in neighboring counties even if they have a nearly identical plan available. Since you are on Medicaid you should look to see if a "dual eligible" Medicare Advantage plan is available in your county. Dual eligible plans are for people that have both Medicare and Medicaid. Many dual eligible plans have dental included. Visit a local agent that works with all of the major plans in your area to see if any will have dental coverage. Since you are on Medicaid you are not subject to the Medicare "Lock In" period so you can switch plans at any time of the year.
The Medicare Advantage plans are county specific. There are some plans that have dental included or as a option in some counties but they may or may not be available in your area. Any one company could have dental included in one county but not have dental in neighboring counties even if they have a nearly identical plan available. Since you are on Medicaid you should look to see if a "dual eligible" Medicare Advantage plan is available in your county. Dual eligible plans are for people that have both Medicare and Medicaid. Many dual eligible plans have dental included. Visit a local agent that works with all of the major plans in your area to see if any will have dental coverage. Since you are on Medicaid you are not subject to the Medicare "Lock In" period so you can switch plans at any time of the year.
Am I responsible for the dental bill if I was never told about the waiting period?
I signed up for dental insurance during open-enrollment (10 months after my start date). My employer gave me a 12 page pamphlet, which said the dental insurance should cover 80% of restorative fees. 4 months later I had some fillings done and the insurance provider won't cover their portion - they say I have a 6 month waiting period because I signed up during open enrollment. This was documented in a larger insurance pamphlet which the insurance company provided to my employer, but my employer did not provide to me. Am I responsible for paying the entire fee if I was never informed of the waiting period? Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, ignorance is rarely a valid excuse.
Unfortunately, ignorance is rarely a valid excuse.
Orthodontic insurance covering adult braces?
This goes along with the question I asked yesterday. I am a 28 year old who was just told that I really need braces for bite issues that will only get worse without them! As I said in my other question, my husband got very upset when I told him the cost and insisted I not get them here but in his hometown in Mexico. Anyway, I am a health care worker at a hospital and I have a very good dental insurance plan but, they revise every year and unless you change your coverage they only send you a letter saying you are covered under dental. Nothing in detail about the plan unless you decided to change it that year. I kept my coverage that I had last year because it has always been just fine. Well at the Orthodontist office they informed me that my insurance no longer covered adult orthodontics, only children. Now they went up on all the regular dentist benefits and pay 80% of almost all dental procedures, and cover yearly cleanings and, exams and, any x-rays you might need at these appointments. They also cover 50% of things like extractions, root canals and, crowns. All this makes it worth keeping my insurance but, I was wondering if anyone knows of a company that offers insurance that will cover adult orthodontics and at least some of the cost of my braces? I live in South Carolina if that makes a difference. Please any answers would be a big help!
I would encourage a visit to this website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and have saved me thousands. I got my braces at 20 years old. They cost me $2200 with this great plan which included adult braces. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
I would encourage a visit to this website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and have saved me thousands. I got my braces at 20 years old. They cost me $2200 with this great plan which included adult braces. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps.
Good discount dental plan?
I haven't been to the dentist in a few years and now I really need to go. I probably have at least a few cavities and may need some crowns and/or root canals. I don't have any dental insurance so I would like to pay as little as possible while at the same time getting quality care. Can anyone recommend a good dental discount plan or dental insurance plan that I could buy that would take effect immediately? I also need to find a good dentist locally (Austin, TX) - so can anyone recommend a dentist or tell me a good place to look for one online? Thanks.
You can find a discount dental plan that will go into effect immediately upon purchase. Insurance companies and dentists love this because there is no paperwork to file. You are responsible for full payment of the discounted rate. Finding a dental plan will be tough as most have waiting periods so people decide they have major work to do and now want insurance to pay for it. Makes them wait at least a year for major coverage (root canals and crowns). As for a dentist, ask your friends....
You can find a discount dental plan that will go into effect immediately upon purchase. Insurance companies and dentists love this because there is no paperwork to file. You are responsible for full payment of the discounted rate. Finding a dental plan will be tough as most have waiting periods so people decide they have major work to do and now want insurance to pay for it. Makes them wait at least a year for major coverage (root canals and crowns). As for a dentist, ask your friends....
Is Aspen Dental a scam? 14 cavities?
I have not had a cleaning in 2 years. I just got dental insurance, but Aspen Dental is the only dentist I can use on the plan. The hygienist said my teeth were amazing and that my "levels" were good, even on my wisdom teeth. Then the dentist came in and said my x-rays showed 14 cavities and that I 'MUST' have my wisdom teeth out. All of this is covered on my insurance, so it's not costing me anything. I feel like they are telling me this stuff just so they can bill my insurance. If I go to another dentist for a second opinion, will i have to pay for a new set of x-rays, or can they transfer them from Aspen? Help! I don't want to have my wisdom teeth out, and I don't want a mouth full of cavities!
