I am a single mom and do not have enough established credit to get a card. Most of what I need are root canals and crowns. I was quoted 12,000. I have insurance but they only cover 1,000 a year. I am in pain and the dentist said if I dont fix them now it will be to late to save them. Does anyone know a dentist in the Atlanta GA area that will work with you. And not up charge everything I can only affort about 200 a month. Thanks,
Please contact your state dental association and ask about participating in "Donated Dental Services," which is a charity care program designed specifically for patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. Perhaps this includes you. Free care exists if you know how to ask for it. Unfortunately, D.D.S. does not operate in all areas of the country, but hopefully there will be an office near you. Look in the Yellow Pages under "American Dental Association" and you will find your local listing or you can click on this link: http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html (Editorial for freebies) Let me preface this editorial by saying that I do charity care, but I pick and choose for myself who gets it and how much they get. Many dentists do the same. You know, I took an oath to do no harm and to try my best to help people. I don't remember the part about doing it for free. It is my duty to remain available to my community to provide needed health services. If I were to do it for free, several things would happen. 1. I would have to work 24/7 to serve everyone who thought their story was worse than the next guy. 2. I would not be able to pay any staff to help me provide the excellent level of care than even the charity cases deserve and demand. 3. I would not be able to purchase supplies or pay lab bills for services needed to serve my patients. 4. I would not be able to pay the electric company, the water bill, the mortgage for my building, yada, yada, yada, to remain available to my patients. I may be wrong, but anyone who even KNOWS ABOUT THE INTERNET, let alone has a computer to go there, does not know the true level of poverty of some of the patients that we all treat for free.
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