Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dental problems during pregnancy?

I was reading another question and someone answered something about "untreated dental problems can cause serious complications during pregnancy".. Can someone tell me some more specifics about this? I quit my job to be a SAHM and am pregnant again.. I had insurance through my company and now I am on my husbands insurance but won't be available for dental coverage for 6 more months.. My teeth aren't in total dismay, but I am having some issues.. and I worry about everything.. so now after reading that answer I am worried about this. Thanks.
Dental problems should be solved before pregnancy to prevent infections that would require treatment and drugs unadvised while carrying a child. As you are already pregnant, and your dental problems aren't very serious, a dentist would probably advise you to wait until you give birth to take care of your teeth. There is, however, one thing you should do right away: start with a calcium supplement. Calcium tablets are cheap and can help prevent many teeth complications. Babies consume a lot of calcium while they are forming their bodies, and if you don't put it back on your system you may end up with weak teeth.

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