i had my second root canal done last week by another dental group, due to insurance changes. my first one was done by a specialist, and to me, was done much better, and with more care and professionalism. the tooth that i went in for was a molar on the lower right side, which i was told was cracked in several places, with a large crack running to the gum line with a cavity at the end. i was given a "long" acting numbing shot on that first visit, along with rx's for penicillin 500mg and a pain med, and told i needed a root canal which would be done a week after being on the antibiotics. i had to call back the following monday because i was still having alot of discomfort, and the only change made was to the antiiotic, which then was cephalexin 500mg. this was done reluctantly, as i was told their office had a history of patients not showing up for procedures. initially, i accepted this reason, even though i had already given this office 2 post dated checks for the procedure. i was very anxious about the procedure, as i kind of am with any i've had in the past. i asked to pay for nitrous (gas) to be used during the procedure. (ins. won't cover that). i went for my procedure, (had been told by dentist he had someone that came to in to do these), had been given rx for anxiety, but i didn't take it as i figured the gas would be enough. something didn't feel right the moment i sat down and was examined with the tapping. i felt like he hadn't done many root canals at all, and this was even more so after 3 attempts with the gas, i didn't feel any gas at all. he said that something must have been wrong with the machine because he had turned it up as high as it would go, or my tolerance was extremely high. i don't know how true that is, because when i had my previous root canal, i had to ask the specialist to turn the gas down. twice i had to stop him during the procedure, the first because saliva was pooling in the back of my throat, and half way through, i felt a very sharp pain radiating into my ear. i was given another shot for this. i was told after it was over, i would need no medication other than ibuprofen for 2 days for soreness. i've had discomfort for a week now, am running a low grade temp and called them to talk about it, and was told the dentist i initially saw was uncomfortable doing anything about it without me being seen today. my followup was supposed to be thursday, but i do not want to go back. what could be causing the discomfort still, as i can't put pressure on the tooth. who else should i try calling? what can i do in the meantime? should i have been told if the person doing the root canal hadn't had much experience?
Ask another dentist.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I Live In Genesse County and have no health insurance and heard that they have a program to help?
I need help with my dental work
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs.
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs.
Cheap and Reasonable Health Insurance?
My brother is 19 and he has no medical insurance and he needs to see a dentist extremely bad, he has decaying teeth and loads of cavities but he is not able to afford a dentist or anything. He does have a job but it would not be able to cover any of his dental problems. Is there any Health Insurance that would be great for him? So that he would only have to pay little or none getting his teeth fixed?
Maybe a visit to this site will help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands on all services. From extractions, xrays, exams..etc. Dentures and cosmetic surgery are also included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was ablet to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Maybe a visit to this site will help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago when I was in college and they have saved me thousands on all services. From extractions, xrays, exams..etc. Dentures and cosmetic surgery are also included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was ablet to use it the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Why is unemployment less then welfare?
I live in the state of Michigan. I've worked 40+ hours a week for the past 13 years. Why does the person who's never worked a full week of work get more money then me, free health insurance, free dental, help with cost of housing and food stamps. My cost of living is just as high and most of the money I would be getting would be my own taxes that I paid. Shouldn't unemployment be the same amount and also give you the same benefits that someone can get on welfare?
Sorry to burst ms little's bubble, but in most cases if you are unemployed you do not qualify for the additional assistance that people on welfare get. The main difference is with unemployment your check is based on a percentage of what you earned. The question is correct though, why if unemployed, must you still PAY for insurance at the rate of the policy you had before you were laid off, pay out of pocket for dental care, plus your own house and food, unless your unemployment rate is below a specific level, which then even with additional assistance you would not be able to pay your mortgage or rent payments. I also live in Michigan, and even now, because I had other means to support myself would not be eligible for many of the services offered to those who never worked, but yet I paid into the system for 25 years, and now have no income as I have not been able to find a job and unemployment has run out. After all this, I still have not applied for anything from welfare, but will soon if the situation in this state does not change soon. So remind me why I would want the government to provide more free (taxpayer) care for people who are able to work and refuse?
