Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I have a loose front tooth from a fall, is there anything I can do beside going to a dentist?

Two weeks ago, I fell and smacked the left side of my head/face on the floor. As a result, my front tooth loosened. After all this time, it is still loose, I do not have dental insurance to go to a dentist, so I am looking for a "self solution" if there is one out there. Thanks,
You really need to figure out some way to go to the dentist. You may have no visible damage to the tooth, but if it's loose you can possibly have damage to the roots. Just like with a plant, if the root is damaged the plant can die; so can your tooth. You can also get an infection in your gums and loose more teeth. A standard checkup is relatively inexpensive, and they can diagnose and give you an estimate on what it will cost if something does not need to be done, and then you can come back later and get it done. Also, a lot of places will be willing to set up a payment plan for work done that can be extremely reasonable......sorry for your fall.

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