Saturday, August 13, 2011

Constant bleeding gums! Help!?

I'm 22 and haven't been able to go to a dentist since I was 16 due to lack of dental insurance. I brush regularly and also floss but I haven't had my wisdom teeth pulled out (I believe almost all 4 are almost completely grown in or partly) and it seems as though my gums are receding very badly in the front. The past year I haven't been able to brush w/o my gums bleeding at least a little bit and sometimes they will bleed for no reason. I'm very worried about my teeth and what will happen to them, I even have dreams that they are falling out! I'm curious what I should do about my problem or what may be happening to me.
If there is a dental school in your area, try going there for dental treatment. Their fees are usually half of what a private dentist charges. Hope this helps!

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