Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are there Orthodontists that do probono work?

I am 20.My dental health was never taken care of properly when i was young. I have some dental insurance but nothing that covers orthodontists or cosmetic procedures.I cannot afford good dental insurance. I have a "mutilated bite" one dentists told me. I have over crowded teeth and like a criss cross bite. My gums hurt me, I also have TMJ. Not only is my mouth painful, I am very self conscious about it. My teeth chip easily. I was wondering if there are any orthodontists or anyone that does cosmetic dentistry that do pro bono work or work for reduced price.I'd even pay installments, Is there anyone that can help me. or point me in the right direction. My teeth are only getting worse and i fear i will never have the lump some of money to get them taken care of.
Dental schools sometimes have programs like this where service is provided by supervised students and offered to the public at reduced cost.

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