Saturday, February 26, 2011

How can I relieve chronic toothaches?

I currently am in need of two back-tooth root canals, one on either side of my mouth, but can't dish up the $600 [each]; dental insurance won't cover it either. I haven't used the right side of my mouth to chew for a year now, but the left side has recently been giving me terrible, fleeting pains. The pain has woken me up for the past three days now, and ibuprofen isn't working as well as I'd hoped. How can I relieve the pain in my tooth? Thanks in advance.
my dad had this problem and he would break a tylenol in several pieces and stick it down into the hole until he had it fixed. I have also heard a few drops of vanilla, clove oil or wheat grass all are supposed to take the pain away for a while You cant work out a payment plan with your dentist?? The longer you wait the more its going to cost in the long run.

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