Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Infected Wisdom Gums?

I had my wisdom teeth taken out around a year ago and for the past few months i've had alot of pressure in the area and recently its gotten worse..mostly after i eat...and my eye blood vessel popped..could this be related? and could it be something worse than infection?? Not sure what to do....I don't have dental insurance so i'm not sure what i can do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also the person who took out my wisdom teeth are in another state now so i can't go see them.
swish around some warm salt water a couple times a day. Also dip a soft cloth in salt water a massage the effected area lightly. If the pain continues,you will need to get it checked out by an oral surgeon. Check to see if your local county or state gov. offer low cost care for low income or uninsured patients.

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