Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Will retainers re-straighten my teeth?

I wore braces for over a year, but got them off over 4 years ago. Since then I've supposed to have been wearing two retainers (top and bottom) at night. About 10 months ago I stopped wearing them, since I figured I probably didn't have to wear them at night my whole life and since I'd rarely missed my teeth would be fine. Lately I've noticed that my bottom teeth are a bit crooked again, and the retainers don't fit very well. If I start wearing them again, will they straighten my teeth back? I don't have good dental insurance so I can't afford an orthodonist visit.
It is possible that the retainers may help to realign your teeth back. But if your teeth have shifted too much, it may be too late for the retainer to get them back to where they need to be. I know you indicated that you don't have good dental insurance, but check with the orthodontist's office to see if any follow-up visits may still be covered by what you had already paid. It will probably be a whole lot cheaper to get the problem fixed now then to wait several years from now. Unfortunately the teeth will probably continue to shift. Try the retainers first. Your mouth will probably be a little sensitive while your teeth keep shifting. If you continue to go without your retainer, your teeth will keep shifting. All orthodontist should give brace wearers a big flashing sign of the importance of the retainers after the braces are removed. I sure hope that it's not too late and the retainer still fits to get your teeth realigned.

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