Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What do you do if you don't have health insurance?

I need to have some dental surgeries done and I don't have the money to pay for them. My wisdom teeth are growing in and pushing my other teeth out of the way. It is very painful and ruining my teeth. How do you pay for something like this if you are a 21 year old college student with no money and no parents?
Health Insurance CAN pay for wisdom teeth to come out, but it depends on the circumstances. I just had a client with Aetna pay to get them out. However, you don't have health insurance so it's too late for you. You need to pay out of pocket. You can also contact a dental school to see if you can get it on the cheap. When it's done go get some health insurance. It's not expensive and it's not nearly as expensive as needing it and not having it.

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