Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wisdom Teeth/Biting Cheek/Extraction/Insurance?

So my wisdom teeth have been growing lately & now my lower right one is partially out and my upper right one is completely out.. I notcied that when I chew, my wisdom teeth bite my cheek and I have to be very careful not to hurt myself. I was wondering if you could have your wisdom teeth pulled for this reason alone (there's no impacted molar or anything, that I know of), and would dental insurance cover it?
Your dentist can recommend the removal of your wisdom teeth and have the dental insurance pay for the cost without there being an impaction or infection. In your case, yes the biting of the cheek is enough to suggest they haven't erupted correctly and need to be removed. In fact, the sooner you have it done the easier it will be to do the job. The wisdom teeth do not have roots into the jawbone for the first bit after they erupt, which makes removal much more pleasant to recover from as well. They can be removed with just a local anesthetic, and not require an oral surgeon or sedation. My daughter had the same problem and had hers removed as well. The insurance paid for it. She had the teeth removed in the morning, and was out with friends at the movies that evening. She had to leave the popcorn and soda alone, but otherwise she was on full feed and did great. Just go see the dentist as soon as you can get in, and arrange for the removal. The folks in the business office can help with the insurance arrangements. Good luck, and don't worry. If they aren't infected or impacted, removal is usually not that bad.

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