Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why does it seem that at work liberals are not as dedicated as conservatives?

They seem to think that by being dedicated to the company they are "bowing down to the man". I see my coworkers who are obviously conservatives paying attention to detail, taking responsibility and getting the job done. The liberals here at work are more often than not lackadaisical and "laid back". In my business their mistakes cost our company money which in turn causes our customers to have to pay more for their premiums which is funny because if mistakes were reduced to a minimum our dental insurance would be much cheaper and liberals like to scream the loudest about affordable insurance!
I think you are generalizing because you have a filtered lens on your perception. You obviously have something against liberals, so you find flaws in those around you who are liberal and gloss over them with your conservative pals. While your workplace may have individuals that fall under your perceptual pattern, I guarantee you it is not how it is in the real world. Politics have nothing to do with dedication to one's work.

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