Sorry to burst ms little's bubble, but in most cases if you are unemployed you do not qualify for the additional assistance that people on welfare get. The main difference is with unemployment your check is based on a percentage of what you earned. The question is correct though, why if unemployed, must you still PAY for insurance at the rate of the policy you had before you were laid off, pay out of pocket for dental care, plus your own house and food, unless your unemployment rate is below a specific level, which then even with additional assistance you would not be able to pay your mortgage or rent payments. I also live in Michigan, and even now, because I had other means to support myself would not be eligible for many of the services offered to those who never worked, but yet I paid into the system for 25 years, and now have no income as I have not been able to find a job and unemployment has run out. After all this, I still have not applied for anything from welfare, but will soon if the situation in this state does not change soon. So remind me why I would want the government to provide more free (taxpayer) care for people who are able to work and refuse?
Any ideas for a friend in need of sliding scale or free dental work? details below.?
My good friends teeth are rotting out of her head! She has no insurance, and very little resources. All dentists in our area want tons of money up front. There is no saving these teeth, she needs them all pulled and given a set of false teeth. I am worried because she keeps getting these horrible infections which can abscess and kill her! She is a wonderful person who is raising two children on her own and somehow doesn't qualify for ANY kind of aid! I wish I could pay for this, but that's not an option either. I was just wondering if anyone out there had some ideas of where to turn for help?
i agree with the dental shool but pick one that you know the trainees are not retarted at make sure they are not going to make her worse
i agree with the dental shool but pick one that you know the trainees are not retarted at make sure they are not going to make her worse
free emergency dental in ireland or scotland?
Hello, I'm an australia in edinburgh for a long while, which means I can go to glasgow, or I'm going to ireland soon, to galway, but I will be in dublin as well, do any of these places offer emergency free dental? I ask because I do not have an insurance number, and I have developed some quickly decaying(Very painfull) cavities..and apparantly my wisdom teeth are falling apart in my mouth!! Any help much apprecitaed, edinburgh preferred.
If you telephone NHS 24 on 08454 24 24 24 and explain the situation emphasising that you are a tourist and it is an emergency then they will help. There is a dental hospital in Glasgow which they refer people in that area to. I am not sure what is available in Edinburgh
If you telephone NHS 24 on 08454 24 24 24 and explain the situation emphasising that you are a tourist and it is an emergency then they will help. There is a dental hospital in Glasgow which they refer people in that area to. I am not sure what is available in Edinburgh
Do you think they will pay me for training/shadowing?
I will be training (shadowing a worker) for a new job at a medical center which is located throughout the Mid-West. Do you think I will get paid for my training? They did not say, but if they are going to match what I put into my 401K, pay for my MBA 100%, and give my health insurance (including dental/vision) I'm guessing that they would pay me for my training. What do you think?
until they mention it dont conclude it .. they mi8 expect u too take up the burden until training is over .. solution is to call up and ask if its included or not
until they mention it dont conclude it .. they mi8 expect u too take up the burden until training is over .. solution is to call up and ask if its included or not
Did I get Cheated? My daughter had surgery to remove an impacted tooth.?
The dentist/oral surgeon wanted to do the operation at a hospital instead of his office. Everything went great untill I had to pay for it. I got stuck with the entire bill, because my dental insurance said "it was a medical proceadure" and my medical insurance said "it was a dental proceadure. What can I do to make these dead beat insurance anancys pay their part?
Boy, sounds like what i went through with my son when he was born. You need to talk to the dentist office and get them to change the way they are filing the claim. Tell them exactly what's going on and if you keep on them about it, they'll change the way they are filing it. You'll never get the ins. companies to change their policy.
Boy, sounds like what i went through with my son when he was born. You need to talk to the dentist office and get them to change the way they are filing the claim. Tell them exactly what's going on and if you keep on them about it, they'll change the way they are filing it. You'll never get the ins. companies to change their policy.
Treatment for periodontitis?
