Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do you think that dental work should be covered by regular health insurance plans?

I don't see why it isn't already. If your teeth get too bad, it can affect your brain. Are there any health insurance plans that include dental, or do you always have to get dental separate?
Dental Insurance policies are separate from Health Insurance. Most policies will allow you to buy a rider including dental, but even still the policies rarely cover 100% of everything you need done or they have a low maximum. It would make life so much easier if dental was included on the health insurance, but for some reason teeth and eye are considered separate. I have worked with policies that are supose to cover dental if the dental procedures are a direct cause of an accident and still they require the sun, moon and the stars before they will pay and they only give an alotted time for all the work to be completed. If you have ever visited a nursing home you can see just how important teeth are for those who are frail and need to take in nourishment, it can come down to a life and death issue, what a shame.

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