My individual insurance costs around $7000 a year. I expect it to go up. I have friends that pay more on individual plans just for medical. If McCain's plan were in effect many businesses would no longer be allowed to deduct the costs of the health-care they provide and so would drop them. Anyone that had just about any pre-existing condition would not be able to purchase any reasonable insurance plan. McCain could never find a carrier himself. There are probably at least 50 million "baby-boomers that would not be able to afford insurance because just about everyone over 55 has something that could be called a pre-existing condition. So, do you think there is affordable insurance available for most Americans based on your experience?
I don't think either candidate has a very good health care plan. I absolutely hate anything that comes close to socialized medicine so Obama's plan is not something I'm really crazy about though he says if you already have a plan you like nothing will change (and I currently do). Both my husband and I were self employed for a while. During that time we paid for our own medical plan - no dental or vision, just medical. It had a decently high deductible (maybe $4000). We paid $250 a month ($3000 a year) so that would come in under the $5000 McCain plan. But not if you include the deductible and prescriptions. Also, we were in our twenties and had no pre-existings. My parents at that time also paid for their own plan (my dad was always self employed. He was an upholsterer and ran his own business until the day he died. Doing the math on what I know they paid - again, no dental, no vision, no prescription, high deductible - it was over $8000 a year. Obama's plan would work well for my mom and dad if he were still alive. Neither would work well for my family.
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