My dentist informed last week me that I have periodontitis. 32 of the pockets are 4 or 5 mm deep. He recommended that I have a "deep cleaning" done. I am interested in getting the scaling done, although expensive since I don't have dental insurance, but without the proposed antibiotics treatment as I cannot afford the additional cost of antibiotics. In the meantime, I have been educating myself about gum diseases, and I am not sure whether I should get the scaling done since it appears that "flap surgery", in many cases, follows. My question is whether there is some home care treatment I can follow to reduce the pocket sizes without getting the scaling done. Your answers will be much appreciated.
Unfortunately, there are no home remedies for periodontitis. Periodontitis results usually from the presence of hardened tartar on your tooth roots below the gumline. The hardened tartar are masses of germs, and they are irritating and breaking down the connective tissues in your gums and underlying bone. The only way to stop that would be to get rid of the tartar below the gumline, and there are no home remedies that can do that. The only way to remove tartar below the gumline is to scrape it off, and that's what the scaling and root planing (SRP) does. Flap surgery is to reduce the depth of the pockets so you won't get tartar trapped so far below the gumline. Sometimes it's necessary if dirty things are still getting trapped below your gumline despite the SRP. The peridex rinse mentioned by the above poster works to prevent plaque buildup, but it's not intended for long-term use-- prolonged use can stain your teeth. Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, there are no home remedies for periodontitis. Periodontitis results usually from the presence of hardened tartar on your tooth roots below the gumline. The hardened tartar are masses of germs, and they are irritating and breaking down the connective tissues in your gums and underlying bone. The only way to stop that would be to get rid of the tartar below the gumline, and there are no home remedies that can do that. The only way to remove tartar below the gumline is to scrape it off, and that's what the scaling and root planing (SRP) does. Flap surgery is to reduce the depth of the pockets so you won't get tartar trapped so far below the gumline. Sometimes it's necessary if dirty things are still getting trapped below your gumline despite the SRP. The peridex rinse mentioned by the above poster works to prevent plaque buildup, but it's not intended for long-term use-- prolonged use can stain your teeth. Hope this helps.
How to get dental care?
I know a guy who is in need of dental care badly. He is unemployed, with no insurance, and needs help. It hurts him to eat because his teeth are in bad shape. He says " I can't even enjoy food anymore. That is sad to hear. I believe he thinks that they will have to be cut out and dental care is very expensive. We live in Kentucky. I don't know what to do I have been trying to find something out on the internet. Does anybody know any options to help him get the dental care he needs?
I'm not sure about Kentucky but check into dental clinics which are usually in hospitals. I hope you find something for him. It's shameful how expensive dental care can be in the US.
I'm not sure about Kentucky but check into dental clinics which are usually in hospitals. I hope you find something for him. It's shameful how expensive dental care can be in the US.
My tooth has a HUGE cavity?
I have a tooth with a huge cavity in it. I don't hve dental insurance and we are kinda broke right now. It hurts a little but it is a baby tooth. I think it is becoming a little loose so it may fall out soon. If it does, do I need it filled? Its a back tooth. Help!
If it falls out then the cavity will be gone... Just make sure to brush your teeth WAAAAAY better even if you have been brushing really well. Make sure to brush for at least 2 minutes and floss. Since it is a baby tooth, I am guessing that you are still in elementary school or middle school (JR. High) so you can just let you parents worry about that. Then again you could just make friends with a dentist.
If it falls out then the cavity will be gone... Just make sure to brush your teeth WAAAAAY better even if you have been brushing really well. Make sure to brush for at least 2 minutes and floss. Since it is a baby tooth, I am guessing that you are still in elementary school or middle school (JR. High) so you can just let you parents worry about that. Then again you could just make friends with a dentist.
Self Employed Health Insurance?
My father just quit his old job, he couldn't work there anymore (Too long commute and we lost a parent, so he had to stay closer home for the family) So now he is self employed. We are trying to find insurance that will cover him, 4 children, vision (we all wear glasses) + dental. Does anyone have any suggestions? (We live in PA)
I purchased insurance from Celtic insurance. They had a good HSA for a family and reasonable rates. Good luck!
I purchased insurance from Celtic insurance. They had a good HSA for a family and reasonable rates. Good luck!
natural antibiotic for infected tooth?
