Friday, January 28, 2011

What is a good dental insurance provider for a 22 yr old male in S. Illinois?

I live in Carbondale, Illinois. I live on my own. Work and go to school. I pay my own bills and tuition. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't have alot of extra money. All 4 of my wisdom teeth need to come out. And im looking for a simple, effective, and affordable insurance plan.
You may be better off just paying cash. I have found that when a patient pays for insurance, they end up paying more for the insurance than what the insurance pays out. And they still have to pay the dentist what was not covered. That being said, it is not the insurance company that you need to look at, it is the individual plan. Insurance companies have many different plans to choose from. Pick the one that is the most affordable and the least restrictive. Also, make sure that there are not any waiting periods for major dental treatment or for surgical procedures. You sound like a very responsible and mature 22 year old. You should be very proud of yourself for doing what you are doing. Good luck to you

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