Saturday, June 25, 2011

Is this insurance fraud?

I recently had my wisdom teeth removed and I'm covered through my works dental and medical, and my dad's dental and medical. After the first 3 (all but my dad's dental) payed i got a bill stating i owed 340. the company who removed my wisdom teeth sent me a check for 375$ (the down payment I had to make) recently, after the last one went through. I looked at the bill and saw that I should have gotten more back as I owed 340 before the final dental went through, the final dental payed 800. 340+375=715, so what happened to the other 85? Well when I called up the company they said my bill was a different amount and that they'd send over the revised bill to me. Thing is they revised the bill after they saw how much my insurance paid. How is this legal? I live in Minnesota btw.
It's not legal, go get yourself an attorney, and have him write a letter to get your 85.00$ back - he'll only charge 125$ for the letter.

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