Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Have you considered a world without insurance?

50 years ago most people didn't have insurance. Imagine how much money goes to insurance. You pay for health, dental, life, mortgage, property, car, flood and whatever else. Then you might buy extended warranty insurance on your, fridge, washer, drier, home, car, tires,... How about just saving the money and becoming self insured. How many thousands of dollars would you have in 10 years just from not buying any insurance? Then there are the indirect costs such as the money your employer doesn't pay you because he contributes to your insurances (soon to be taxed and imputed income). And the costs of products you buy increased because all the employers that handle you goods pay their employees for insurance. Then some common sense. If you live in a flood prone area, don't expect your house replaced, build above the flood level. In earthquake or huricane areas, build a better house. I have heard many people say "it is OK, I have insurance" It is your choice to live there.
Personal responsibility? Neighbor helping neighbor? Good people doing what good people do? What a concept!

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