We just got dental insurance and her teeth are not good we also live in a weird-o state that doesn't put flouride in the water. We didn't know that for 4 years! Please don't tell me I'm a bad mom, I feel terrible about it as it is.
Don't feel bad, fluoride isn't nearly as good for you as you might think. While it can prevent cavities it can also damage your thyroid. Some water levels contain dangerous amounts but no one tells you that. Some kids just have softer teeth and sometimes genetics plays a role no matter what kind of preventive measures are taken. You are not a bad mom. I would highly recommend looking for a pediatric dentist or a family dentist that takes special interest in children. I think they'll be more sensitive to your concerns rather than making you feel judged. Schedule a no fear "getting to know you" visit, just as a meet and greet . A good dentist will do this. They will want to do this during a non peak time of the day when they can take time to answer questions and give you more personal attention. The dentist is providing a health service. your daughter is a patient and you are a customer. You are in charge.
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