I would definitely go to another dentist for a second opinion, since the dentist may take advantage of the fact that you cant go to another dentist. You should have a right to your x-rays - you (or your insurance) have paid for them, and thus, you should be able to obtain them. Sometimes, they will charge a duplication fee, if they want a record for themselves. It should be very minimal, a few dollars at most. That being said, most people will need to remove their wisdom teeth, as they are difficult to clean and cause hygiene problems. However, each case is different, and as i cannot see your mouth, i cannot assess this. But a second opinion will help you assess your needs. In the mean time, i would begin rinsing with a fluoridated rinse such as oral b with fluoride to help strengthen your teeth.
I would definitely go to another dentist for a second opinion, since the dentist may take advantage of the fact that you cant go to another dentist. You should have a right to your x-rays - you (or your insurance) have paid for them, and thus, you should be able to obtain them. Sometimes, they will charge a duplication fee, if they want a record for themselves. It should be very minimal, a few dollars at most. That being said, most people will need to remove their wisdom teeth, as they are difficult to clean and cause hygiene problems. However, each case is different, and as i cannot see your mouth, i cannot assess this. But a second opinion will help you assess your needs. In the mean time, i would begin rinsing with a fluoridated rinse such as oral b with fluoride to help strengthen your teeth.
Bad Dentist? Dental Negligence?
I'm really frustrated and hoping for some advice. I don't have dental insurance. Nor am I by any means rich (work for a church). I had to find a new dentist in metro Boston (I've been in Boston for 6 years now and was still flying to Maryland to see my family's dentist every 6 months...). I did my research and found a dentist who participated in a dental discount network to help defray the no-insurance expense. I knew I had two cavities from my previous dentist. I had them filled by the new dentist. New guy said there was a 50/50 chance that one of the cavities he filled would need a root canal. A week later I was in serve pain and needed a root canal ($1,000 + another $1,000 to have a crown on afterwords). New dentist also said I had three small cavities that should be filled, but not to worry none of them were near the root. Knowing that small cavities become big ones, become root canals - I had them filled. Now one of those cavities is showing the same pain symptoms of the other cavity that needed a root canal. I absolutely don't have another $2,000 to pay for it. I may be reaching, but I'm questioning if this new dentist has filled these cavities in such a way to make the chance of needing a root canal higher (after all he gets the $$ for doing the crowns). i.e. Is he drilling deeper than necessary (making the opportunity to disturb/infect the root more likely?). The combination of a few things have made me skeptical about his competence: 1) he participates in this discount network (wouldn't a good dentist not need to offer discounts?) 2) the office is rarely busy and they always seem to have openings the next day, week, whenever 3) it's not the nicest, cleanest office 4) i found zero information on this dentist (albeit positive or negative) 5) I'M IN PAIN Should I see another dentist and ask if these cavities have been properly filled (which will cost more $$$)? Should I confront the dentist? Meanwhile, I'm in constant dull pain, $2,700 in the hole from dental work (potentially $4,700) and NONE of these teeth hurt to begin with. I feel like I've been taken advantage of, knowing that I want to keep my teeth in good condition and being squeezed for ever non-insured penny I have. It's keeping me up at night (the money and the feeling of being ripped off). I'll have to sell my car in order to have ANOTHER root canal done. What do I do?
I think all of your points answered your own question. You get what you pay for. Be careful on specials for brain surgery, parachutes and dentistry.
I think all of your points answered your own question. You get what you pay for. Be careful on specials for brain surgery, parachutes and dentistry.
Wisdom Teeth? Dental Experts Please.?
I am a 21 years old soon to be 22 but I haven't had my wisdom teeth taken out yet. I probaly will not have them taken out until I have my own health and dental insurance until I am 23. Will not having my wisdom teeth being taken out have an effect on my mouth or my smile or will it crowd my teeth? I also have an open bite and I need braces and Jaw Surgery but like I said before I will not ba able to do all of this until I get my own health insurance/dental insurance? Sometimes when I do try to smile, my mouth begins to hurt because of how small it is.Again, will it effect my mouth if I waited until I am 23 yrs old to have the wisdom teeth taken out along with the braces and Jaw Surgery?
