Friday, May 20, 2011

What is the difference between HMO and PPO?

I'm new to this insurance thing and I'm about to get dental but I need to know what is the difference? Which one would be best for a person that doesn't want to spend too much money out of pocket. I need to get my wisdom teeth taken out. I want good coverage.
PPO is generally the better way to go. You have more freedom in choosing physicans, fewer problems with pre-existing conditions, and pre-authorizations. However, the premiums are usually higher. HMOs generally require you have a Primary Care Physican (PCP). You have to go to that physician no matter what your problem is and he/she has to recommend you see a specialist. You can't just go see an ear, nose, & throat specialist unless your PCP approves it. Keep in mind this is not set in stone. All insurances are different and all policies are different. READ through the policy carefully before you buy it.

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