Does anyone know of any natural antibiotic for a tooth infection. My wisdom teeth are pushing in and I don't have dental insurance. I would like to treat it naturally. I'm open to suggestions.
clove oil will relive the pain. though, in the start, it tastes like an alien thing.. but believe, it can do wondres wen it comes to relieve pain.
clove oil will relive the pain. though, in the start, it tastes like an alien thing.. but believe, it can do wondres wen it comes to relieve pain.
Dental options, what are mine?
I am 27 and do not presently have dental insurence...not that I am not looking for coverage, but I have a very low income and it's hard to find affordable insurence in Michigan. I found recently that I HAVE to have my wisdom teeth removed. They are starting to cause stress on my other teeth. So I don't really have a lot of time nor do I have many options at this point...they have to come out. I just don't know what to do. I can't find a dental sergeon willing to remove the teeth without insurance or full payment upfront. I would like to find someone that would take payments, I am just not having any luck. Any ideas or suggestions?
try www.Insurance Desk.com I saw someone suggest this web sight as one for low income uninsured patients... good luck ?
try www.Insurance Desk.com I saw someone suggest this web sight as one for low income uninsured patients... good luck ?
how much would i pay?
I have a ppo dental insurance plan I just enrolled in. I need to get my wisdom teeth removed, but there is a 6 month waiting period before my insurance covers 50% of the cost. If i have the procedure done before 6 months, would I still get a discount or would I have to pay the full cost of the procedure? ( I would call the insurance company, but its the weekend, so there not open, thats why Im asking yahoo answers)
if people could claim at the start of insurance the company would not have a waiting period. Its there for a reason and so I doubt you would qualify.
if people could claim at the start of insurance the company would not have a waiting period. Its there for a reason and so I doubt you would qualify.
dental school?
i need dental care and some people said i need to go to dental school because its free since i dont have any insurance. is there any one who can help me by letting me know how this dental school thing works and where are those schools located in baltimore area.
The University of Maryland Dental School. The Dental School is Maryland's predominant provider of comprehensive and emergency oral health services for individuals of all ages, including the underserved and disadvantaged. for further details; http://www.dental.umaryland.edu/aboutBCD…
The University of Maryland Dental School. The Dental School is Maryland's predominant provider of comprehensive and emergency oral health services for individuals of all ages, including the underserved and disadvantaged. for further details; http://www.dental.umaryland.edu/aboutBCD…
I have health insurance... but...?
I STILL can't afford to see a doctor. I went to my family doctor back in September because I knew I had a sinus infection. As per usual, I was told that no - I, in fact, did not have one. Went back the very next day feeling worse. Voila! I do have a sinus infection! Now I'm $209 in debt. Great. I can't pay that. My insurance plan has a $2500 deductible. I can't pay that. Ever. I make less than $10,000 a year after taxes. So, my insurance is utterly useless unless I land in the hospital. I also can't find an affordable clinic (and I mean under $50) to visit.... and now I fear that I have a UTI, which is something I must see a doctor to get taken care of. Where do I go? What do I do? Is there cheaper insurance out there with Rx coverage and dental coverage? I currently pay a little over $100 a month with the aforementioned $2500 deductible. Is there a clinic in SE MI that I can afford that will see me with less than a 5 hour wait? Or less than a 5 month waiting list for an appointment? I mean... Seriously... WTF do I do? I'm pulling my hair out just trying to see a doctor to get some antibiotics.
And they keep telling us we have the best health care in the world?!? Check with your local social services department. They may be able to direct you to locally funded clinics.
And they keep telling us we have the best health care in the world?!? Check with your local social services department. They may be able to direct you to locally funded clinics.
Western Dental billed me AGAIN after I paid off the contract?
About a year ago, I had a blue shield insurance with dental. After review my file I had a contract for 675$ to pay off and my insurance should take care of the 900$ left. I signed the contract and got a crown on a molar. My experience with them was terrible, bad service my crown broke on the 1st day and I had to get another one ( at their expense they said). So I finished paying everything off this month, THEN i get slapped with another bill of 759$! I called and they said that my insurance only covered 144$!! Now that I think back, I canceled my blue shield insurance about 3-4 months ago, is this why I'm being billed AGAIN? I phone Western Dental and said that it's possible that my insurance decided to underpay. Anyone ever been in this situation? I would hate to pay another 800$ out of my pocket! I am a broke student
I would check with your dental insurance. Sometimes they find a billing error and they decide not to cover a treatment when you should be covered. Good luck!
