Friday, February 4, 2011

can one person have two dental insurances both being united concordia and use both of them?

My daughter has united concordia insurance with her step father and real father. Can they both be used twords her braces?
The above answers are good and I would only add this: Since the relationship is father and step-father, you will need to know which plan is primary and which is secondary. If it were a simple "mom & dad" arrangement, the person with the earlier birthday in the year would be primary. But in this non-traditional family other factors come into consideration, such as family court orders. Once you find out who is primary, ask about the secondary's "coordination of benefits". They should be either "standard/full" or "non-duplicaton". Since both plans are with the same company, they shold be able to explain everything to you completely. It's a tricky situation, so make sure you know everything before you start. The very best way would be to ask your dentist or orthodontist to pre-authorize the treatment. It takes about 30 to 45 days, but at least you would know what the braces will end up costing YOU.

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