hmm, its always better to get done corrective surgry as early as possible, it's more comfortable that way. an year or so shouldn't be a problem, but you say that it can tend to hurt, and this is some thing that you'll have to look into. get yourself to a dentist. ask. let them know your concern its best to take 2 opnions. from where I stand its difficult to tell anthing meaning full without, reports or x-rays charts. be healthy that's the more important thing, its even better for you to get a cronic problem fixed, this will help you to get insurance too.. check into it...
hmm, its always better to get done corrective surgry as early as possible, it's more comfortable that way. an year or so shouldn't be a problem, but you say that it can tend to hurt, and this is some thing that you'll have to look into. get yourself to a dentist. ask. let them know your concern its best to take 2 opnions. from where I stand its difficult to tell anthing meaning full without, reports or x-rays charts. be healthy that's the more important thing, its even better for you to get a cronic problem fixed, this will help you to get insurance too.. check into it...
Free/Cheap Dental in PA?! 10 points asap!!!!?
My family has no dental insurance. My mom needs to get her teeth done badly(her teeth are rotting and she's in pain), she has gone to dentists in the past and we can't afford it because we are pretty poor. My mother works two jobs and neither of them offer dental! My mom never goes to the dentist because we can only afford my sisters and me to go. (I'm 15 by the way.) We live in North-Eastern Pennsylvania(around Susquehanna county) and I need to know if there is anywhere close that offers dental insurance, care, work for free or a lot cheaper than normal. Please answer!! thank you.
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
I have a cavity that is starting to pain a lot...but I don't have any insurance?
I had a cavity since I think last summer and have been holding it since because this fall I will be able to get dental insurance through post-secondary education. However, I can't take the pain anymore. The pain comes and goes. When it does pain, it's really irritating and I feel like pulling out my tooth. I was wondering if they're is any way for me to go to the dentist at minimal cost as I am in financial need and am currently in high school (under 18). I am Canadian and I was wondering if there is a way get my tooth treated with help from the government or something... Any possibilities?
im sorry about ure tooth and all but u have to go to the dentist insurance or not my dad put off a cavity for atleast 3 or three monthsand he said the pain was so unbarable and getting worse that he wanted to shoot himself in the head and over a little period of time the tooth had to be pulled and the numbed him but the pain was so bad he still felt it so the longer you go the more pain u will suffer, the cavity gets worse and the process of taking it out or filling it will be more painful and more expensive so u can either deal with the pain and end up like my dad or go to the dentist
im sorry about ure tooth and all but u have to go to the dentist insurance or not my dad put off a cavity for atleast 3 or three monthsand he said the pain was so unbarable and getting worse that he wanted to shoot himself in the head and over a little period of time the tooth had to be pulled and the numbed him but the pain was so bad he still felt it so the longer you go the more pain u will suffer, the cavity gets worse and the process of taking it out or filling it will be more painful and more expensive so u can either deal with the pain and end up like my dad or go to the dentist
My wisdom teeth aren't impacted, can I wait on getting them removed?
I don't have dental insurance right now and can't afford the procedure. Can I wait for a year or two to before I get them removed? I am 19 years old.
You don't need to get them removed at all ever unless they are crowding the rest of your teeth. Removing wisdom teeth for no good reason is just a money grab. My family dentist warned me about that a long time ago, and I listened. I never had mine removed, and they've been no problem. Just be sure you clean your teeth properly, as wisdom teeth are far back in the mouth and take more diligence to clean.
You don't need to get them removed at all ever unless they are crowding the rest of your teeth. Removing wisdom teeth for no good reason is just a money grab. My family dentist warned me about that a long time ago, and I listened. I never had mine removed, and they've been no problem. Just be sure you clean your teeth properly, as wisdom teeth are far back in the mouth and take more diligence to clean.
How much does a laser gum lift cost?
I have a fairly gummy smile and when I get my braces off I'm looking to get a laser gum lift for my front 10 teeth. Has anyone experienced this and how much does it cost? I have dental insurance but I don't think it will be covered since it is cosmetic. Thanks
You can search around, but I read that a typical price is around $800 for a 3 tooth area, but I'm sure there are many factors involved. Here is some info: http://www.dentalfind.com/Cost_of_Gum_Su…
You can search around, but I read that a typical price is around $800 for a 3 tooth area, but I'm sure there are many factors involved. Here is some info: http://www.dentalfind.com/Cost_of_Gum_Su…
Which is cheaper, novacaine or nitrous oxide?
I have two cavities that need to be filled. I dont have any dental insurance. Which is cheaper, novacaine or nitrous oxide/laughing gas?
Regardless if you use nitrous oxide the dentist still has to numb the gum area w/ novocain. They cannot do work in your mouth w/ you just having nitrous because nitrous doesn't numb anything it just relaxes you so all in all adding nitrous will be more expensive on your bill.
