Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm 19 years old, no dental insurance and bad cavity no clue what to do.?

Hi, I just turned 19 four months ago and have never had a job, but plan on getting one this summer to help pay for college books etc. That being said, I have two cavities on the upper part on each side of my jaw. One of them hurts alot when I try to go to sleep at night. Now I can only eat on one side of my mouth, but I don't want the cavity that doesn't hurt to get worse. I haven't been to the dentist in about 10 years and don't have dental insurance any more. Since I don't have a job I don't think I could get insurance. Even if I just got a job, i'd propably have to wait for insurance. I would like to get my tooth fixed as soon as possible so it doesn't get worse. I still live with my father and rarely ask him for any money because i'm 19 and would feel embarrased too, but am willing to ask for some money for my teeth. I would like to save as much money as possible to get the one painful tooth fixed, and pay my father back as soon as i get a job. Should I get a dental plan? What are my other options to save on money when going to the dentest. Also I would like to know some good tooth pain medicine to help me sleep at at night, and does Dent's toothache gum (that old time red gum you fill a cavity with) work? Thank you for taking time to read this. I know it's a lot, but is greatly appreciated. I really don't know what to do.
Oh you poor sweet thing! I certainly pitty you. I'm 30 and I had a cavity last winter that hurt worse than giving birth. no kidding. First, lets address the pain. Use anbesol or orajel liquid toothache relief. It's in the dental care aisle. I went through 3 bottles of this once. The pain was horrible. I shudder thinking about it. Get a whole bunch of Q-tips for application ease. Then take 2 Aleve before you go to bed. This should be considered a temporary fix. Second, call your local department of jobs and family services or the United Way. They may have a "211" program set up in your area. (211 is the number to dial when in a social crisis). They (the United Way) will be able to link you up with local clinics or dentist who provide services to people without access to insurance at a discounted rate. Some offer 50% discounts. Third, Daddy love you hun. I'm sure he's had a toothache in his day. If he's anything like me, he never wants to see his child suffer the pain of a toothache. Tell him what's going on. I'm sure he'll help. I hope you feel better. Good luck!

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