Saturday, July 16, 2011

I think I have gingivitis (or even worse)...?

About four years ago I visited the dentist and had my last cleaning (I've been 95% cavity-free all my life), but had to return to see a hygenist and get my gums "scraped" (great fun that was). I went back to school for three years and now am having problems again. My gums bleed ALL the time, especially when I brush or floss (I brish often but, admittedly, have slacked off on the flossing the last couple of years). In addition, I have "old man" breath and it's getting to be embarrassing since I work in customer service. I will be getting dental insurance in about three months and want to wait to see the dentist until then. In the meantime, there are small white puffy patches above my two front teeth. The best temporary solution I can find is rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, but that's only temporary. What can I do in the meantime until I'm eligible for dental insurance?
First off stop using the hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. I am currently a Dental Hygiene student in my final semester, and have seen more gingival damage done with hydrogen peroxide than with anything else. It's okay to use OCCASSIONALLY but not as a permanent mouthwash. We DO NOT recommend it at all. Second, you need to see a dentist. He will be the only one who can tell you exactly what is wrong. Please do not let this go undiagnosed.

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