Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Embarrassed by missing tooth?

Yesterday when I had my wisdom teeth removed, they also had to remove a molar which had had a bad root canal done. It is 1 from the back molar. You can't see it when I smile, but if I laugh or open my mouth really big, you can sure see the gap. I've looked into getting an implant, but they are so expensive...around $2,500. I have dental insurance through my job which covers $1,250/yr. But does dental ins cover implants, since that is considered a "cosmetic" surgery? I just feel so humiliated now that I have a missing tooth and am worried that everyone will give me a hard time for it. Stupid to worry about what others think of me, I know, but I can't help it, before this bad root canal was done, I had such pretty teeth!
Well, your healthy now, and thats what matters. I was embarressed when I got a tooth removed, but don't assume people are going to make fun of you. When you laugh and open your mouth, people don't go up to you with small flashlights and look inside your mouth. It isn't a big deal, people won't notice, and it just takes time to get used to. Don't waste your money for the back of your mouth!

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