I would check with your dental insurance. Sometimes they find a billing error and they decide not to cover a treatment when you should be covered. Good luck!
I have a loose cap on one of my top teeth. Does anyone have an estimate of how much a dentist would charge?
to fix this? I've heard of using over the counter adhesives, but its sort of scary to remove it all the way myself......my dental insurance doesn't kick in til April and I am a little concerned about the cost. thanks
If it is just loose, with no decay, your dentist may be kind enough to recement it at no charge. If he did not perform the original procedure or if it is a very old restoration he may charge you anything between $50.00-$100.00. However, if the crown is not restorable or if there is decay underneath, you may need another crown. At least go get an exam. It may even be no charge.
If it is just loose, with no decay, your dentist may be kind enough to recement it at no charge. If he did not perform the original procedure or if it is a very old restoration he may charge you anything between $50.00-$100.00. However, if the crown is not restorable or if there is decay underneath, you may need another crown. At least go get an exam. It may even be no charge.
How much do braces cost ?
Im 17 and i want braces I dont believe we have good dental insurance to where they would pay for them so I need to know how much they would cost ? Monthly payments ?
depends where you are? Here in India, from Rs5000/ -Rs30,000/ depends on which city too.
depends where you are? Here in India, from Rs5000/ -Rs30,000/ depends on which city too.
Are there tests to determine if you need a root canal? If not, how do they know if you need one?
Before Christmas, I had an amalgam removed due to deterioration. There was decay underneath and it was drilled away and filled with compositve. Thereafter, I had slight pain only when eating crunchy foods. It did seem to get better or perhaps, I just got used to it. Now, they have removed it, put in a temporary filling, and are going to fill it again next week if I don't have any pain. If I do have pain, they are considering a root canal. Since the pain is minimal, are there other tests to determine if a root canal is necessary? Or, is pain the only factor? I hate to go that route if it's not necessary. But, if it is, I would like to have it taken care of now while I have dental insurance as well as a temporary filling. Can any dentists advise me about what the determining factors for a root canal are? And, do you recommend another composite or amalgam for my lower molar? Thanks so much for any advise! =)
The tooth should be checked with dry ice or an electronic pulp tester. A painful response to either one would indicate the need for you to have a root canal. After the root canal, the tooth should be refilled with "either filling material" and then crowned to prevent fracture.
The tooth should be checked with dry ice or an electronic pulp tester. A painful response to either one would indicate the need for you to have a root canal. After the root canal, the tooth should be refilled with "either filling material" and then crowned to prevent fracture.
are there dental schools in the los angeles area that need patients?
i need a lot of work done and my insurance only covers some of it .. thanks for answering
UCLA and USC are the dental schools in LA. There is also one in Loma Linda if you are closer to there. And all dental schools are usually more than happy to get new patients.
UCLA and USC are the dental schools in LA. There is also one in Loma Linda if you are closer to there. And all dental schools are usually more than happy to get new patients.
I need dental cosmetic surgery done for free/near free in Florida, help?
I work in a sales position and have to present myself in the public eye constantly. I am 43 years old and want a nice smile to reflect how I feel instead of how old I am. I wish Oprah would finance an extreme makeover for me! I am desperate, in pain, and poor. Help! No insurance.
I agree with gentle winds. You said it!
I agree with gentle winds. You said it!
I think I have a dead tooth, how can i check at home?
I have a tooth that i think may be dead, I did the ice cube trick and did not feel the cold but when i drank a frappucino i felt a cold sensation on it... What can i do about it? I know I should go to the dentist but unfortunately have no dental insurance. I will still go but can anyone tell me what may happen to it and if there are any options other than extracting it? thanks and all help is appreciated!!!!!
It seems that you feel really screwed up of this problem. Hope you may found useful here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info
It seems that you feel really screwed up of this problem. Hope you may found useful here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info
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