Saturday, April 2, 2011

how do i get health insurance?

i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.
The first thing to do is chec k the internet for places like Kaiser Permanente, Blue Shield, Blue Cross, Aetna, Health Net, etc. See if any of these companies has a plan that is affordable for you. Depending on the type of medical problem, you need to check if it is covered and at what percentage. Some insurance companies for example, you pay $450 a month for the insurance but you have to pay a deductible per individual and per family (if you have more people depending on you) Let's say that the deductible is 300/year for individual and $600/year for family. You will have to pay the $450 a month, plus, if you receive some medical care at the hospital or some special tests, the insurance company will pay a portion for the tests and you would need to pay the rest. Let's say you get an abdominal Cat Scan, at the hospital or other facility that is a "preferred provider" for your particular insurance company. The hospital or facility will send an invoice to the insurance company for $3,500 dollars. The insurance company will tell the provider, based on a previous contract that said provider has signed with he insurance company, that the allocated or allowed ammount for this test in particular is $1,500, so the insurance company, according to your policy, and whatever the terms you have, will pay, 70% , 80% or 85% or 90% of the %1,500, and will tell you to pay the rest %30, 20%, 15% or 10%. And that is what you are liable to pay the provider. It is very important that before you go to a specific doctor you check with the insurance company and with the provider if they are "preferred provider" or "non preferred provider". For the non-preferred provider, the insurance company will pay less, leaving you with a higher balance to pay. When chosing an insurance company consider all the pros and cons. A cheaper policy may not give you the best options. People seem to be happy with Kaiser, but you will have to wait sometimes to get an appointment. Of course, if you have an emergency, nothing can stop you from going to the Kaiser Hospital emergency room and they willl have to take care of you. We have Blue Shield/Blue Cross from a government job. They pay well, but it is not cheap. The government is taking about $600 a month, plus the government still pays an additional $500. It ammount to about $1100/month. Of course at the end of the year, when we file the tax return, we report the $600/month we pay under medical expenses (This year we reported $6,732 in medical and medicines. We received a refund. Not all, of course, but some better than nothing. Good luck. Take your time shopping for insurance. Search the web. Ask people you trust.

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