Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can you help me with my dental issue?

I had a rooth canal done a few years ago on a back molar. They took off a corner of my tooth and filled the root and then covered the corner of my tooth back up. Well when I was eating one day that corner they took off and replaced broke off. Soon after my insurance would no longer cover me because my dad lost his job. I'm now in intense pain and I don't know what to do. I don't have insurance and I don't have the money out of pocket. Can anyone help me please?
I am sorry about your tooth and your financial trouble. It seems more and more people are having diffculty making ends meet. Well the thing I can suggest you do is go to the dentist or a local hospital and ask if there is some sort of program or aid that will allow you to fix your dental needs. I believe, but I am not sure, that there must be some sort of help or aid for people who cannot pay immediately out there. Besides this, I also suggest looking at your spendings. Cutting back on luxury items can definetly increase your extra cash. Let me elaborate on my definition of "luxury items". Luxury items means anything that is not necessary for normal living. Buying a cheap ipod, going out to eat to some fancy restaurant, watching a flick or two, etc are not essential parts of life. They are enjoyable events in life but if you are in a money crunch, try cutting back a bit. Additionally, when it comes to important things like food, look for weekly specials on the ads that come in the mail. Doing these little things really adds up. Of course your tooth will probably not wait for these changes to take effect so I suggest taking my advice on what I said above.

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