Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ways to pay for expensive dental procedures?

I'm a college student with very little money and no way of getting financial help from my family. I have school insurance, which would only cover wisdom tooth extraction; all other dental procedures would have to be managed out of pocket. I'm long overdue for a cleaning, and i need two broken teeth pulled...but the scariest thing is that I have an untreated abscess on one of the broken teeth. It's been left untreated for a while since I cant afford to have it treated...and now on top of a very painful tooth and swollen gum I have a chronically sore, hard lymph node on the same side of my neck. I'm terrified of the complications that I'm facing from this abscess, but there really is no way I can pay for these procedures out of pocket. Can I find a way to get this treatment at a manageable cost? I've looked into dental discount cards, but even with those I'd have to pay upfront. I'm in boston, but will be visiting family on long island for another week or so. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, as well as any ideas as to how much i might end up spending on this.
you can get carecredit if the dental provider accepts it or you can ask to make a payment plan.

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