Monday, December 20, 2010

Invisalign help and dental insurance help!!!!!

I want to get Invisalign braces to straighten my teeth but I don't have any insurance and I know it's costly to get this procedure done. Can anone tell me an insurance that covers this procedure. Please!!! Also, I work at a restaurant that my parents own so I don't receive a paycheck but I do make tips. Is there any dental insurance that covers people who dont have a credit card or anything like that???? PLEASE ANYONE I NEED MAJOR HELP WITH THIS!! 10 POINT FOR BEST ANSWER TO ANYONE WHO CAN HELP ME WITH A LOT OF INFO ON MY 2 QUESTIONS!!!!!!!
Good news, I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands. I never thought Invasalign was included until I read you question. I called my rep and she said that Yes it is included. That there is money to be saved in this very affordable plan. From cleanings, xrays, exams..etc. All services are included. Hope this helps, thanks for your help.

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