Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to get low cost medical/dental help in Georgia?

Greetings, I am an adjunct instructor in the technical university system of Georgia. As an adjunct I get no medical/dental insurance. I work in the joint enrollment program so basically I teach high school students. Due to the nature of adjunct instructing I don't always have steady employment it bounces from month to month so I can't afford private insurance (who want upwards of 1/2 my monthly income at times) and I am currently in a lot of pain. I've always had poor teeth, despite constant brushing and flossing, and this is really bad. My wisdom teeth have all come in, one of them has a crack in it, and together they are just insanely painful. I've gone for three weeks in daily pain and I simply can't take it any more. I found out the procedures I will need will cost about $800 per tooth to have the wisdom teeth removed, and that is more (for all 4) than I make in 4 months, at full pay, which isn't possible with rent and bills. I don't think I qualify for medicare or anything like that and I am at my wit's end. If anyone has any advice I'd love to take it.
Hi, I see that you are in need of dental help. I have come across a dental plan for under $20 per month and they are offering 1/2 off for the next year. The 1/2 off ends on 9/14/09. If this sound like it will help you or if you need more information, please send a email. Thank you and hope this can help.

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