Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is getting a secondary dental isurance worth getting?

I have dental insurance through my work my wife also can get dental insurance though work for us my dentist told me i could get insurance through both and it wold help lower the cost of my bills is having two dental insurances worth it i have alot of work that needs to be done 2 root canals, 3 crowns, and 1 pulled one would pay 50 percent the other would pay 50 percent has any body out there done this before if so can you explain it to me thank you
Just determine if what you will pay (premiums) per year is worth the yearly benefit the insurance company will give you. Make sure your dentist will accept it or you could be looking for a new dr to maximize your benefit. If it is affordable I strongly advise taking it. You can never have too much insurance. P.S. Make sure neither plan has a "non-dup clause" because if they do it means the 2nd ins won't pay if the 1st pays more than they allow and it will basically be worthless until you reach your max with the 1st ins each year

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