Tuesday, July 26, 2011

california child support?

My boyfriend only makes about 1200 a month from his job. his ex is getting child support from him and they are taking about 600 a month from him, from my understanding they are only supposed to take 20% also $160 of it is for dental & medical insurance why does he have to pay her full medical & dental insurance? why are they taking so much? also, we have a child on the way and this just started... do his payments to her go down when our child is here because there is no way 3 people can live off of 600$ a month? and our child will be the one starving his ex makes more money than he does why is she getting so much? he would like to see the child but she forged his name on the custody papers and now she's got full custody why, if she chose to have full custody is he paying at all? i think if a mother is denying the father his child visits he shouldnt have to pay anything.
well the honor system doesnt work, thats been proven. the states and federal government are tired of parents not paying for their kids, and in some cases, making the government pay for them. so they passed stronger laws to protect the children in regards to child support. custody has nothing to do with being a parent; male or female, you are still responsible for the child(ren). full custody, joint custody, physical custody or whatever... you still have to pay. she cant deny visitation, unless he is deemed by a court of law to be a danger of some sort. if she does, i would file a motion to have my rights enforced. as for the child support amount: you pay what? 400? 600? 900? ok, lets see... rent; 1000 electric 300 food 400-600 diapers 75-150 per month (fluctuates when baby is sick or teething) heat 300 phone/cable 100 auto; (for doctors, dentists, take to school when they miss the bus, pick up when sick, pick up medicines, get food) 200 clothing/shoes/boots 200-400 every 2 to 3 months (seasonal and they grow) that doesnt even include daycare, school supplies, hair cuts, class trips, class pictures, over the counter medicines, prescriptions, laundry det, dish det, cleaners, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, christmas, easter, tooth fairy, birthdays, etc. and sooo much more. In my case, we go through 1 gallon of milk a day; that's $3.50 x 30… its almost $100 per month… AND THAT'S JUST MILK. thats right... JUST MILK. if you dont understand the child support amount, or why someone needs it, try calling 1-800- I CANT ADD --its not easy on anyone involved; him, the ex, the child(ren). hardship is an understatement, but we all do the best we can. --if you cant afford child support, dont have any more or keep having kids all over the place. --if theres no visitation, go back to court and demand your rights be enforced, and get the visitation. if he doesnt show up for visitation, its common, but his choice. --paying for insurance is saving you money; one dental cleaning is $130, one prescription can cost $75, doctors visits are $40-50, hospitals are thousands, etc. (and split 60/40 or 70/30 you'd pay more per month). be greatful you have insurance, 47 million americans dont. --get a second job to pay just the child support or whatever you need to do (thats what the rest of us americans are doing) to make ends meet. --sometimes the ends dont meet, for any of us. --suk it up like the rest of us out here. http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/states.htm http://www.divorcehq.com/spprtgroups.htm… http://www.divorceinfo.com/statebystate.… http://www.divorcenet.com/states http://www.divorcesource.com/ http://www.divorcecentral.com/ http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/calculator… http://www.helpyourselfdivorce.com/child… http://family.findlaw.com/ http://www.divorcehq.com/deadbeat.html http://www.divorceinfo.com/ http://www.divorceinanutshell.com/ http://www.lawchek.com/Library1/_books/d… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… http://www.supportguidelines.com/resourc… http://www.supportguidelines.com/article… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… FACTS AND REGIONAL FEDERAL CS OFFICE INFO http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/opa/fact_sheets/… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/oro/regi… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ext… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/grants/grants_cs… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/index.html http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/region2/… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi… http://www.govbenefits.gov/govbenefits_e… http://www.fedstats.gov/qf/ http://www.fedworld.gov/gov-links.html CHILD SUPPORT LIEN NETWORK (some states work with them) http://www.childsupportliens.com/ COLLECTORS http://www.supportkids.com/ http://www.supportcollectors.com/faq.php TAX INFO http://www.taxsites.com/index.htm http://www.divorceinfo.com/taxes.htm http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc354.html http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc422.html http://www.irs.gov/faqs/faq4-5.html http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.h… http://www.irs.gov/advocate/index.html http://www.irs.gov/publications/p525/ind… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi…

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