Regardless if you use nitrous oxide the dentist still has to numb the gum area w/ novocain. They cannot do work in your mouth w/ you just having nitrous because nitrous doesn't numb anything it just relaxes you so all in all adding nitrous will be more expensive on your bill.
What happens if you don't get a cavity filled?
I'll be the first person to admit that I drink energy drinks WAY too much...and I always get cavities because of it. Today I went to the dentist and I have four cavities...and of course I'm gonna get them filled (gotta get the most out of my parents dental insurance before I turn 18 lol)... But I was just wondering, what happens if you just leave your cavities and don't get them filled?
The tooth will keep rotting until it either breaks or you get an abcess. This is very very painful and requires anit biotics too. Please get them fixed now - don't do what I did and let them go cos I couldn't afford it and now they are just falling apart, it's horrible and painful. Good luck.
The tooth will keep rotting until it either breaks or you get an abcess. This is very very painful and requires anit biotics too. Please get them fixed now - don't do what I did and let them go cos I couldn't afford it and now they are just falling apart, it's horrible and painful. Good luck.
How to calculate co-payments for dental services?
I just got a job as a dental receptionist and they're asking me to calulate co-payments ....even though I know everything about scheduling appointments,recalls, word processing,etc. 'm not too familiar with insurances and billing and I have no idea how to calculate co-payments, anyone who works in a dental office and can give me an advice? please help me!!
First you will need to have a break down of each patients insurance benefits. A standard plan will be thus: Calendar year maximum==$1,500.00 Calendar year deductible==$50.00 (family $150.00) Diagnostic and preventive covered at 100% Basic covered at 80% Major covered at 50% Say a patient needs a cleaning at $97.00 Full mouth x-rays at $135.00 Exam at $45.00 Resin filling # 5 mo at $235.00 Porcelain gold crown # 13 at $1,075.00 Total treatment estimate is $1,587.00 You would first subtract from the total of the amount that is covered at 100% (this would be $245.00) Then you take the remaining balance of $1,342.00 Subtract the deductible of $50.00 leaving a balance of $1,292.00 since there are two services covered at different percentages, you need to do each one separately: filling @ $235.00 is covered @ 80% so you need to figure out 20% of 235.00. Multiply 235.00by 20% and you will get $47.00 the crown is paid at 50% so just divide 1,75.00 by 2 which gives you: $537.50 Now add up the patients deductible, the 20 % portion for the filling, the 50% portion for the crown and you get $634.50. this is the patients ESTIMATED portion. When giving a patient a dollar amount that they will owe after insurance, always stress that it is an estimated portion and that insurance payments are never guaranteed. Good Luck with your new position EDIT: It always helps to ask for help, but i think they are testing you. And medical and dental insurance are NOTHING alike. The insurance company is not responsible for figuring out the patients portion but a customer service rep will help you with percentages. and there is no such thing as a set co-pay in a fee for service dental office, which is what it sounds like you are working in.
First you will need to have a break down of each patients insurance benefits. A standard plan will be thus: Calendar year maximum==$1,500.00 Calendar year deductible==$50.00 (family $150.00) Diagnostic and preventive covered at 100% Basic covered at 80% Major covered at 50% Say a patient needs a cleaning at $97.00 Full mouth x-rays at $135.00 Exam at $45.00 Resin filling # 5 mo at $235.00 Porcelain gold crown # 13 at $1,075.00 Total treatment estimate is $1,587.00 You would first subtract from the total of the amount that is covered at 100% (this would be $245.00) Then you take the remaining balance of $1,342.00 Subtract the deductible of $50.00 leaving a balance of $1,292.00 since there are two services covered at different percentages, you need to do each one separately: filling @ $235.00 is covered @ 80% so you need to figure out 20% of 235.00. Multiply 235.00by 20% and you will get $47.00 the crown is paid at 50% so just divide 1,75.00 by 2 which gives you: $537.50 Now add up the patients deductible, the 20 % portion for the filling, the 50% portion for the crown and you get $634.50. this is the patients ESTIMATED portion. When giving a patient a dollar amount that they will owe after insurance, always stress that it is an estimated portion and that insurance payments are never guaranteed. Good Luck with your new position EDIT: It always helps to ask for help, but i think they are testing you. And medical and dental insurance are NOTHING alike. The insurance company is not responsible for figuring out the patients portion but a customer service rep will help you with percentages. and there is no such thing as a set co-pay in a fee for service dental office, which is what it sounds like you are working in.
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