Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can someone who knows about dental insurance for someone who is self employed please answer some questions?

My husband is self employed. We have no insurance. I need a root canal. Is it possible to get insurance real fast and have the insurance pay for it? Is there a certain type of insurance for self employed people? Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.
If your self employed dental insurance is not worth it. It is good to get if you work for some one who is paying for but not if you have to pay for it yourself. First dont confuse a plan with insurance different things. aplan sounds really good when compared to ins so many people purchase them, but the trouble come when yuou decide to use it. Many times people are unaware that the reason plans dont offer any restrictions limitation , no deductalbes, is because they are not a third party payer, and the patient pays for it all, so they dont carte if you get one exam or a hundered your the one paying, basically a plan is like paying for a coupon book every month. Insurance is not all that great if you have to pay for it. the reason is the amount they offer per year you can easily save with out having to pay the insurance who will place restrictions like wait periods, deductable, percatange resposible for you, pre existing conditions, etc etc etc.... Medical is a different stor, that you need to have, but dental insurance for most is capped at $1000 to $2000 per year so why pay some one for insurance if you can save that yorself and not have to deal with all the restrictions and limitations, not to mention when you figure out you payments and what they pay, you co pay and deductables you will probably have paide a lot more than the original price with out it. here is an example If you go to a dentist and need a denture they will charge you $1000. with an insurance if you qualify then you have to wait a year. Lets say you have delta dental then you pay $100 a month. so after a year you would have paid $1200 you already at a lose here. but there is more the insurace only cover 50%. so you have to pay 50%so they pay 600 and you pay the other 600. now your down 1800, but wait dont forget the deductable, another 50 so the grand total 1850 for one denture. My suggestion is to save your money.

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