Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Serious dental problem?

I am 23 years old, and a full time student who works part time. I have been without dental insurance since I was 11, because it is just too expensive. For the past few weeks, my mouth has been hurting very badly. I went to see my school nurse today, and she said I have an impacted molar coming in, and I better get to see a dentist soon, or I was in for a world of pain. She gave me a list of dentists to call, and none of them will see you unless you can pay the full amount up front. I can't do that, I am a full time student and I have rent to pay. Does anybody know of any service in Florida that will help people who cannot afford dental care? I am at my wit's end and do not know what I can do. Help!
Hey what part of Florida are you in? I am in Melbourne. I'm sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. You should always have your wisdom teeth taken out because when they start to come in they can cause your other teeth to shift and move because most people to not have a large enough jaw to support them. They are also so far back that it is hard for you to keep clean so that makes it easier for them to get infected. You should look into any dental schools in your area to see if they can see you. They will be alot cheaper than going to a private practice. Also look into any free clinics in your area and see what they offer. They could probably tell you who you could see if they cannot do anything for you. Good Luck and I hope that you feel better soon.

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