Monday, February 21, 2011

How do I stay afloat financially when i'm missing so much work due to a rare medical illness?

Due to my medical condition, I have missed a lot of work.I have just about exhausted family of the ability to borrow funds to help with bills,etc. As of May 1st of this year, I will have only a minimal amount of funds to work with for all bills, medical or other. Short of going on social services and losing my apartment, I have no more ideas on how to sustain during this most costly and emotionally draining process. Also, I only have medical and dental insurance, no short or long term disability.Any suggestions? Any suggestions would be welcomed.
I work at the United Way and depending on where you live, you may be able to just call 2-1-1 from your phone and be contected to a service called First Call for Help. When someone connects with 2-1-1, specially trained information and referral specialists analyze what services are needed and provide the appropriate resource and related information. While services that are offered through 2-1-1 vary from community to community, 2-1-1 provides callers with information about and referrals to human services for every day needs and in times of crisis. For example, 2-1-1 can offer basic human needs resources such as food banks, clothing closets, rent assistance, utility assistance. Hopefully you live in a part of the country that utilizes First Call for Help. You can also go online and find out more about it on: and click on the link for 2-1-1. I wish you the best of luck for the future!

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