Saturday, January 8, 2011

A question about my teeth? im in a LOT of pain and dont have dental insurance?

well to put it strait i cringe when i think of candy. i am a 13 year old girl who has an EXTREMELY BAD ADDICTION to candy.i LOVE IT SO MUCH! well since easter of april 09 wen i put a peice of candy into my mouth it kills so bad i want too cry! i have had dentaphobia all my life and now im just sick of the tooth pains. i want candy again and oreos hurt my teeth too. i miss all these foods so i want to see a dentist ... but my dad has harvard pilgrim insurance and only covers children 11 and younger for dental insurance. i tried to tell my dad but hes all like *mhm uh huh yupp...* and says i probably have a cold and i KNOW i dont. mass health insurance covers dental but if he makes over 45000 a year we cant have it and he does make over that amount. so we have to flat out pay it, HOW DO I GET TO THE DENTIST!!!!!!!
if you are looking to find a dentist with lower fees, try dental school around where you live. also can you add more detail about the pain you are experiencing now? does it hurt when you chew?is it only one tooth or more than one? is it sensitive to coldt? does it keep you awake at night? more detail, better. Have that check out by a dentist. Ask your dad if you can at least just see a dentist to be sure about this. you can get a consultation for cheaper price just to see what is going on with the tooth and then decide if you want to pay more to fix it. There are alway cheaper price dental clinics around especially for kids. also dental schools have lower fee with great services. Good Luck.

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