Is it normal that they charge you more if you have dental insurance than if you don't have it. In my chart from insurance conpany it says that crown should only cost me $165.00. My husband also went to the same dentis (his molar toth broke) and they told him that to remove that tooth with our insurance he will have to pay $1800.00 because insurance does not cover anestesia. Please advise if he really needs anast. and how to fight them againt those outraged prices
If I were you, I would get a 2nd opinion. And when doing so- Do not tell the dentist you are seeing about any of the prices you've already been quoted. The price $900.00 is about right for a crown, compared to my dental office (where I work). Let me tell you that $1800 for one tooth to be extracted is ridiculous!! It is more expensive with being put under with the anestesia. But if your husband is comfortable being at the dentist and he can handle being awake, I would advise him to go without the anestesia. Extracting a tooth doesn't take that long. Most of the time is used waiting on the numbess to settle in enough so he will feel no pain. I hope I helped!
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